(Old) Achievements and Tales of Woe

For discussion of the Subeta pet site, including new colours and other features.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by AngharadTy »

Oh... I checked my wardrobe and didn't have it, so I gave up and went to play Free Realms instead. Muttering and grumbling all the while. FR is more fun than Subeta lately anyway. ;)

Don't try and hog the items! You have 8 Hours, 8 minutes, and 7 seconds remaining until you can purchase another item!
Thanks. Yeah. I didn't want a pitcher anyway. Whatever. I'm sure it would have gone a long way towards affording another pet slot, but yeah, that flamethrower is so much fucking better I can't believe it.

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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Alicorn »

**hugs Ty** Poor Ty, I feel for you.

Like I said in the token shop thread, I missed the restock but went ahead and bought a pitcher since they fell in price. This morning I got my butt up early so I could fill the pitcher and not wait till 8pm (to excited to wait, heh). So I filled it and meet .Melody.!
I'm so happy with him! I've wanted one ever since it first came out. And the best part is that it fits my character Melody so perfectly! Yay! \o/ And even better, I don't have to zap him anymore! Poor guy was a darkonite so many times. **pets him** Now just to work on getting him a minion, filling his treasure chest and working on his description. **snuggles him** So cute! XD

Another note, go figure they restock the pitcher after I buy my wife her birthday present. I got her a glade potion for her birthday and gave it to her way early (I couldn't wait). Ah well, was totally worth the look on her face when I gave it to her. ^-^
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Wingsrising »

Is anyone else... missing anything?

I can't seem to find my spectrum potion. I put it in my shop earlier this week, it's not in my shop log, I don't have any sP from selling it... but I don't have a potion, either.

(Should I fill out a ticket when the site comes back up? Am I SOL?)
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Alicorn »

You're not SOL Wings. Fill out a ticket and provide a screen shot of your shop log as proof it didn't show up there. That happen to me with a 500 point wizard token. Earlier in the week it went missing and nothing was in the shop log and didn't have the sp in my till from selling it. Filled out a ticket just like I advised you and was able to get it back no problem. Seemed like there was a glitch earlier this week that when things sold in your shop, they just disappeared.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Wingsrising »

Awesome. I created a ticket and I'll see what happens. I was thinking of using the cash from selling towards a Glade Potion, so I hope it turns up!

If this was glitched it was pretty recent, though. It was there on Friday.

Weird thing is this the second time I've "lost" that potion, but the first time I just forgot to take it out of my vault. It was definitely in my shop and priced correctly this time, though -- I had checked on the shop search after I priced it.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by AngharadTy »

I achieved a woe today--I finally gave in and made a Frankencluck and Frankenpie out of the body parts in my gallery. So my gallery is sad. But that's two more (useless) achievements, and that's okay.

And I put them in Rakshasa's treasure, and he now has a perfect 100 again! (I filled his slots up with random junk once I got them, then slowly added real treasures.) I still want to replace some of the shoddier items (e.g., death shard, old and ugly and not technically a zombie thing!), but the things I want to replace them with are expensive, so I can slowly do that. Yay.

I'm also trying to make lookups for every single pet--I'm in double digits now! So I'm getting closer. ^_^

Aaaaand, I think I can afford a mystical montre plushie. So if someone would just sell one, I'd be happy.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Seerow »

Congratulations on changing your username! You were known as Kaylee but will be known as Seerow from now on!Return to items Oh no! It appears that some of the power in your shuriken has left, it is now a Mystical Star Shuriken...
Back to your items!
It's nice to be Seerow again :D Don't think I'll be changing it again ever. Stupid ISS cost an arm and a leg though - 31mill. Now I'm broke, but at least I have my old username back, so yay.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Wingsrising »

I have my Spectrum Potion back. Whee! As frustrated as I get with this site sometimes, there are definitely reasons I keep coming back. :-)
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Alicorn »

An anonymous person gave me a Smiley Tom for my kitty collection, yay! Now I can get one of the other things I wanted more. Just have to decide which one, hmmm. Thank you so much mysterious person! ^-^

In other news, .Deva. is now in a happy home. And I got myself a new pet. His name is Solyn and he's an escalade. I was so happy that the name wasn't taken. I'm not sure what colour he'll be yet. I'm thinking either bloodred or graveyard. I have to think on it a bit. Anywho, yay for a new edition to the family! XD
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by ZomgethMew »

I got two new pets! Jacinth, a Cream Demi with an Akorn (one of my favourite minions), because the name is absolute love, and .Deva., from Alicorn ^^ Reborn Malticorns, absolute love.

And I finally managed to get a Chibi Wyllop :D Now Cliffhanger is much prettier.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Ierosbats »

Keith wrote:The Ocean Depths machine has lost it's supply of Riptides . I hope they don't horribly inflate in price!
I don't know which is worse: the fact Riptides don't vend anymore or the fact the owner and creator of the site still hasn't figured out the difference between "it's" and "its".
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by AngharadTy »

Your stock Oracles Future Predictions has gone bankrupt! All the shares you purchased have been removed :(
I was so certain that a stock all about an oracle predicting the future would be a good investment. Someone needs to investigate her for market fraud. I think she saw it coming.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by TCStarwind »

Same thing happened to me with my book nook stocks. XD Subeta stocks seem very volatile.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Seerow »

keith wrote:And when it was worth 4,500,000 I wonder how much sP you would have made if you'd have cashed out then .

Since the stock market was 'restarted' it has generated 1,000,000,000+ sP. If you aren't able to sit and watch the stocks and figure when to sell, that's not the fault of the game.
Found that in the Stocks subforum. Raise your hand if you knew there was a stocks subforum.
Anyway, apparently they are supposed to go bankrupt in the blink of an eye. But that doesn't make sense. I checked my stocks, it was up to about 30, which isn't dangerously low by any stretch of the imagination. Less then a half hour later it's bankrupt. What is the use of sitting and watching stocks if it changes so quickly?

And I thought Keith's goal was to get people to spend more money and have less then 1 mill sp at any given time? How is releasing over a billion sp in just a handful of days helpful at all towards this goal?
keith wrote:The stock market doesn't run on a cron anymore, everytime x amount of stocks are purchased, or sold, it shifts
I can just smell the trouble now. All one has to do is get your group of friends/guild/whatever and purchase a bunch of the same stock for a few days until it gets really high then sell them all at once. Seems like that might already be going on, because there really is no way a stock worth 30 goes bankrupt in less then a half hour I would think.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by AngharadTy »

The stocks system is a shock to any of us who played stocks on Neo, where it's a game of "slow and steady wins the race," more or less. Long-term investment. On Subeta, I've made 1.5 million in a few days by barely paying attention to stocks. I should maybe add my portfolio link to my quicklinks bar, because I tend to forget about it--out of sight, out of mind. The biggest reminder for me is every time a stock of mine goes bankrupt. Heh.

I just don't let it worry me too much. I buy a lot of stocks in small amounts, over and over. The only thing that frustrates me is that it only tracks your last "Price Paid," which makes zero sense and probably affects your overall gain/loss amount, and of course since that's a number that achievements are based on, I think it matters. But I'm also not willing to sit here and do the math to be sure.

I am going to stop buying that damn oracle stock, though. I keep getting burned on it. It does irk me that bankruptcy does not mean what I think it means. *snorts*
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