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Posted: 28 Apr 2007 05:33 pm
by shadowgem
You could try:

td.neofriend{display: none !important;}

And Cranberry, this is what I have in my userContent.css to get rid of the adspace in FF:

div.ban,div#ban,div#bottomban {display: none !important;}

I'd mess with it, but I'd have to restart Firefox, and I've still got a tab open with my Subie profile so I can visit with my Magical Pants *is a HUGE dork*

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 05:47 pm
by Cranberry
I forget where to even find that file to edit... I remember doing it a while back and there were a couple different places it could be. I'm too tired right now to follow instructions, anyway, so maybe I should sleep first and fix my topbar later. ;)

Edit: Nevermind, I had the brilliant idea to Google where to find the file (hey, I said I was tired ;)) and I changed it to what you have and it worked -- my topbar is now half-sized all the time. Thanks very much. :)

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 05:50 pm
by dandelions
You forgot to mention "Hard as hell to load for EVERYBODY". Dx
That's because it isn't technically true. I don't doubt that it's no fun whatsoever on dialup, but for me it's not running any slower than before, aside from when loading pet images (which I said I was ignoring). Anyway, I thought you'd quit months ago, so why're you complaining about loading times? :P

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 05:52 pm
by Iggy
Jazzy is right, it's not longer for me to load.

for people with small screen or laggy connections...ouch.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 05:53 pm
by Officer 1BDI
Well, this is convenient:
ERROR : The pound is down for maintenance!
I was going to transfer a side pet to my main in an effort to condense my accounts, but I ran into that instead.

Someone on PPT suggested that to prevent the clothes swapping mentioned earlier (if it is, indeed, a glitch and not intentional), TNT should make all pounded pets change to a default color.

I hope beyond hope that's not what they're doing. I know it probably isn't, but... that would make transferring impossible (and my lab ray utterly useless now).

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 05:55 pm
by dandelions
I suspect it could be to stop people pounding their pets hastily, then finding out that the changes/glitches/whatever (eg, the Robot cybunny missing its casing, zapped pets not changing colour, etc) aren't permanent and demanding their pets back.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 05:58 pm
by Wingsrising
I can tell you that this is what my userContent.css looks like and I'm not getting any black bars:

Code: Select all

embed[type="application/x-shockwave-flash"][width="728"][height="90"] { display: none ! important }

img[src=""]{ display: none !important }

div[id="ban"] {display: none !important;} 

div[class="adBox sf"]{display: none !important;} 

div#bottomban{display:none;} > object{display:none;}
#mb + form{display:none !important;}
Since I know jack-all about CSS I don't know how many of those actually matter.

I have the ChromEdit extension that lets you edit these from the Firefox tools bar. Saves me having to remember where the hell the files live.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 06:02 pm
by dandelions
Most of those aren't necessary, as far as I can tell. This is my CSS:

Code: Select all

div.ban, div#ban, div.bottomban, div#bottomban,,.adBox {
	display: none !important;
Even some of those might be optional now, but I'm not seeing any ads.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 06:11 pm
by General Erin
I'm kinda glad that I'd quit Neopets for the most part months ago. I hadn't even been doing dailies, and had only been going on now and again when I was really bored to play a game or two.

The layout isn't too bad, except that its too busy. I really dislike what they did to a lot of pets, especially the Krawk.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 06:25 pm
by shadowgem
You know, I seriously miss the circles in the aptly named "circle pose". The circles are like... classic Neo. They've been there as long as I can remember (which will be 7 years in October).

Minor, I know, compared to anything else. But I wanted to mention it. :P

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 06:36 pm
by Elfwoman99
dandelions wrote:
I'm thinking of making a HUGE file of ALL the pet colours of each species.
Don't bother- with the help of the lovely Ben, NC now has a complete archive of all the images. Right now, we're still direct-linking from Neopets, since we've already had a bandwidth spike in the last few days, but if anything happens to their images they're there.
Ah, thank goodness!

I'm glad that I quit a while ago and have become emotionally detached, because otherwise I would really be devastated. My pets already existed for me only as gifs saved on my computer.

Actually, I don't dislike this new Eyrie really, and the naked robots look cool, though it's sad that you can't get their casing back on, and the Robot Gnorbu will probably not have its blasters and buzzsaw. But the rest of the new art is UTTERCRAP. The Elephantes and Buzzes especially got mangled.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 07:01 pm
by Steelfaerie
shadowgem wrote:You know, I seriously miss the circles in the aptly named "circle pose". The circles are like... classic Neo.
I know exactly where you're coming from, dude. It'll be 7 years in December for me, and I miss the stupid blue circles too. This entire shit is making me much sadder then I'd like to admit.

The worst part for me is that I was SO CLOSE to having enough NP to buy a Maraquan Paint Brush and Krawk transmog potion. Now even if I spend all those millions of Neopoints to get a Krawk and paint him, I'll get some horrible bastardized crap. I'll NEVER get to have my Mara Krawk that I've been saving for since 2003, unless someone adopts a non-converted one out to me. :'( And that's not exactly likely. I'm so disappointed.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 07:09 pm
by Elfwoman99
I wrote a comment, I just hope TNT doesn't notice that my "account" is just a side with no pets, that my mom uses to play flash games.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 07:14 pm
by TCD
This feel I'm giving my codestones (5 years worth of hoarding, with only a couple times where I've sold sets to get me over the last hump of NP for something I like) and my NP to my roommate. Maybe, just maybe, if I come back, and have to completely start'll be fun again. But I doubt it.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 07:17 pm
by FourEyes
Oh well. I'll wait until next week so I know what is this "justice" they speak of, then I'll think of what to do.

Meanwhile, just be grateful while Neopets doesn't step down to this level... dialectp.cgi?dialect=moron& Or even worse, this: