RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Post by danceu4ia »

DamionDarkheart wrote:
Spivsy wrote:a university somewhere spent thousands researching that, they came to the conclusion that it land buttered side up 50% of the time and buttered side down the other 50% of the time.
Cockeyed says differently. There's even pictures of it happening. PICTURES I say!

Can't argue with pictures.
Mythbusters did this with a professional "toast releaser" so the chances of the toast landing on either plain or buttered side were not altered by the variable of the drop in any way.

Mythbusters Rock.

By the way, it was also 50/50. Their theory that it always lands buttered side-down had to do with what position the toast was before you dropped it.
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Post by DamionDarkheart »

I'm a painter (provided I don't get fired on day 1) as of last night.

I'm going in a half hour earlier than previously thought (Thanks Kerri!) but there should be no terrible terrible things.

Mmmm paint.
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Post by Madge »

Yay! I did my final two exams today, meaning my exams are over and now I have five weeks of holiday.

On the dull side, I have failed my maths unit, pending some sort of divine intervention. But I can repeat it next year and maybe get a good mark for it...

On the brighter side, I should have gotten at least a distinction in two of my three other units :). Wooo!
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Post by nanabobo567 »

Officer 1BDI wrote:That reeks, Nana. I hate it when I "lose" my cell phone. Can you try calling it from another number to see if you can hear where it is?
I just get my answering machine. Which is funny, but not when I can't find my phone.
Isn't it funny how far apart final exams are? There were some people done in May, I was done about two weeks ago, and Madge is done just now. Education around the world...
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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Post by Xulael »

Woe -- My Nintendo DS Lite turns itself off whenever I try to close it. It's supposed to go into sleep mode (actually required for at least one DS game I have O_o), but it just...loses power.

I've only owned it since January, and barely played it, to boot. Grah. Gotta go find the proof of purchase and see if I can't call in the warranty. -grumbles-
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Post by Madge »

Well, the Australian school year starts in Janurary, so there's even more difference for us :). After second semester exams in mid November, I get four or so months off.
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Post by Monkeyguy »

Woe: I spent all of my money.... again :(

Yay: I'm going bowling tonight!!! And I get paid Friday! And I don't have to work again until Saturday!!
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

This is actually a BIG achievement for me, but I doubt anyone else would want to see a big fangirly topic devoted to this:

I got to see my favorite musician, Alan Parsons, perform live!! AND I GOT BACKSTAGE TO MEET HIM!! WOOHOOO!!! :D The people I met up and hung out with are awesome too!
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Post by anzuronamin »

I survived my first day of my first actual job.

*reaps in the moneyz*
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Post by checkers »

bad;My hopes of being in a Harry Potter movie were crushed x.x
good;excuse for clotted cream icecream :3
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Post by Helmcargh »

Uni is finished for a month! And I have lots of shifts at work so I will have money!

And I am going to Splendour in just over a month which will be amazing as I will get to see; Bloc Party, Lily Allen, The Shins, Hot Chip, Artic Monkeys and Klaxons. I am uber excited
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Post by Slugawoo »

Whoohoo. I graduated today. But no, that's not the achievement.

The achievement is I got to eat at my favorite restaurant and drink lots of Mt. Dew. I love Mt. Dew. I'm not allowed to have Mt. Dew, because it makes me incredibly hyper, but not today!

Oh, and I got a $500 dollar award. But my mother wont let me use it. Plus around $700 from my family members. Not bad at all. They want me to spend it on college, but I want to spoil all my pets. x: Edward needs a bigger cage, demmit.

Do I need to get my priorities straight? Nah. xD

Edit: And NC is giving me the Errors. D: -pokes at-
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Post by adi_gallia »

xD Not much of an achievement, but just something completely random.

I was thinking of songs to download for my mp3 player a few weeks ago and I was trying to remember the artists I used to like when I was about 9 to see if I still liked them.

I remembered this lady whose name began with D and ends in A, for the past two weeks, I have been trying to think of it, although I haven't put much effort into it or I would have tried thinking of all of the girl names beginning with D, ending in A. Last night I was listening to Waterfalls by TLC, as you do, when I remembered her name was Dina, so I was trying my best to remember her surname and I did! It was Dina Carroll.

So this morning I do a Youtube search for the song I remember liking, after using Wikipedia and I found that I don't really like it anymore, so all of this wondering what her name was turned out to be a waste of time, but I'm still proud that I remembered something from..8 years ago. My memory is terrible. :shock:
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Post by nanabobo567 »

Woe...hoo.... Woohoo! Yes, that is completely what I mean!
I start pre-band camp today, isn't that great? Soon I'll be marching all I want and more, and I'll be ready for championships! So, if you don't see me, don't worry, that's why.
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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Post by Spivsy »

This counts as achievement.

I killed a guy on crackdown by kicking him off a building.

And then I jumped on him.


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