Do you remember your first Neopet?

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Post by chickvw »

Technically my first pet ever was TallinuKaid, a .. *goes to see him to refresh her memory* Yellow Gelert. I mistakenly had him play with a Magical Meerca plushie I won from Meerca Chase when it still gave them away, and *poof* meerca-ugliness. To this day I still hate meercas. I paid for a Green gelert morphing potion and never got saved up for the yellow Paint brush, and when I went on hiatus, and came back, I dumped all 4 of my pets to make Krofdar.

They were all made within a couple weeks of each other: TallinuKaid, KusacAldatan, LijouKzaelan, and MUshoeDzaedoh. All have stayed rotting on the accounts that picked them up that fateful day.. except for KusacAldatan.
I would regularly lament over having dumped such old pets, and went to show someone all of them, and *gasp* there was my Silver Kougra KusacAldatan just sitting in the pound! I frantically adopted him back and have since painted him Royal and do not regret in the least bit using a Royal PB on a "lesser named" Neopet. For nostalgic purposes, as he was my favorite and only 3 days younger than Tallinu, I refer to him as my 'first' pet.

that was 989 days ago, and they still all 'exist'; feel free to look them all up.

PS - if Any 'gets' the source for my pets' names, kudos to you ^_^
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Thank you MM for the Woobles!
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Post by Symmie »

My first neopet was a yellow meerca. I had joined two minutes earlier, I was in a hurry- my friend was dragging me out the door to go to Summerwaves and I was stupid enough to think that there was only one page of Neopets available. Meerca, I guess, was the only pet on the first page I liked. I only kept it a day. (A WONDERFUL OWNER I WAS.)

I do remember my second pet, a blue Acara named something like... Melienee3457. That was back in the day when paintbrushes practically fell from the sky. I miss those days. D; She was painted over and over again.

Sadly, a few months after I started playing, my first account was frozen. Someone had sent me a mean neomail and instead of clicking delete... I clicked reply by accident and sent an empty response back to them? My account was frozen minutes later for what the OTHER person had said. I still don't get it to this day. I swear I would still have her if it wasn't for that.

I used to enter her in the battledomb without any weapons at all, her score was like:

Wins: 0
Looses: 40

Oh lawd.
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Post by Phlizz »

I still have my first pet. He's six years old today. :)
Age : 2190 days old (52573 hours)
(and his petpet is almost the same age: 2168 days and 14 hours old)

I was actually drawn most to the Wocky when I first started Neopets, but for some weird reason I decided getting a cat-type pet would be "too unoriginal" (I guess perhaps because I have several cats as real-life pets, and wanted something a little different in a virtual pet), and so created a Blue Eyrie instead. (I did make his name a variation on one of my cat's names, though; I did the same with the next three pets on that account.) He was quickly painted Striped and spent a couple of years that way; then I decided it was too effeminate, and painted him Silver, which he still is and almost certainly will forever be, unless a few million NPs or a FFQ fall into my lap, in which case I'll make him Grey. He'll always be an Eyrie (barring a really vile revamp which leaves not even one decent colour for the species).

I made and filled my first two accounts in very quick succession, so I have eight pets (and petpets, since they all still have the original ones; albeit painted since in a couple of cases) who are all nearing the six-year mark. Even my youngest pet (of seventeen, now) has been with me for about two and a half years... Not counting the occasional lab rat I've held temporarily to free a space in a friend's account, I've only ever abandoned one pet in my time on Neo; that was a Cybunny, right after they were revamped. I was trying to transfer her to a friend, but she was grabbed in the pound. At least she went to what looks like an okay home; that seems to be unfortunately very rare.
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Post by Kymie »

My very first pet was called Lisa1331. She was a sketch poogle from the pound. I randomly found her and adopted her. I still have her on my first account. ^^;
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Post by Vhendi »

My very first neopet doesn't exist anymore... and sadly I forget what the species was named. It and another one were 'combined' sort of when Eyries were made. At that time there was nothing to do on neopets other than look at your pets - shops didn't work and the only thing around was Coltzan's shrine. I left neopets and when I came back I created a green gelert (known under a different name I think at the time) and his name was Raiden. I had him for a very long time, never painted him, and eventually the account was frozen 5 years later.
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Post by GrimalkinMonster »

A blue Meerca, then she got the transmog :)
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Post by Kally »

My very first day on Neopets I created 4 pets right away, of which and I still have three. They are all 2259 days old as of today. Their names are all in CAPS LOCK for some reason that I cannot recall... perhaps my button was stuck or I just assumed it would look cool. Nowadays they are just too sentimental for me to abandon, so I just put up with the fact that their names are all constantly YELLING AT ME. :P

I created a Blue Cybunny (before they were LE), Green Quiggle, Yellow Mynci and Red Fuzio in that order. I wish I could remember the Fuzio's name to see if he is still kicking around somewhere as a Kyrii. The Cybunny has always and will always be a Cybunny, same with the Quiggle though their colours have changed a few times and may still in the future. I've been labbing the Mynci for years but he will eventually become a Krawk. :)
Crystal Firefly
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Post by Crystal Firefly »

The first neopet I created was a Yellow Acara back in 2001 I believe. I remember carefully choosing her out of all the pets after spending about half an hour deciding. I originally wanted to paint her Faerie but back then there wasn't one (funny how the Faerie Acara in my mind looks just like the one they have now).

I don't remember the reason but I eventually transfered her over to a side account with a Blue Eyrie and a Striped Kacheek. Now I seem to be locked out of that side and the account is due to be purged soon. Maybe I'll recreate her one day.
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Post by smurfie »

My first - on the day I joined - was chirita03477. I didn't know you could find proper type names actually AVAILABLE at the time, so I liked chirita and the generator did the rest. She was a blue gelert. I worked so hard those first few months, and I couldn't have been prouder when I painted her spotted. She was read many books and battled, but she now rests peaceful in my first, now frozen, account. I made Zychiri in her honour last summer.

My second pet was Raykken, which was a pound find the same day as creating Chiri. I was surprised to have found a GOOD name -- and I liked Eyries too. He managed to survive the freeze on a side account. He became my primary battle pet and was painted plushie after much saving :)
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Post by Fish »

My first Neopet was sometime in August '99/'00, I think. The year after they started, I know that. It was a yellow Shoyru creatively named Angel-something. Then I decided angels were bad, deleted the account, remade it as demon_rider, and made a new yellow Shoyru named Polpin. Then someone told my Neopets was stupid, and silly me, I deleted my account to be cool.

Then that someone stopped being my friend, so I went back and made demon_rider30, which should still be alive today. Most of the pets have wandered off, though. I've still got Polpin and Zigcios, but PrincezzGoldie and Emerald_Hunter aren't mine anymore. I moved all those pets around, Em was on an account that was deleted, and she's been remade. Last I checked, her description wasn't changed. Em is what I consider my first pet, because she was the first I made on that account, followed by Pol and Ziggy, and then I adopted Goldie.

I haven't been on Neo in so long... I feel odd =)
<a href="">See: Feezl</a>
Anna the Red
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Post by Anna the Red »

Kally wrote:so I just put up with the fact that their names are all constantly YELLING AT ME. :P
That made me laugh so hard. You made my day.
Silver Link
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Post by Silver Link »

I still have neoOrion64. When I created him, I thought it was cool to put 'neo' before the name and Orion wasn't available on its own so I tacked on numbers at the end and that's it

I also made another one named Orion_Cerberus but I don't know if he came before or after neoOrion. Either way, he's languishing on someone else's account

Edit: I just checked and I guess they deleted the pet so Orion_Cerberus is freed up
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Post by immortal_janemba »

My first pet was created on November 10, 2001. It was a Kacheek, named Janebees which I still have and is currently cloud. I left and 100 days later I returned for some reason and created a blue Grundo named Glactic_Goomba, but it was meant to be Galactic_Goomba but I had done a typo, so I made another and I had two Grundos. I did virtually nothing and forgot about the game until 2005 sometime I think. Been basically active since then. I abandoned Glactic_Goomba (the typo) when I came back though who is currently on an abandoned account. But Galactic_Goomba I couldn't get rid of despite his stupid name and he is currently striped on my main.

"Haha you're a Kacheek" - "Well at least I don't have a stupid name"
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