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Posted: 07 Jun 2007 03:42 pm
by adi_gallia
ChimaeraAndDream wrote:Luka, don't start with the crit mess. Primal added that, I didn't. Take it up with her if a joke in the news gets you all riled up.
Just in case you didn't know, Chimaera wasn't the one disallowing criticism of her art.

ETA: Chimaera also says in the comments that Galactic Montre is definitely being released next month. ^^

Posted: 07 Jun 2007 05:15 pm
by Enriana
The Keeto is cute but feels a bit too simplistic for me. I'd like the Torrey more if it weren't tilted at such a random angle - looking at it gives me a crick in my neck.

The Paralix and Dragon both are very cool, though I agree with what Huggles said - they almost look like plushies. I still like them a LOT, am impressed by the detail, and would consider getting the Dragon if it weren't for the awkward angle of the right wrist and the almost nonexistent right wing.

The Paralix keeps switching in my head from awesome to way too busy/awkward - I'm sure some people will love it, but it mostly makes me itch.

The Clawsion almost makes me like Clawsions; I really like its golden swirlies. The Kerubi is very snuggly, if awkwardly posed - speaking as someone with a Reborn Kerubi, I really like the pose there. Standing up, tail to the side... in the Galactic one, it seems to be sitting on its tail, and looks vaguely like it's about to tip over. Obviously, I know you can't use the Reborn pose in every redraw, but in my head that (and the Spectrum) are the best Kerubis, maybe that helps, Rah?

I'd like the Serpenth more if I could tell what was going on in the picture - the wings, although gorgeous, look like they're attached in several different places on the body. The mane is neat, I love how muscled the body looks, but it seems like the space is way too small for the picture. It does almost make me want to get a Serpenth, though, which is impressive!

The Kanis maintains its cute bunny status, but also suffers from the "tilted at a random angle" thing as the Torrey.

Overall, a very cool bunch, if tragically lacking a Torrent OR a Sheeta.

Posted: 07 Jun 2007 06:18 pm
by Wingsrising
Yay, Galactic Montre! I don't need another pet, let alone another Montre, but I love Montres for some reason so I'll be excited to see this.

I'd love to see a Galactic Aerie, too.

Well, I was temporarily able to get in via the address and discovered they released a Galactic Sheeta (looked nice) and one other new Galactic pet. But the database is now down, so I can't get back in to post pictures...

EDIT: Here we go:


Is the Donadak new too? I think that might have been the other one:

I quite like the Galactic Sheeta, though I have no burning urge to get one. I'm not so keen on the Donadak. There's nothing wrong with it, I'm just not into Donadaks.

Posted: 07 Jun 2007 06:35 pm
by Aqua
I love the sheeta. :o Teera did an amazing job on it. The donadak is quite nice too.

Posted: 07 Jun 2007 06:47 pm
by ladynight6
I love the sheeta! It is gorgeous, the shading is just amasing. The detail on the horns is beautiful. :) The artists did an amazing job. I might want to get one sometime, but I don't have any desire to get a new pet right now.

Posted: 07 Jun 2007 07:03 pm
by tallan
Oh man, that Sheeta... Grrrblgrrfah! *tries to persuade herself that one Galactic pet is enough* Very, very beautiful.

The Donadak... is a Donadak. Cute, but I've never really understood their charm. And the gold swirly things on its spikes are a little bit overkill, IMO.

Posted: 07 Jun 2007 07:03 pm
by daisybell
Something about the right foreleg of the sheeta looks wrong- almost as if it's dislocated. I'm not sure quite what it is, and if it's a fundamental issue with the anatomy or just the way it's shaded.

Posted: 07 Jun 2007 07:18 pm
by Huggles
Yeah, it's as if the ruff is cutting it off into a stump. I'm not a sheeta fan, another of the redundant pets, but I do love the horns.

Posted: 07 Jun 2007 07:28 pm
by Joey
<strike>So would this be the place to shamelessly beg for a Dream Gem and a Black Gem because I have no money on Subeta to buy them and really want Fortissimo to be Galactic? Since I don't actually know what anything on the site is worth, I can offer some of the random pretties from my vault that I picked up in the giveaway, or neopoints if any of you are into that sort of thing anymore.</strike>

Thank you to Tiel, Phibby and Kamil! Now Fortissimo can be awesome! *Phibby got there first so I'm sending the others back as soon as the site decides to load*

Posted: 07 Jun 2007 07:50 pm
by Rah
Thanks guys, you've made me feel a lot better :) <3 I was in such a downer of a mood yesterday xD I thought I'd grown thick skinned, obviously had an off day! And thanks for the kora comments, they're my favourite pet to draw actually :p Stay tuned for a new DM and BR one ;)

Also, just want to add that I love the Sheeta, very pretty :) And I liked the dragon, reminded me of Charizard/Dragonite xD

Posted: 07 Jun 2007 08:01 pm
by Goldenchaos
Oh you people making me want to try and draw Galatic things. And Ill do it too.

Posted: 07 Jun 2007 08:09 pm
by Chandi
I edited the title to let people know the two new ones were added to this topic. :)

As for the Sheeta and Donadak: they're both pretty, but nothing to get me all worked up over. Though I have to say, I'm a sucker for the light blue, especially on the Donadak's claws. I like it's front left claw, the position of it, for some strange reason.

Posted: 07 Jun 2007 08:21 pm
by Kamil
Wowowow that's a pretty Sheeta. Wantses. I really like Sheetas, but I've never liked any of their redraws (except chibi and I can't find a minion to work with it) up until now. This though, this is lovely.

*stares at cash shop and then at savings fund* Getting there, getting there.

Posted: 07 Jun 2007 09:29 pm
by Xiang Yu
I wish I could see the two new Galactic pets. T_T Can anyone save the pictures to their Photobucket and post the Photobucket images in the thread so those of us for whom Subeta is completely dead can see them too?

Posted: 07 Jun 2007 09:32 pm
by tallan
Here you go:
