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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Posted: 02 Jan 2008 03:23 am
by Cranberry
Officer 1BDI wrote:
Cranberry wrote:She's a one-year-old papillon that the breeder was going to keep as a show dog before she had a growth spurt and got exactly three-quarters of an inch too tall.
I will never, for the life of me, understand these sorts of show restrictions.

She looks like she was an adorable puppy, Cranberry; I can't wait to see what she looks like now. Congratulations!
I don't understand them either, but I'm glad they exist, because I couldn't have had this dog if she'd stayed a show dog! And she's adorable. I got her today and we've already bonded; if something makes her nervous, she comes running to me and climbs into my lap. She's only barked once, at my cat, and other than that she hasn't tried to bug the cat at all. She walks great on the leash and naps quietly when crated. I love her already. Anyway... pictures! They're not great because she won't sit still, but I'm sure I'll have more in the future!



And with me! Our hair looks more blonde than red in this one, but it's actually almost exactly the same color.


Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Posted: 02 Jan 2008 03:30 am
by Fever
...omg she is adorable! Im not normally a huge fan of a lot of small breed dogs, but that does is so cute! Wow. I just want to pick her up and squeeze her! lol

Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Posted: 02 Jan 2008 03:50 am
by Officer 1BDI
Oh my gosh; that is one of the most gorgeous and/or adorable dogs I have ever seen. She looks so calm in those pictures.

Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Posted: 02 Jan 2008 04:13 am
by Cranberry
I'm the same way, Fever -- there are very few small dog breeds I like enough to own (papillon, cairn terrier, west highland white terrier, pomeranian and maybe yorkie/silky terrier round it out, I think). I've been wanting a small dog for a while, though, because it will be much easier to take with me on vacation or if I move than Scout (at 108 pounds!) is. I did a ton of research and papillons sounded like the perfect breed for me (non-yappy, good with cats, intelligent yet trainable, lively, hardy). I think I made the right choice. :)



Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Posted: 02 Jan 2008 04:44 am
by Monkeyguy
Oh! Reading your last post Cran I realize why Crystal looked so weird to me. I was thinking Pomeranian in my head even though I read Papillon this entire time. She's very cute and I think the dog I dreamed about last night was inspired by her puppy picture.

Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Posted: 02 Jan 2008 05:31 am
by HotRoxy
Oh My! Cran that doggie is ADORABLE! Maybe Crystal & Sunny can chat on AIM some time. Hee.


Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Posted: 02 Jan 2008 07:23 am
by AngharadTy
Sooo cute. And yes, you definitely need to research any breed of dog, but especially small ones; I think some are adorable from a distance and annoying to have around. Also, how do you pronounce "papillon," because I am not... um... French?

Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Posted: 02 Jan 2008 09:03 am
by Cranberry
Yeah, papillon is French for butterfly -- they're so named because their ears resemble butterfly wings. It's pronounced "pappy-yawn"/"pap-ee-yon." :)

It's hard to type because Crystal demanded to be on my lap, and she keeps hitting the space bar with her head.

Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Posted: 02 Jan 2008 09:43 am
by AngharadTy
Ah, it's good to find out you've been pronouncing something correctly. (I still can't believe "mauve," though. I refuse! ;P)

Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Posted: 05 Jan 2008 05:05 am
by Jessi
As long as this topic is revived, I figured I'd post pictures of some of the newer additions to our rat family :D

This is Leaf, our Himalayan, who has grown tremendously in size since we got her! She was the first of our four new little ones (two adopted in September and two adopted in November) to graduate to the big Ferret Nation cage; she's still little enough to squeeze out if she wants to, but she never wants to. She's incredibly mellow for a young doe - I think she takes after our old lazy girls a bit too much!

This is Leaf's sister, Zygs (aka Ziggy), our pearl merle berkshire who is Leaf's complete opposite! Ziggy is extremely energetic, hyper, and a total brat. She'll probably be the -last- to graduate to the Ferret Nation, because she adores sneaking out of the bars, getting onto the floor, and getting lost. Unfortunately, then she gets scared and won't come out, and Lindsey and I tear apart the apartment looking for her! She's a total sweetheart, though.

This is one of the girls we adopted in November - Star Anise, a agouti berkshire. She's a fiesty little thing! Unfortunately, she's developed a nipping habit, so we're currently trying to get her out of that stage. When she's not nippy, however, she's a bouncy little thing, always wanting to play. I think she's going to be the next alpha in our big cage - she likes to be in charge, even though the big girls are twice her size!

Last but not least is Anise's sister, Curry, a cinnamon variegated. She is the most hyper little creature I have -ever- seen, and her and Ziggy create a lot of mischief together. She loves to run on her wheel, run around on the floor, run up and down the bars of the cage, bound around on hammocks, harass the big girls - she's just a tiny bundle of energy!

Yay, rats! And Cran, your new papillon is absolutely adorable! I'm not usually a fan of small dogs either, other than shiba inu, but she is just so, so cute ;__;

Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Posted: 05 Jan 2008 05:20 am
by Cranberry
Yay, rats! The Himalayan has pretty coloring... I love rats with just a touch of color like that. I'm glad someone else posted pictures, too; I felt like I was taking over the thread with papillon talk!

...That's not going to stop me from posting this, though.


Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Posted: 05 Jan 2008 05:50 am
by Goldenchaos
She looks all regal there, and the cat is just >:|

I like how they both match the couch

Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Posted: 25 Jan 2008 03:57 am
by Cranberry
Now that I've had Crystal for a while, she's starting to show more personality:




Watching my "pet" crows with Patch:


And I liked this one -- Patch is zipping away before Crystal notices.


I take way too many pictures of my pets. Be glad I don't feel the need to post all of them. ;)

Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Posted: 26 Jan 2008 09:05 am
by Wingsrising
That last picture with Patch streaking out of the frame is AWESOME. :-)

Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Posted: 26 Jan 2008 11:33 pm
by hebdenhippy
So I guess it's about time I commented here:

This is Flossy, she's very old, but still playful and kitten-ish

and her brother Tulip, he's the "grumpy one"


Then I have two Mongolian Gerbils called Lily and Minty,


and lastly, my rescued Greyhound, Strider,
(if you look carefully, you can see my Wii in this picture, far left, look through the gap under the stool, see something white with a silver base? WII!)
