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Re: Subeta's Fourth Anniversary

Posted: 18 Sep 2008 05:28 pm
by mellaka
Well I gave in and bought the Bonsey plushie and the 4 books I was missing. They were all under 200k, so I guess that's not too bad. Other stuff I want is still over 500k and I just refuse to pay that much.

Re: Subeta's Fourth Anniversary

Posted: 18 Sep 2008 06:58 pm
by Saturn
I'm still getting bags every half hour or so, but it seems like 90% are those lollipops or something else equally lame.

If anyone wants a Phor, I've gotten, like, three of them so far. I need one for my gallery, but I'll hang onto the others in case anyone wants one. What I really want are those Discarded Candles... >_> Taken. I'll go through the rest of my stuff later, but I don't think I got anything else interesting at all...

Re: Subeta's Fourth Anniversary

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 12:23 am
by Officer 1BDI
I only found one bag this morning, and since then I haven't come across any. :/ I got most of what I wanted, though, so I'm not too disappointed. All I'm missing is the Nightshade plushie.

Re: Subeta's Fourth Anniversary

Posted: 19 Sep 2008 12:28 am
by Joey
Ok, I've managed to get a few since my last post.Is anyone dying for the discarded candles? I picked up an extra. And they're spoken for :D

Re: Subeta's Fourth Anniversary

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 01:59 am
by Bif
-_- I am a little put out by the fact that a goodie bag appeared BEHIND my information (User, pet, sP on hand) in the top right hand corner, which means that despite my best efforts, I couldn't click on it and therefore, could not collect it. :(

Oh well, I did come across a Fourth Anniversary Kumos Celebration Sticker so if anyone oh here wants it, just let me know.

Re: Subeta's Fourth Anniversary

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 02:40 am
by Griffin
Bif wrote:-_- I am a little put out by the fact that a goodie bag appeared BEHIND my information (User, pet, sP on hand) in the top right hand corner, which means that despite my best efforts, I couldn't click on it and therefore, could not collect it. :(
The same thing happened to me this morning. I went into the source code and found the url to the goody bag, but for some reason it said "this isn't yours!" Oh well.

Re: Subeta's Fourth Anniversary

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 07:45 pm
by Arbor
I don't know if anyone is still interested, but i have a few extra bags. I just bought all of the minions except for the one I found, and those were all I really wanted/needed. so if anyone else is still trying to find an item (instead of crudding out and buying it like me,) or just wants an unopened bag for a gallery or a chest, or whatever, then I have a few I don't mind spreading around. Not a lot, but a few. ( Commenting me on subeta (or mailing me,) would most likely be easier, since I don't know everyone's subeta name here. C:)

Re: Subeta's Fourth Anniversary

Posted: 22 Sep 2008 03:50 am
by shaelyn76
Well, after much clicking and a bit of plain old buying, I have managed to get at least one of every item available from the goodie bags. Now I just need to buy a couple of the bags themselves to keep because they are pretty.