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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 16 Sep 2009 10:59 pm
by 11th
Achievement: I finished making layouts for all of my permanent pets.

Woe: I still need to do a few for my friends.


Euclid aims the laser at Llorona and it fires! Llorona changes into a Glade Clawsion

On her first zap, too.

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 18 Sep 2009 05:18 am
by Wingsrising
I finally remembered to get on at the right time and fill the pitcher I got from the Token Shop over the weekend:


This has made me realize I need to pay some serious attention to pet lookups and treasure... I haven't even written a poem for my LAST new pet yet, let alone Leafshade.

Now that I got my pitcher, I should be able to save BOTH my loyalty boxes for more pet slots, hee! (I should get the second one tomorrow, I think.)

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 19 Sep 2009 08:26 am
by Wingsrising
I left a digit out of the Spectrum Potion I was trying to sell. Crap. :headdesk:

And I *checked* everything, and double-checked, too! I don't know how it happened. Dammit, I spent more than that on the tokens to buy it. :-(

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 19 Sep 2009 08:03 pm
by Goldenchaos
For whatever reasons Im not able to login to Subeta via any other browser but Firefox..thing is, Firefox isnt refreshing the pages. The quickstock, for example, when I put everything in my vault..the window does not refresh and instead just takes me back to the page that has all the items that I just vaulted...but the action went through.

>_< I don't know what is going on..where can I bring this up to the mods or whatever?

So, WOE , on that part.

Another WOE...sort of..D: Im out of things to zap.

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 22 Sep 2009 05:38 pm
by Alecko
While hanging around trying to get the Anniversary Stars, I ended up at the Trapped Minions, which I haven't bothered with for well over a year. Didn't seem to be very active so I decided to have a go and in less than an hour (actually, probably less than half an hour. Maybe) I went from 78 fed to 100 fed and have a new trophy. Minion number 95 also popped out of the bubble, although it was only a Chaiki (rare, but cheapest is 6997). Stopping now but may continue once I check what's needed for the gold trophy. (I got three Stars as well.)

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 23 Sep 2009 06:07 pm
by Saturn
I just hit the three year mark and went for the extra pet slot totem, now I finally have a use for that Glacier Potion I've had sitting around for AGES!


so purty :B

also first post here in ages liek whooaaaa

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 06:15 am
by lavender
Good Job! It seems you've gotten the correct combination! Now you win:
Dusk Spirit
6241 sP
Eh. Worth 180k. Probably'll just hoard it. But at least I got the achievement!

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 25 Sep 2009 05:58 am
by Officer 1BDI
I finally relented and used my loyalty box to gain a pet slot. This is my new baby, S A M:


I had to fudge its name a bit, as periods are apparently incompatible characters now. :/

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 25 Sep 2009 06:02 am
by Fjorab_Teke
With the revamp of the chibi hikei and just overall recent "meh," I think I've got less and less interest in Subeta. I might keep about four pets and my shinies gallery. I'll probably sign in once a month or so.

I think I'm going to offer my other pets up for adoption and give out the Gold Account medals and stuff I have.

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 28 Sep 2009 05:24 am
by Seerow
I reached the 6.5k Wardrobe achievement a bit ago. I don't use the wardrobe much and I know I'll never be one of the top avvie collectors as I'm not rich/have uber rich friends to loan stuff, so why on earth am I so determined to get the top tier for this 0_o
Only 1k more items to go and I'm at the 600k+ per item mark now. Yikes this is going to be pricey.
As an added bonus for reaching that tier, I got the UnicornVomit Mauvicorn Crown, so I got that achievement as well :D

Even after I finish all this though I won't be able to sell most of it right away as it's going into my shop to get the hoarder achievements.

Someday though I will be rich again! Then I won't know what to do with all the monies.

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 28 Sep 2009 08:34 pm
by Tom
Haha, that's amazing, Seerow! Congratulations. :D I just made it to the 5k tier (did some dedicated purchasing this weekend - got about 600 items) and thought it was getting expensive at 2.5k a pop! 600k... damn. :P I was thinking it might be worth the effort to get up to 5.5k for the pendant, but erm, not so sure any more. Good luck making it to 7.5k!

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 29 Sep 2009 02:18 am
by Usul_Princess
I reached the 3 year mark tonight too. (Even though technically it's not for another 3 hours)

Meet Petale!


Now, onto saving for her 40m minion. o_O (Lemon Leaf Mouse)

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 29 Sep 2009 06:58 am
by Fjorab_Teke
I got my reward too and decided on a pet colorization. "No exceptions" means no exceptions WITHIN the SPECIES. I was hoping for a chance at a particular experiment, but that's OK.

I did manage to create a graveyard serpenth with a name I like even better. I've been creating and abandoning pets left and right. *for shame* But thanks to another FF addon, I might not abandon my beloved chibi hikei. :-)

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 02 Oct 2009 05:25 am
by Alicorn
I turned 3 years old a few days ago (yay!) so that means new loyalty box! So I made another pet slot and made Taigia. She was going to be a dark matter montre but then they started making new/revamping darkmatter pets. So I decided to wait, just in case. They brought out the darkmatter cadogre. o.o Now to wait till I know they are done with the darkmatter pets before I decide.
On another note, I really need to buckle down and work on pet lookups. **headesk**

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 02 Oct 2009 07:31 am
by Enriana
I'm pretty sure they're done with DM pets - it was said to be a September thing. There might be some stragglers, though, so waiting a week or two might be a good idea. :)