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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 06:14 am
by Officer 1BDI
Congratulations, Cranberry! :D

Achievement Earned!
Longtime Member
Be a Subeta User for at least 5 years!
I actually forgot to go to my site preferences page to claim the achievement, so it's technically a couple of days late. I can't believe it's been half a decade since I first joined Subeta. @_@

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 06:08 pm
by Huggles
Hah. I think we all joined around the same time, so I checked my preferences and received the same achievement.

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 10:37 pm
by Griffin
Ooh, that made me remember that mine is coming up in less than two weeks. We're part of the first wave of the Great NC Invasion!

I'll use my box on another pet slot even though I have five unused ones :p I want the big family achievement.

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 11:36 pm
by Wingsrising
Heh, mine's coming up in a little more than two weeks. I guess I managed to hold out for a while before I finally gave it.

I'll probably just add it to my collection -- I have two other Loyalty Boxes I haven't used yet.

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 01 Sep 2011 12:54 pm
by Kali_Lupine
congrats! I get mine in Jan, I was a lil slower to join! Ali pointed me the way there :D

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 05 Sep 2011 06:01 am
by Officer 1BDI
So, this stupid retired Easter Vesnali egg that's been on my wishlist since forever is one of the items being given away at the free shop, and I somehow managed to get my hands on one. I'm so freaking happy I didn't end up dropping 20 million sP on that thing.

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 06 Sep 2011 01:05 pm
by Kali_Lupine
congrats Officer! I haven`t gotten anything I really need yet, but I am still hoping :D

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 05:22 pm
by Jessi
Achievement Earned!
Longtime Member
Be a Subeta User for at least 5 years!
WHOO! (That means a lot of you other NCers should look again, since I joined during the great NC migration xD)
You have been given 1 extra pet slot, for a total of 27
Back to your items!
SO EXCITED. Now I just need my name to free up xD

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 06:25 pm
by Kali_Lupine
con grats Jessi babes! I've gotta wait till Jan for mine. I'm behind most of yas!

Oh, and I finally got into the blue building! Yay! I was only really interested in it as something new to do lol.

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 16 Sep 2011 08:22 pm
by mellaka
A little milestone: urkonn reached 3000 on some of his stats

Level 1197
Health 5254
Strength 3003
Defense 3003
Speed 3003

With all the changes promised for the BC, I'm not sure what to do now. We don't really know if damage/defense formulas are going to change when the stat cap goes through, so it's a kind of confusing time. (No, I'm not trying to target you or bug you for information indirectly, Cranberry. =P)

Anyway, it was nice to reach this milestone and all my battle quest points are going to start going back into health again. I'll probably continue to train str/def/spd in the training center until I hear it's not worthwhile to do so anymore. Urkonn only gets in 2 classes a day, so it's not like he'll be adding stats that quickly.

So that's what 5 years of near-constant training and rarely boosting will get you. =P

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 16 Sep 2011 10:54 pm
by Cranberry
You are still not over the cap, so do whatever you want! We're going to allow people to move their stats around (at least once) if they want to once the cap goes into effect (most likely, we'll "refund" the experience for HP, str, def, and speed and let people re-buy stats). At that point you should have a better idea of the build you'd like your pet to have.

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 17 Sep 2011 12:15 am
by Wingsrising
Heh, finally flipped over 5 years and got another loyalty box. I have no plans for it at the moment... I'll keep it waiting in case another must-have pet gets introduced somewhere down the line.

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 02 Oct 2011 11:25 pm
by Faun
I finally changed my Username. I'm Rango now. :)

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 03 Oct 2011 07:52 am
by Fjorab_Teke
Hah, i got my longtime achievement too. I was at the tail end of the NC invasion. :-)

Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Posted: 04 Oct 2011 05:45 am
by Griffin
I finally got up the nerve to ask the mostly-absent owner of the pet I've wanted for a long time if they would consider adopting out to me. I still see no activity on their account but they recently changed their profile layout, so I figured I better do this before conceding defeat. 99% sure I'll get turned down/ignored, gotta hope for the 1%.