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Posted: 02 Jul 2007 11:45 pm
by Strawberry Limeade
Woe of woes: my boyfriend won't be coming home tomorrow. He's an aviation student, and he wasn't done at graduation because of delays borne of incompetence and bad weather. For the last 7 weeks, it's been the same thing. All his flights and tests just keep getting pushed back and rescheduled and changed. The planes go down for maintenance right before his check flights, the President shows up in town and there's a no flight zone declared for the day of his most important flight (yes, that really happened.) He was supposed to take his last two flights today and tomorrow, but due to the weather, he couldn't take his one today, so he can't take the one tomorrow. The day after that is the 4th when nobody's working, so it'll be who knows when before he can come home. I'm just so frustrated and worn out from going from super excited to super disappointed. And now I have a headache from crying. My dad said I should just get really drunk tonight, and I'm tempted to take him up on it. Boo. :(
Illuen wrote:I completely forgot to post this here, but last Wednesday, I got to go see Kathy Griffin! Funniest damn comedian ever!
I am filled with jealousy! I love her!

Posted: 03 Jul 2007 12:00 am
by Monkeyguy
Illuen wrote:Also, tonight, I'm going to go see Transformers. Looks pretty awesome, and who doesn't love robots in disguise?
You are one brave guy. I hate going to movies on opening night. People are such douche bags. I prefer an empty house.

Posted: 03 Jul 2007 12:18 am
by Teragram
Monkeyguy wrote::) : I saw Ratatouille last night. It was so good. I don't care that I'm a 19 year old guy. I loved it.
I know, I love Pixar and Brad Bird. I'm 18, and I'm ALL about the cartoon movies. I'd rank it below the incredibles, but still awesome. I got to see it a couple weeks early, and I was ludicrously excited. So sweet and cute and funny.

Posted: 03 Jul 2007 12:26 am
by Jessi
I'm about to turn 24 and I saw Rataouille. I think it's one of the best movies I've ever seen. It was absolutely wonderful. We're gonna go see it again even ;D

Posted: 03 Jul 2007 06:27 pm
by DamionDarkheart
Well, I managed to completely miss the WW signups, which in and of itself is reason for supercide. But on top of that, my lip was hurt on the 30th and my favorite piercing in the world has started rejecting so I had to take it out.

Thanks unnamed friend!

Posted: 03 Jul 2007 06:31 pm
by adi_gallia
DamionDarkheart wrote:Well, I managed to completely miss the WW signups, which in and of itself is reason for supercide.
I thought that you usually played and when I saw that you didn't sign up I thought that you were probably busy like most people seem to be.

The sign up post was up for almost two weeks, quite a lot of time really, I assume you skipped over the forum it was in, like I used to. x.x;

Posted: 03 Jul 2007 08:06 pm
by CallyKariShokka
Woo, the results on my brainscans and MRIs came in.

Doctors found 'spots of interest' on my brain -- he says stress could even cause it -- but otherwise nothing is wrong with my brain.

YAY: Nothing's wrong with my brain!

NOES: ..Doctor has no idea what's causing my severe headaches and memory loss!

He suggests a neuropsychiatrist or a neuropsychologist or something neuro-psych related.

We'll see how that goes. XD

Posted: 03 Jul 2007 09:16 pm
by DamionDarkheart
adi_gallia wrote:
DamionDarkheart wrote:Well, I managed to completely miss the WW signups, which in and of itself is reason for supercide.
The sign up post was up for almost two weeks, quite a lot of time really, I assume you skipped over the forum it was in, like I used to. x.x;
Blame the Subeta forums. I've been ignoring everything under them because the WW forums were locked. I wish people had to sign up to a usergroup to view the Subeta forum.

Posted: 03 Jul 2007 10:16 pm
by Aurinona
Gnar. Aren't real estate agents supposed to be, you know, trying to sell homes? I'm starting to think that maybe they don't actually want to- none of the ones I've contacted about specific properties are getting back to me with the information I want. It's not like I'm asking anything too difficult, just how much condo fees are and if they have pet restrictions, since there's no point in looking at places where my dog isn't welcome.

Maybe I should just look for a different place to lease for the next year. =P We need to be out of this apartment by the end of the month, so there's a bit of a time crunch.

Posted: 03 Jul 2007 10:32 pm
by AngharadTy
DamionDarkheart wrote:
adi_gallia wrote:The sign up post was up for almost two weeks, quite a lot of time really, I assume you skipped over the forum it was in, like I used to. x.x;
Blame the Subeta forums.
No. It's your own fault if you completely missed it.
I wish people had to sign up to a usergroup to view the Subeta forum.
Just so you know, this has been discussed and shot down numerous times. It's very hard on newcomers, who may not even know it exists to ask for it.

Posted: 03 Jul 2007 10:57 pm
by adi_gallia
What Ty said.

Some people are on this site, possibly solely for the Subeta forum as people have left Neopets or were never a member their (the former is probaly more likely). If it was a usergroup only forum we would have never gained those members, they wouldn't have even glanced at the forums.

I would like to point out that, behind Chit-Chat, the Subeta forum has the most posts on it , but then again everything about Subeta is on that forum, as opposed to the Neopets posts being spread throughout other forums.

Basically my point is that making it a usergroup would be a bad idea, it's quite a large forum and hiding it away (I didn't even know usergroup forums existed until WW14) would be a step in the wrong direction.

But anyway, I know it wont be a hidden forum, so why am I even ranting? We were polled and the one Subeta forum won, by a huge majority if I recall.

Posted: 05 Jul 2007 10:43 pm
by anzuronamin
Achievement: Got my first ever paycheck today.
Woe: Taxes that take money out of your almost $200 paycheck and push it back down to almost half that suck.

Posted: 09 Jul 2007 06:00 pm
by Strawberry Limeade
Woe updated to yay: my boyfriend got to come home last Thursday ( :mrgreen: ), so I've been not online so much. He just left to go to his parents (who live a couple hours north). I'll see him a lot more often now that he's not 3 states away.

Whoa cool thing that happened while he was here: I dragged him along to the summer book sale at the library. My grandma volunteers there, so I always get to go in the first night and get all the good stuff (hardback novels for 2$ = me in heaven). My bf picked up the Michael Crichton book Airframe and asked me if it was any good. I'm a huge Michael Crichton fan, but that was one I hadn't bought yet, and I figured that my bf would also enjoy it since he's into everything that has to do with aviation. I bought a bunch of other books, but we didn't really look at them until last night. He was looking at Airframe and asked, "Hey what is this?" I looked - there were several copies at the sale, but he happened to grab the one that was signed. And there was much excitement on my part.

Posted: 10 Jul 2007 07:17 am
by tallan
In 15 minutes or so I'm off to my first music festival in 5 years. \o/

And 9.30 Saturday night (CET) I'll be having a decidedly Patrick Wolf-shaped parareligious experience. Wooo!

*runs off to finish last minute packing* =D

Posted: 10 Jul 2007 12:47 pm
by Slugawoo
Achievement: I bought Pokemon Pearl today. And my sister got Diamond.

Woe: My brother left his DS at is fat friend's house just to spite me. Told him to bring it back... so he left it. Bastard. I'm going to eat his head when he gets back. :[

Achievement: But me and my sister got the winning bid on eBay!

Woe: But now we have to wait. Waiting is the worse part. ;_;