Human avatars

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Re: Human avatars

Post by mellaka »

I think I'm going to skip winter this year and go right to spring.


I miss my zombie skin but don't want to get rid of my dark matter zap yet either, so back to the Petri Dish ... (can't bring myself to use those noseless latex skins).
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Re: Human avatars

Post by Wingsrising »

It appears I have not made an HA since early September. Woah. Dunno what was up with that except being busy at work (and playing games on my iPod.)

This I think is a more-or-less acceptable winter outfit. Wish we would get some snow here -- this thing with being above freezing and raining is actually getting sort of creepy.


Making this did make me wonder if one of the reasons I don't make as many HAs is how long it seems to take before I'm mostly satisfied -- this took forever and only procrastinating some editing tasks led me to do it -- and how overwhelming the number of items in my wardrobe is. (I apparently have 2,390.)
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Re: Human avatars

Post by Marah »

I have 6,229 wardrobe items and am often overwhelmed. I think after I reached 6500 I'm going to toss a lot of them in a shop for storage. Some of the items are really ugly and they just clutter my wardrobe :(
I wish the wardrobe could have a favourites section (my drawers are all used to sort by colour) but I guess I would like it better if the hairsalon had favourite section. I rarely use it because I keep having to sort through all the, for me, uninteresting styles. I tried it with a post it, but that didn't work. (Kept loosing it)

Anyways, I haven't made a post worthy avatar in awhile, but I like yours Wings. Allthough she does look a bit cold. ;)
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Re: Human avatars

Post by AngharadTy »

I'm ten away from having 8000 items in my wardrobe and I wish to hell I could just make a junk drawer. Put all these fucking clown wigs and crappy anniversary shirts and other shittytastic cheap items in there and say "yeah so you live in my wardrobe but I'm never going to see you, mmkayyyyy?" Making an HA and wading through all of this is a real chore, and I'm thousands away from the top tiers of this achievement. (I've considered that it would probably be better for my insanity to just buy the achievement prizes and sell off all this terrible, awful, why-does-this-even-exist junk, but I'm as lazy as I am irritated.)
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Re: Human avatars

Post by Marah »

Oh, a junk drawer that sounds lovely! Or some kind of negative drawer where you can choose to not see the items in it (ever! No more mankini's!)
It would also be nice if you could see layers minus a drawer. For example, I have a wig drawer but after I choose a wig and I want to put something in my hair I have to sort to the headlayer which includes all the wigs. It would be nice if I could see the head layer without the wigs at that point.

anyway, I've decided I'm going to start and throw all the clown wigs and such in shop (not for sale, but for safekeeping) at some point all of it has to go back in my wardrobe and out again to get some of the achievements, but I'm not having so much fun with my avatars anymore and I think it is partly because I keep using the same items because there is so much junk in there that I keep forgetting what other pretty items I have.

How does everybody else use their drawers? Maybe there is a system that I'm missing? I mostly have colours, but there are never enough. (In between colours like turquoise and burgundy give some trouble) I also have wigs, lips, eyes and pretty jewelry, allthough the last one could go if I simply toss the not so pretty jewelry out. Maybe I can make an eyeshadow layer instead.

And Ty, ten away from 8000, I don't know if I could stand it. I hope Melody gives us many wardrobe items :)
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Re: Human avatars

Post by AngharadTy »

I don't do colors for that reason. I have wigs, skirts (because some skirts are waist layer, some are chest, it's hard for me to remember), eyes, lips, shoes (with only the good shoes--there are sooooo many awful ones and so few good ones that I had to make a drawer out of self defense), and a couple theme drawers I turn to a lot (shaman and damaged items, for me).

I like that idea of yours about everything-but-a-drawer. I have the exact same problem with wigs. Another thing that would make the process of making an HA easier is if we had a temporary thing to the side where we could drag, like, ten items in and out. E.g., my chest layer takes up three pages even if I view 500 items at a time, so when I go through and try every reasonable item on, I always end up forgetting which ones seemed like they could work. So if I try on a shirt and it looks nice but I want to keep looking in case one is even better, I could put it to the side. Also would help a ton for those times when I need to decide between minor variations of a theme when the items are in different layers. The wardrobe system as it is now is pretty good, certainly a lot better than it used to be, but it could be even better.

(There are cheap items I could buy to make it to 8000, but I hate doing that. Maybe later. I need to be much more bored first.)
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Re: Human avatars

Post by shaelyn76 »

I so agree with both of you guys about the wardrobe. I have 10,244 items in my wardrobe currently and I use maybe 100 of them on a regular basis. My inner achievement whore just will not allow me to get rid of any of the ugly/cheap/never gonna wear it items that clog up my wardrobe and make creating fun HAs very time consuming and somewhat of a pain. What you were talking about Ty where you find an item, but then you want to look and see if there is another item that would work better...totally feel your pain on that and the idea of dragging the few options to a holding area of some kind is genius. I have very little time on the computer as of late and I don't want to spend over half of it figuring out a fun outfit...but that is what always happens, so lately I just throw an outfit on and leave it for weeks on end. The really sad thing is that I like the wardrobe function, I enjoy making fun or cute outfits (or sometimes wild stuff that I would never wear in real life) and I love so many of the wearable items...but I have lost my happy when it comes to the wardrobe due to the sheer volume of crap in it.
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Re: Human avatars

Post by Griffin »

I once tried to make a drawer for my makeup. I immediately got too lazy to add new items to it, so I just don't use the drawer feature at all :c

I'm not nearly as prolific with HAs as I used to be, though I'd primarily chalk that up to lack of ideas: most of the time I'm just rehashing old outfits. But at almost 9.5k clothes, I do get the "sensory overload" and bomb out with a feeling of malaise and frustration. Third reason is that I'm too busy drawing things for other people to wear now. P:
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Re: Human avatars

Post by Wingsrising »

I'm glad I don't care about achievements much. I don't put anything in my wardrobe I don't think there's the possibilty I might usre and I periodically clean it out a bit.

I... don't use drawers at all. I'm too lazy.

Another thing I find frustrating is color. I spent forever trying to match that skirt to something and in the end it still isn't quite right, but it was the best I could do. There are so many different shades of grey, red, blue, white, etc. that just don't go together. Often I buy a really cool item of clothing -- sometimes for a lot of sP -- only to find it doesn't really go with much at all.
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Re: Human avatars

Post by Tom »

Browns are the worst! There are infinite browns! Trying to match the Delish Raven set is a mammoth challenge - there are a set of low heels that vaguely match, but not quite. It's a shame that they're so hard to pull off because I really like the items, otherwise.

I have about 9500 wearables now - but always use 'all clothing' as I tend to buy things on a need-to-wear basis (I could probably jump up to the top tier with less than 10 million sP - I am missing a lot of cheap options!) so the junk doesn't bother me - I've just learnt to phase it out. I made a wigs drawer when the system was first released, but very lazy and never kept up with it - I usually end up in the salon anyway. I've been enjoying making HAs recently, too, but errr kinda dropped my laptop last weekend and destroyed the hard drive. And can't find the right screwdriver to open the back up - so no wardrobe for me!
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Re: Human avatars

Post by Rakumel »

Instead of stockings, looks like we get some visible presents on our profile this year. The changing image as you get more presents is neat, but I kinda don't want to broadcast to the world how big a loser I am how little I socialize on Subeta, and kinda wish I could hide it. (There's probably a way via CSS, but I don't know enough about it to figure it out myself)

Anyway, in order to get rid of those negative feelings so I could be a reasonable, appreciative human being again, I channeled them all into this low-budget little Grinch...elf...thing.


I may take off that rug, though.
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Re: Human avatars

Post by Seerow »

Got the new wig Cyro made so had to use it. I didnt like the idea of custom wearables at first and they are rather expensive, but I own a few of the gorgeous wigs.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Human avatars

Post by shaelyn76 »

Seerow, I'm so jealous. The wig and the whole HA is just lovely.
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Re: Human avatars

Post by Marah »

Very nice!

Custom wearables make me a bit sad. When it became active so many amazing wigs, Doctor Who and Harry Potter items were made that will now only exist on the site in small numbers :( And I can't help but feel that it decreases the chance of ever getting such items via the official Subeta artist way.

I get that it is a very smart way for subeta to make money, but I do have a feeling that it is a fairly small group of players that is using and making profit from this system. They do make very, very pretty items, I just wish I could make it so I didn't have to see them. Now half the time I see a pretty item on an avatar and want to figure out what it is to add it to my wishlist it is a custom wig or something and I know there is no use of adding it, because no matter how much I safe, chances of getting it are so very small to non-existent.
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Re: Human avatars

Post by Jessi »

Marah, Subeta's stated a few times that just because it's made as a custom item doesn't mean something similar won't be made official c: I wouldn't lose all hope yet!

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