Chai and Dragon revamp (+ staff discussion)

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by Watari003 »

Mayhem wrote:but everything I see come out of DNA ... I just wince at. She seriously needs to be kept on a tighter leash.
I would say muzzle rather than leash. Seriously, when I read some her posts, I *scowled* at the computer. I wish I had a nicer way to say this, but... someone please shut her up.[/quote]

Seriouly, I hate to me mean but, that about sums it up :?
I was reading the revamp feedback thread and someone was complaining about the dragon and she was just like;
"I see you like wearing the wings I revamped though lol 83" or something. I was just like -eye twitch-
I would look up the quote but I have to get ready for work 8< Darn and I've never been this talkative on forums before.
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Post by Seerow »

lavender wrote:Also, I just wanted to say that I'm surprised that people still like the Angelic Dragon. It looks so old and outdated to me - I'm surprised that it didn't get revamped yet. But I bet the revamped one would look even worse :P Just my opinion, don't kill me Angelic Dragon owners :wink:
Yeah, it could use with an update in shading and a general "update in art but its the concept I think most people like. Its a tiny, lithe, dragon with overly large wings and an adorable pose. It also has the smirk to it, that makes it seem like even if its angelic, there's still some mischief to it. At least, that's my take on why its so popular :)
I'm afraid of what will happen to my tiny Dragon if it gets revamped to more closely match the others. It would look horrid all bulky and muscular.
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Post by Jessi »

I don't have a lot to say about this - mostly because i've had an awful, awful day and if I start going off on a tangent it'll be worse. But I will say this:

My problem with Tategami is that I can't appreciate ANY of her work anymore - even the work that's beautiful. I'm so, so, SO disgusted and fed up with her attitude that everything she does makes me scowl. Sure, I'm sure I have a bunch of her items floating around and I like them, but whenever I see a new pet color she does - especially pets, because I don't like her pet art, at all - I tend to hate it right away because it was drawn by HER. And I know her attitude, and I know if someone tried to say "The ____ looks really off" on it, she'd go for their throat.

That's... really saying something about the way she acts and the reputation she's built for herself. It's kind of sad.
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Post by adi_gallia »

I think the length of this thread speaks volumes actually, sure we are a small selection of the members on Subeta. But look how much we've had to say about this whole thing, ok some of it is talk about DNA and the Chai, but it shows that no matter how "unpopular" the species appears to be, a bad revamp will still cause chaos.

But at least everything looks like it will be resolved. (again)
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Post by Mayhem »

I like the Angelic Dragon as it is. *pets Prusew* XD I can live with outdated art, honest! I've been hoping it'll be looked over, sort of like they did with many of the Torrent recolors.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Hey, guys, tone down the ire. It's okay to dislike someone's actions, but some of these comments really are bordering on personal hate.
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Post by Huggles »

This thread is getting to be ginormous anyway. 34 pages is a lot to go through to try and figure out what's going on. Someone should do something about it. But who?
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Post by Huggles »

Oh, I guess I'll do it. I am pretty badass. I sometimes feel like I'm doing things just to be doing them. I'm not splitting this. I am not going to go back and read through all this crap. If one of you other mods wants to, knock yourself out, but I think maybe we can just let the dragon revamp part wait until there's a definitive word on whether or not it's going to change and we have PIKTURS. K bye.

Wait. I lied. When the new thread starts up, about the dragon revamp, the DNA stuff shall be left behind. Blah blah blah insert whatever words one of the more diplomatic mods would use to say that this doesn't mean you have to like wuv her, like Ty said. The end.

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