New neopets layout

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Rainbow Daydreamer
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Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

Slugawoo wrote:Yes, items can be moved from one pet to another. I striped Hallowisp and put his pants on Tsuki.
Apologies if this has been asked, but can clothes also be stripped from labbed pets, to be attached at a later date?

If so, Maddie is going to have a LOT of fun when I get my lab.
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Post by Kamil »

What bothers me the most, still, is that there is no way now (short of people quitting and their pets showing up in the Adoption Forum) that I'll ever be able to replace some of the pets I lost when I was iced.

It matters not how hard I save, nor how lucky my lab zaps are, I'll never have another real darigan Pteri (and the new one is one of the biggest losers on the site) again. Same goes for my darigan Eyrie and Hissi - I'll never ever have one of those again.

And that still fucking PISSES ME OFF every time I think about it.

I can't replace my greys either - because talk about lose - the new greys are just that: grey recolors of the base pose. Nothing at all like the greys we knew and loved. And Xsceena will be ugly forever - because the new faerie Xweetok is, if possible, uglier than the baby Boochi zapped her into.

I'm still spamming the editorial about my once-lovely robot Cybunny - time will tell about that, but God knows I think the changes were "very drastic".

This so doesn't seem fair to me, and since it's several pets all lost at once this is going to take me a bit longer to get over than having a beloved species revamped into a form I hated would.

I too miss seeing the emotion poses around the site. It was one way in which Neopets was different - but now that's gone as well.

I'll probably stay, because I'm one of the most hyper-competitive people on the planet and to me quitting feels like losing, and I can't have that, but I'll probably expend my energies towards petpets and my gallery, because at least those are still uniformly lovely.

Lord knows I won't have to save for paint brushes anymore; the redraws I wanted aren't worth wanting anymore, so hey, a penny saved is a penny earned, right?

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Post by Monkeyguy »

Kamil wrote: I too miss seeing the emotion poses around the site. It was one way in which Neopets was different - but now that's gone as well.
Pounce Subeta, Pounce!

No, just kidding lol.
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

Illuen wrote:One pet nobody has talked about on here (although I've ranted and raved about it multiple times to people on AIM and MSN and the like) is the Mutant Usul. I had a Tyrannian Usul, but after the revamp, I felt they were lacking, and then I saw this beauty:


And instantly painted my pet and fell in love.
I'm actually considering morphing Zamaritan into one of those (she's already mutant; what's a species change going to hurt?), but I'm not particularly fond of aura of sheer insanity that pet emits; not because I hate it, but because I don't think it fits Zam particularly well.
Lord knows I won't have to save for paint brushes anymore
I think that's the saddest thing about this whole mess: all of my dream/goal pets were utterly destroyed in the revamp. I almost cried when I saw the Tyrannian Draik.

I'm down to seven pets again (I couldn't wait for TNT to show us their "surprise"), including the Lutari that I just can't let go of. It was supposed to be four, but the plot convinced me that some of my pets still have potential, believe it or not.
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Post by Marah »

Warning: ramblings ahead!

Well a few days have past and I'm a bit calmer.

I still click randomly at wrong places with the new layout but I will get used to it, at least some old pages got an update and the new2 gamesroom = love (mainly because it isn't blinding me)

I think the layout looks more professional. Also Jazzy's bee-you-ti-ful lookup shows there is hope. Now all I have to do is wait for some-one to write a tutorial on "how to customize the new layout for dummies"

But then there were the pets. I had a semi "pet goal" excel file and went and looked today, and allthough it is hard to find a place with all the new pet piccies I have seen enough over the past few days to realise that I have no goals left. All the pets I wanted or liked are gone... Put into perspective (they are pixels etc. etc.) that still hit me hard.
I also don't know what to do with my main, my favourite collection of pixels was my white yurble. I am however still increasingly disliking the new art, he is ugly. period.
I won't abandon him, but I don't know what to do with him either. I can't see him as anything but a white yurble really.

Pluspoint: I have Ashelon the blue eyrie on one of my sides and he is spiffy! I also had a zapped faerie kougra that I was never too fond of (I disliked the weird clashy colours of the faerie kougra) but I love the pose and played around with hue/saturation a bit and made him a new coloured version (or four, not sure which it is going to be yet) 1 2 3 4. So I'll keep him.

But I have to get rid of or morph my kois, redo my maraquan account, if I even still want to have one, will have to say goodbye to the mutated meerkat that is my lutari... I might get a flotsam once they fixed the weird line around the neck, but I have to wait for a place where all the new art is gathered so I can compare.

I like the plot, but I have a feeling it is a lure to keep people on neo. It works, but everytime I see the cool plot art I'm simply baffled that they can make things like that for every purpose on the site, except the pets the site is about. (or maybe I got that wrong)

Simply put: I'm sad and have every intention of spamming the editorial for a chance to have my pets back. I will stay around, and do some neohoming, gather as much shiny items as I can hoard and maybe start a new gallery and give it some more time, because I don't want to leave just yet.

But I'm still really disliking the desicion TNT made.

This was my whining, thank you for listening (or pretending to)
any good avice people might have, is more than welcome.

(And Illuen, yes that usul looks cool, some of the colourfills version of the older pets definitely do look better now.)
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Post by Aaron »

the other thing i miss that took me a while to notice, but now i have it really bugs me, is the title image bar thing at the top for each thing.. like, every page had one and it would just say the name of whatever you were at, with pictures and stuff.. can't explain :/

other than that, still annoyed with the pets and always will be.
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Post by oogabooga »

Oh, yeah, I didn't even notice those were gone... I kind of miss them too, but a lot were horribly outdated with crazy ugly art. Probably for the best. And it's not like pages don't have titles anymore, they're just in a different place and more discreet.
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Post by Slugawoo »

Rainbow Daydreamer wrote:
Slugawoo wrote:Yes, items can be moved from one pet to another. I striped Hallowisp and put his pants on Tsuki.
Apologies if this has been asked, but can clothes also be stripped from labbed pets, to be attached at a later date?

If so, Maddie is going to have a LOT of fun when I get my lab.
I don't know, as I haven't had the chance to test it yet. Heindall's been "sketchy" for weeks. If he turns Island or something else with clothes, I'll take them off, paint him yellow, and let you know. ;3

No cost to me, he's ugly no matter what color he is.
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Post by Vhendi »

Does anyone know if transferring a grey pet (or any non-revamped pet) will force it into the new style? I'm still pissed about all the changes/losses on the site and am wanting to get rid of some of my pets. But I have a halloween lupe and all my grey pets still in the old style, and I'd hate for them to be changed when I pound them.

I know that right now the Neopian Pound is down, but I don't know how long it's been that way so maybe some people have been able to disown pets earlier and have the answer to my question.
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Post by Slugawoo »

They don't change when they're pounded. At least they didn't before the pound went down for repairs. I wouldn't doubt that's what they're changing right now.

Someone will have to test it again when it's back up.
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Post by Madge »

Hmmm... I've had a thought, which, given my history for optimism that results in me getting disappointed when it's never ratified, may not be a good thing.

Some pets, the maraquan gelert especially, are drawn absolutely beautifully.

Is it possible that at some undetermined time in the future they may slowly redraw all the pets that are worthy of it and this state is "temporary"?

Probably not, seeing how they would have said that if only because it'd give us some cause for comfort.

As it is, everything's growing on me. However, my tyrannian krawk and draik won't be being converted unless my optimistic revamp occurs.

The pet chain is going to be devastated from all this quitting though I'd say. I'll wait a little while for everything to quiet down wrt this layout and then assess the damage done.
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Post by phoebemittens »

Madge wrote:Some pets, the maraquan gelert especially, are drawn absolutely beautifully.

Is it possible that at some undetermined time in the future they may slowly redraw all the pets that are worthy of it and this state is "temporary"?
That's just what I've been wondering. SOME pets have been able to take the grippy-left-forelimb disease and work it into a relatively fluid pose. Maybe more will be revamped in that way? *hopes*

I almost have more hope on that front since they so clearly ran out of time with the decent artists as they got towards the end of the alphabet. The Yurbles, Zafaras and Xweetoks have truly been crapped all over.
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Post by Ailiel »

I'm still noticing new things about the layout, like the trivia question. Overall I like it, although I would like it more if I could figure out how to hide the ads. I like the text on the pet central page. "Did a faerie drop by unexpectedly and ask you for an item? Yeah, they do that." Just amused me the other day when I got a faerie quest.

But I discovered another reason to hate pet revamps. Just because our pets are non-converted doesn't mean they are safe! What about random events that change your pet's color???? Those were disastrous before when they meant the loss of millions of NP, but now they can result in the PERMANENT loss of the way our pets look.

I'm having a really hard time deciding who should boochi guard on my main. My only converted pet is a lab-only color.
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Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

You could always take up fostering...

But yes. I'm glad that even in what's probably a more financially efficient setup for the site, TNT's humour can still shine through.
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Post by Silverevilchao »

It's nice to know that TNT hasn't lost one iota of their humor. :) The bits of text you mentioned made me crack a smile or two. :)
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