Subeta: Galactic Pets?

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Small mod note: I edited two posts on the fourth page that quoted entire posts just to refer to one line at the end. That is especially irritating when the post contains images. Please make sure to only quote the relevant portions of the text when it's something large.
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Post by Kamil »

It's odd that everyone's using the trashed surprise party analogy, because that happened to me (sounds like it's happened to everyone at some point though =) not long ago.

I, along with another friend, had toiled long and hard, through much blood, sweat, and tears (okay, no tears, although there was actual blood involved, when I cut my index finger with an envelope; paper cuts=*owowowie*) and we had everything perfectly planned out . . . and I walked into work one day and found the shop moron gleefully spilling every single detail of the plans to the intended receipent - and she definitely did so with malice and aforethought - and the friend we'd planned the party for, who adores surprises and is so much fun to watch when he gets one, had been surprised, but we weren't there to see him squeal and coo over it as he found out - so not only were we cheated out of that, so was everyone who would have been at the party - but at that point, all was planned, people had scheduled their time around it, and so we went forward as planned . . . and we all had a great time anyway.

Was it as wonderful as it might have been? Who knows? Probably not, but it was damn fun anyway.

Val still adored all the things we'd planned for his party, and we all still got to be there and have fun together, and hell, I lost the point of this somewhere along the line. Typical. =D

Anyway, I'm so sorry your surprise was ruinated - that has to be awful, and I don't at all blame you for being upset and capslocking your annoyance here and there, at all . . . but perhaps you can enjoy the surprise going around now and pretend you meant for this to happen this way instead of that way?

My cats do that whenever they're asleep and slide off of the television or the computer monitor and land on their ass; seems to work for them. Or at least I never tell them otherwise. =D

I know your enjoyment will never be what it would have been, but the enjoyment of your users can still be great.

Lots of players never set foot into the forums on-site, or fan-sites here or elsewhere, so their surprise will still be as fresh and, err, virginal as you might wish for. And as for the rest of us? Well, I sneaked around a few times in my youth and discovered my Christmas and/or birthday presents before the intended date of release - and while the surprise was gone, the present was still just as wondrous as ever, whether I knew what it was going to look like beforehand or not.

I'm sure you'll do the right thing in the end - whatever that might be. In the time I've been playing your instincts have always been good, whether it was sticking to your guns when we all whined and moaned about the HA system before we saw what you had in mind, or whether it was about any number of other smaller decisions.

I'm sure you'll do the right thing this time too - even if it's not as fun for you as it should have been. *smites the servers for you and offers large alcoholic beverage*

EDIT: and, oh yeah, the color itself: good GOD, that's amazing. *stares* I so know what color Maigrey's going to be now - I just don't know what species yet. It's perfect for her backstory (it's identical to the character in the book I lifted her name from) and it's utterly beautiful besides.

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Post by AngharadTy »

Thanks for posting, Kamil; I wanted to share my thoughts but didn't want it mixed up with my mod post. ^_~

I'm not able to be on the internet very much this week--and there are a lot of people who aren't online every waking moment. I've only seen one image, the illumis, and only because it was (or used to be) on the fourth page, the only page I opened. So hell, for me, or someone else using the internet sporadically, the images are all still a surprise. It's a point of view I wouldn't have considered except for this mini-vacation of mine. Even if it all went live tomorrow, a lot of users would still be shocked. Not everyone gets lucky zaps/goes to the forums/comes here/signs on daily.
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Post by Iggy »

I now have an Illumis elixir hiden my vault.

...just in case.

Or, I can do like Tutani Elixirs, and collect them.

Pretty...might turn JazzChan into one.
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Post by kerg »

Aw man, I wish I could have seen them, but it seeems like all the images were deleted. *hopes they are released soon*
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Post by bonecrivain »

You can see the images on Page 2 of this thread, kerg. They were deleted from Subeta's servers, but Will had them saved in his cache.
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Post by zebru »

Just an afterthought... are subeta forums working for others?
After the revamp I can't get in at all. I click on a forum section (main) and get "Loading, Please wait..." message - but nothing loads at all.
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Post by Silverevilchao »

zebru wrote:Just an afterthought... are subeta forums working for others?
After the revamp I can't get in at all. I click on a forum section (main) and get "Loading, Please wait..." message - but nothing loads at all.
The forums are working fine for me right now. ^^;;
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Post by Mayhem »

zebru wrote:Just an afterthought... are subeta forums working for others?
After the revamp I can't get in at all. I click on a forum section (main) and get "Loading, Please wait..." message - but nothing loads at all.
Working fine for me too, except the revamp REALLY likes to crash my Firefox for some reason. >:/
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

Eh, the site just crashed on me (in FireFox), but I was just on the forums and was not having any trouble with them.
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Post by kerg »

I can still read the forums, but I can't post anything. And the galactic pets are preeeetty. <3 I love the Telenine especially, but not enough to change one of my pets. I'm waiting for the galactic Montre, Demi, or Keeto.
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Post by Ellie »

And Keith, we /were/ suprised and absolutely delighted. It just happened sooner than you hoped. =3
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Post by Anubimon »

I don't really see what good delaying or scrapping the plans does at all. Even if you delay it, there will still be people knowing that they are there and should be coming. And if you scrap it altogether, why let the artists' work go to waste? And why screw the users out of what seems to be an absolutely gorgeous color?
Just my two cents anyway. I think the Galactics look amazing. I'd love to see what a Galactic Endeavor would look like. *_*
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Post by nanabobo567 »

Aw, poor Keith. I understand. It's one of those things where you forget one thing and it ends up being ruined. My eyes are watering in pity. He meant this to be really big and happy, but now he's angry someone made a mistake. It is a bit hasty to tear them away just because someone ruined the surprise, but I'd probably do something rash as well.
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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Post by Keith »


K. Galactic pets deleted.

I just threw a fit and said that I was scrapping it in hopes you guys would be a little more surprised when I actually pushed it forward.

-runs away-
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