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Post by bonecrivain »

Those videos you posted are pretty cute, Will. It will be interesting to see how this turns out. I'm guessing it'll be a bit like the beauty contest--a lot of really lousy copy-paste jobs with a few gems thrown in the mix--but maybe they'll screen the videos somehow and only let the really good ones on the site.
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Post by Alicorn »

You know, I didn't even think about people makeing flash videos. Now that I would watch. Heck maybe someone could have some cool stop motion animation ones too. So this isn't looking to bad. I'll save judgement for when it comes out for everyone.

Hehehe, I remeber seeing those flash videos way back when. They are so cute! Good to see them again. ^_^
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Post by Danish »

They could make a little flash box on the new features page, about the size of the square advertisement, where anyone could view the video of the week... or winner of the weekly spotlight or something like that. :)
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Post by Lou 500 »

People posting videos ass-kissing neopets while trying to attempt humorous inserts?

Fuck that, that's what we have the crappy Neopian Times articles for.
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Post by sezrin »

We have Neovision...

Can't wait to see what turns up on it... :/
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

Oh Lord, it passed beta. *headdesk*

Although I admit I'm curious to see what people are (can) upload to this thing. Is there any place to see submissions, or can users only submit videos right now?
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Post by Sagrei »

Here you go.

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Post by Kantark »

Still no Flash, which I reckon is a bad thing as that's the program I'd guess most people who'll use this thing will be familiar with - although, thinking about it, can you render Flash to Quicktime .mov?

What are they expecting, videos shot on a mobile phone (which'll be mpeg4 or 3gp) with no local IDs, faces, hands, identifying features whatsoever. Tricky.

I'm interested to see what they get.
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Post by Lou 500 »

Wannabe youtube whores...
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Post by Kantark »


Here's the viewing... thingy

Hmm.... it is a Beta, I guess...

Firstly, that's the Flash page from hell. It takes forever to load. Other video-viewing websites load up pretty quickly in comparison.

When using a popular video site the first thing I do once the page has loaded is hit 'pause' and let the video load a good buffer before playing - I absolutely hate having the video interrupted if the net/my PC/their server can't keep up. On Neovision the controls to do this seem quite unresponsive, and there is no visible bar to show how much of the clip has been loaded - unlike similar sites. I had to use the activity lights on the router to see when it had loaded.

If the buffer runs out the player automatically pauses until it decides enough has been loaded. Because it seems quite slow right now you end up wtih it playing a second - pausing for three - playing a second - pausing, and so on.

Then the worst bit - every half-dozen videos or so there is an ad break! a little clip is played that says 'Stay Tuned' or somesuch, then there's a short advertisement video which you have no control over. Big downside to this (other than the annoyance factor of the commercial) is that, because the controls are greyed out, you can't let the clip buffer first so it jerks and pops its way through its miserable existence at a rate of something like 1 frame per 2 seconds (sound doesn't work at that speed either) - and you can't do anything about it. I have no idea what the one I saw was about since for at least ten seconds I was presented with a freeze-frame of a young child looking at a display of toilets in what appeared to be a B&Q-type store. The second commercial it tried to play me did not even appear. (Just to clarify - I'm not totally averse to commercials as long as they play properly and they're of the calibre of, say, the Honda 'Cog' or 'Hate Something', Sony Bravia 'Balls' or 'Paint', anything by Boddingtons, or the 1992 Tennents Pilsner commercial where everything goes backwards.)

Content - early days, of course. I still think it has potential. The videos are sorted into various categories - User-generated videos, Neopets-generated videos, Trailers (for NeoMerchandise or the elusive film possibly?), etc. Some of the Neopets-made clips are OK, although they don't go beyond the sort of animation you'd get from an advent calendar or greeting card Flash clip. This may be where they've come from. The one with the plushie conveyor belt was amusing.

The user-generated content is extremely limited at this stage, nothing much over 10 seconds, and several are just converted Neopian Times comic strips. Everything appears to have originated in Flash and then been converted to a video format, consequently the quality is lower (and presumably size is larger) than the original Flash file. This is progress?

I've got a 2Mbit ADSL connection and while I admit I'm probably the wrong side of the pond for them and have an archaic PC, other video websites play much better than this.

Phew, got through that and didn't mention YouTube once.

... d'oh!
Last edited by Kantark on 23 May 2007 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Aaron »

From what I saw it was complete shit. I watched a good half dozen of 'good lord neopians why did you bother?!' .. and then realised they were the TNT made ones :/ the user made ones I watched were just comics. No animation at all, just comics..

Seems like a waste of time to me, though I'm glad this thing hasn't been made a huge part of the site, rather the opposite really..

EDIT: Forgot to add, I didn't actually get any ads, which is why coming on here explained a lot.. All I got was 'and now we leave for a short break..' which went straight to '..and now, coming back..' or something, which just seemed so pointless. But it wasnt, heh
Last edited by Aaron on 24 May 2007 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Officer 1BDI
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

I was willing to give this a chance until I started running into ads (well, the ad buffers anyway; no ad never actually loaded for me) every 3 videos.

The entire site is one huge commercial. I don't know why they felt they needed to interject even more ads between the user-made content.

Random Thought: Do premium users see the ad buffers as well?
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Post by Illuen »

Officer 1BDI wrote:I was willing to give this a chance until I started running into ads (well, the ad buffers anyway; no ad never actually loaded for me) every 3 videos.

The entire site is one huge commercial. I don't know why they felt they needed to interject even more ads between the user-made content.

Random Thought: Do premium users see the ad buffers as well?
No, we don't =P.

I think it has a lot of potential, although I do think we need to see more user submitted videos first. For those who pointed out the TNT videos are like those you'd see in the Advent Calendar, they are advent calendar videos =D (although they still need to put up my favorite, the Save Maraqua one.).

I think this is really going to depend on user submissions, and, god help me, I think I'm going to try and make a video for it.

Yes, I know i'm insane, why do you ask?
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Post by Iggy »

I have the birthday sidebar, and I didn't see any ads either, I think.
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