What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Kantark »

20 here, I shall remember this information should I ever find myself being attacked by a swarm of five-year-olds. Though by the time I have asked them all how old they are and compensated for any which are slightly older/younger, I'll already be dead.
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Cranberry »

Huggles wrote:That has to be one of the best online surveys ever. I could take 29. Neato.
I know! Usually I'm not a big fan of online quizzes, but I like that one (and What Are Your Chances of Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse?, which I saw on the same site. For the record, I have a 47% chance of making it). I'm bummed that I could only take out 18 kids, though; it seems low compared to some of you. Even though I'd fight dirty, I've never actually been in a fight and don't know any martial arts. :(
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Helmcargh »

I sent this to a friend and he got the low of only 12. He is isn't huge and doesn't want to hit kids with other kids. But he could definitely take me down if he wanted to.

edited because I am silly. :mrgreen:
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Miguel »

Apparently I could take 23 of the little ... darlings out. Evidently I'm not very nice, who knew? :P
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Jazzy »

Heh, I can take 25, and it'd be more if I wasn't so horribly short :P
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by checkers »

You could take on 26 five year old kids in a fight.
I said yes to using children as weapons but only if they attacked first.

You Have a 59% Chance of Survival!
It would be higher but I kept putting 'Save loved ones' :P
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Huggles »

I have a 63% chance of surviving Ty's minions, which I am assuming would be higher if I owned a gun. Oh, and the question where it asks you to pick a place to go might have hindered my score. I chose the fortified building one, but I was very close to picking Wal-Mart. They'd have guns, food, clothing, and everything I'd imagine one might need. But, I used to work there and I've chosen never to go inside another Wal-Mart or shop there since I quit. Even the chance of having my brains used in a nice sorbet wouldn't be enough incentive for me to go back.
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Kari »

I could beat up 23 kids. Wish it were more, I'd love to do it.
Oddly enough, I also have a 23% chance of surviving those zombies.
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Slugawoo »

I could wipe out 28 kids. Sweet. Is it bad that I think I'd enjoy that?
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Jamie »

You Have a 51% Chance of Survival!

You could take on 25 five year old kids in a fight.

Haha, funny.

Apparently I could also sell my bodyfor $5300 also, not that it'd help...
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Usul_Princess »

Iggy wrote:If I can manage to make it unable to run, I think I could manage to strangle an ostrich, if I work out a lot :)

Otherwise, a turkey would be my max.
That reminds me.... When I was 17 I ran over a wild turkey like 2 weeks before Thanksgiving XD. Wasn't naked though. I was on my way to school with my sister. She didn't say much the rest of the way there :P. But yeah, a turkey for me too. If you're stupid enough to drown yourself by looking up at the rain, (or run across 5 lanes of 7 AM traffic!) then you deserve to die. Granted if I could catch up with the thing, I would just squash it with my ass. It's versitile like that :)

21 five year olds for me. yay!

Fun topic. BTW: I *knew* this thread was by you before even looking at the creator, Madge!

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Madge »

Oh gosh, does my reputation precede me that much? Am I doomed to be considered obsessed with the naked murder of animals?

I didn't even think up the concept! It was Penn Jillette, AKA the best man in the UNIVERSE. His radio show is what I hope sex is like.
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Wingsrising »

I apparently have only a 38% to 41% chance of surviving a zombie attack, depending on whether I say I'd pick a fortified building or a hospital to go to. Going to a hospital evidently decreases your chances of survival by 3%, though I have to say: the hospital has both doctors and people with guns, both of which seem useful in the event of zombie attacks. Plus it's walking distance from my building at work, which is handy if the zombies attack during office hours. I might also go the clinic attached to the hospital -- it's so confusing even the people who work there get lost, I don't think zombies would have a chance. (On the downside, I get lost there, too.)

So, where are you SUPPOSED to go in the event of zombies?

Dunno why mine is so low when I didn't say anything about saving my loved ones. The nearest people I like that much are probably my parents, who live 1,000 miles away. Nothing I can do for them in the event of zombies. The only loved ones I have locally are the cats, and I suspect their chances in the event of a zombie attack are a lot higher than mine. (Cats run a lot faster than zombies. Especially if they're the slow zombies.)

EDIT: Wal-mart gives you one point over a fortified building. Mall seems to be highest. I assume this is merely because going to the mall is such a zombie movie cliche since I can't see any real advantage to being at the mall in such a situation, unless you want to pick up a cool new outfit to run from zombies from. I'm sticking by "hospital."
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by Monkeyguy »

I think Hospital ranks low because it is full of sick people with limited mobility who are easy targets for the zombies, thus they are able to quickly multiply.

I have a 63% chance of survival.
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Re: What is the largest animal you could kill whilst naked?

Post by nanabobo567 »

CURSE YOU ALL! Now I know everything there is to know about myself. I can take out 26 five-year-olds, have a 61% chance of surviving a zombie apocalypse (relatively high), my dead body is worth $5165, my brain is 80% wired for creativity, 147,785 people died on the day I was born, I could name 33 colours in five minutes, I got 34 countries in five minutes, so on and so forth. I now have no reason to live.
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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