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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 21 Sep 2007 07:00 pm
by zebru
I'm very sorry to hear about your Grandma Jazzy :( It must be particularly difficult time for your mum - mine was crushed when our granny died last summer *joins in hugs*

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 22 Sep 2007 04:59 am
by Alicorn
Jazzy: I'm so sorry to hear about your granny. My thoughts are with you and your family. **joins in forum group hug**

On a lighter night, I must tell people. I'm finally in Canada with my fiance, yay! I've been wanting this for 3 and a half years now. It's so good to finally be here. Now to get the harder stuff out of the way before I can call it offically home.

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 22 Sep 2007 09:37 am
by gomababe
Achievementnt: I actually got rid of a fairly large spider in the bathroom without freaking out about it ^_^. Looks like it was the same spider that I caught trying to run underneath my bed last week *sighs*. When will these little ladies learn that they're going to get squished if I don't see them first {most of my family are arachnophobic, I'm not, at least not to the same extent}?

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 23 Sep 2007 11:40 am
by Alecko
Major woe: My dad rang me a few minutes ago with news that my uni had sent another letter addressed to me. He opened it and apprently they're stopping another two of the third year modules for my course. Which includes Recent Advances in Animal Behaviour which was one of the modules I was meant to be doing. They already stopped my most anticipated module (Animal Cognition) earlier in the summer so I had to re-choose something then and now they're pulling this out of thin air with a week to go until the semester starts. They haven't even bothered to send an email round alerting people to the changes.

I'm so beyond pisssed of about this. Urgh.

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 24 Sep 2007 05:11 pm
by Elzaim
Two nice achievments for me:

After spending two full days on a BG painting test for a new show my studio is working on - I got the job!

Because of this, I got my newest toy.... a Cintiq

Looks like I'm going to be spending a lot of extra time at the studio now....

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 24 Sep 2007 10:17 pm
by Sagrei
Woe: I have to repair/reformat/un-bugger-up a pair of laptops for a friend tonight.

Yay: I'm getting paid in pizza and beer, and I can watch hockey while I do it.

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 24 Sep 2007 10:38 pm
by Aaron
Last Thursday was my 18th birthday! :D so I'm all legal and whatnot now, been quite a drunk and busy weekend, been good though! From thursday to sunday its just been drunk --> hungover --> drunk --> hungover..

Only downside, what I mistook to be a hangover yesterday turns out I actually am ill with something, have a weird lump on the right of my neck which hurts, and been all headache-y and stuff too, got like 30 mins sleep last night :/

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 25 Sep 2007 07:47 pm
by thelonetiel
Elzaim wrote:Two nice achievments for me:

After spending two full days on a BG painting test for a new show my studio is working on - I got the job!

Because of this, I got my newest toy.... a Cintiq

Looks like I'm going to be spending a lot of extra time at the studio now....
I am incredibly jealous, that is one nice toy. I have no idea what I'd do with one, but I'd love one all the same. Congrats on the job.

My only achievement of the moment is a pair of Converse with the Argentinian flag patterned on them. Fwee!

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 26 Sep 2007 03:24 am
by Monkeyguy
Woe: This bloody aircraft museum near my house is having this stupid show with planes flying around with fireworks and it's really annoying when you are trying to sleep.

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 27 Sep 2007 06:01 pm
by gomababe
Woe: my tongue hurts because its rubbing up against a rather sharp molar at the back of my mouth on the left side. Trouble is that since I'm not on JSA I can't get my dental treatment for free {even though I'm only getting £55 a week since I'm volunteering full time atthe end of next month}. I need to get this sorted though because this is really bugging me.

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 27 Sep 2007 09:41 pm
by Monkeyguy
Awesome Yay: I'm going to a soft, employees only opening of Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Florida tonight!! My friend's dad works there and got a few tickets to it. Unfortunately, because the staff are the only ones in attendance, there will be no one to operate the rides. There will be (hopefully) scary houses to walk through.

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 28 Sep 2007 04:35 am
by Sagrei
That laptop I mentioned before, with all the issues, that I started working on Tuesday?


I found 145 viruses, 79 pieces of spyware, 83 critical windows updates that hadn't been installed, and somehow the task manager and firewall were user-locked. I've got all of that fixed now, and knocked the idle processor use from 79% to 4%.

There's one bloody virus that reappears every time I switch the stupid thing on, and as of yet I have not figured out a way to be rid of it. I think this is time for the specialized tools -- you know, mallet, belt sander, machete....

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 28 Sep 2007 01:54 pm
by tallan
I'm going to see Dream Theater tonight. \o/ I haven't listened to their latest record more than once or twice, which is sort of embarrassing, so I probably won't recognise any of the songs unless they play a lot of old stuff, but they're a kickass band and I haven't seen them live since, what, -99? So it'll be awesome anyway. :D

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 28 Sep 2007 07:08 pm
by Slugawoo
Yay: I get to go home for the weekend. Which is good, because I was under the impression I'd be stuck in this hell hole another week. :D ...This better not mean I can't go home for my birthday. Heads will roll, I swear.

Woe: I brought my PS2 up here last time. ...But I forgot the controllers. Anyways, it's quite the piece of crap. It turns itself off at random, but at least it was usable. I plugged it in today to find it's now not working at all. Demmit.

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 29 Sep 2007 07:27 am
by oogabooga
Woe: Tomorrow night is a symphony concert, and I have to work. It's partly my own fault for not letting my manager know ahead of time, but I've only been working three weeks and I'm still a little unsure on procedures.