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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 04:20 pm
by Keith

Code: Select all

<style type=text/css>
     display: block;

Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 04:27 pm
by Iggy
Item names are back.

Thanks Keith for giving out the CSS to show the names.

Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 10:04 pm
by Jessi
Hm. I love having the code to give us the item names, but it's completely messing up my treasures when I use the code Keith posted on site to make it so we only have four items per row again. SIGH. I'm going to have to play with this a little bit, it's driving me nuts @_@

Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Posted: 29 Oct 2009 11:16 pm
by Foghawk
I opened the main page, read this entire thread, got some dinner, came back, and it wasn't loaded.

This is a problem.

I'm definitely going to be hacking away at the CSS until it is forced back to something manageable - I hate liquid layouts and glossy 'Web 2.0'-style graphics. Does anyone have the old style header images? I've grown really rather fond of the Charlie from Hydrus.

Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 12:37 am
by ZomgethMew
I've got the old Spectrum header, if you want it. I like the new headers and all, but I'd rather have my old one :B Rainbows for the win.

Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 01:51 am
by Foghawk
What do you know, they're all still on the site - webarchive gave me the URLS, and they're still good (for now, at least). If anyone else wants to save them, they're at - just replace x with style numbers (they go up to 8) until you find the one you want.

Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 03:34 am
by Usul_Princess
...Woah! o_O Can't officially decide how I feel about it yet. It's a mixed bag of YAY and *heavy sigh*.

I'm so relieved to read that the item description text is coming back! ^_^ My OCD hates unlabled things, and it adds appeal (and relevance) as to why that particular item is in their chest. It matches up with their personalities.
The site layout style is very beautiful. Looks quite professional. However it reminds me too much of Neo 2.0 *shudder*, It has that "crammed" look. What do websites have against simplicity these days? I'll miss my simple lilac layout of 1.0 with the navigation and such. Its nice that people are coming up with codes to enable/disable for their browsing pleasure...but..where exactly do I place the code(s)? As I'd like to get rid of that postcard thing, have an actual main link to the forums, and...have my pet profiles back. *sniffle* Will the original Subeta globe navigation come back? I liked that loads better than this new treasure map thing.

I'm miffed about my pet profile CSS being gone, but not exactly devastated. I have no idea what the hell I wrote in their descriptions 3 years ago, or a few months ago for that matter. (I know it's my fault for not saving it to backup, but still...) The new pet profiles are absolutely hideous, and I'm glad there's away to "fix" them so that they can retain their original style somewhat.

Loading is slower, but it doesn't crash nearly as often, so yay! Reasonable compromise. *nods*
This is a lot to take in, but I'm leaning towards liking it, even though admiring my pets in 1.0 was basically about the only thing I absolutely loved doing. Complaining aside, the changes aren't as drastic as...over there. and I'll get used to this too.

Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 04:00 am
by AngharadTy
Usul, there's a link to your old css from the news page. They did save it for everyone.

Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 04:12 am
by Usul_Princess
Ah! Thanks, Ty! yayness. *looks for flashdrive*

Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 09:59 pm
by shadowgem
Supposedly the item name code messes up the treasure rows. I might fiddle with it later and see if I can get a working version that won't mess with the treasure rows.

Edit: I'm using this on my pet Logrus, and it seems to be functioning properly. He also has that Tarot item with the long name in his treasure, so I figured he'd be a good test pet.

Code: Select all

.treasure_item_name {display: inline;}
.treasure_item {height: 100px !important;}
The height is what allows the treasure rows to display properly. You can adjust the height, but it needs to be big enough to accomodate your longest treasure item name. Let me know if any of you have problems with it.

Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Posted: 02 Nov 2009 03:07 am
by bonecrivain
Does anyone know the time frame on when pet treasures are going to be fixed? I appreciate that we can make all these height/width/iten name adjustments now, but they don't do a whole lot of good when the items already IN your pets' treasures can't be rearranged. Are we back to the really old system of having to remove all of the treasure items and add them back, one by one, in a specific order? Considering how many items are in my pets' treasures and how much time/sp I spend adding to them, that would be pretty awful.

Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Posted: 02 Nov 2009 03:39 am
by Iggy
Programmers (Or at least Scarsdale) are aware of it. There is no timeframe, but they know the issue is there.

Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Posted: 02 Nov 2009 06:56 am
by bonecrivain
Hmm. Aware of something and in the process of fixing it are not necessarily the same thing. Hopefully it doesn't take too long.

Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Posted: 03 Nov 2009 06:54 am
by AngharadTy
Is it just me (or Chrome), or do the pop-ups for users tend to scroll up again, which is really annoying because I like to hover over my friends and see what HAs they have...? Grr.

Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Posted: 03 Nov 2009 02:42 pm
by Keith
AngharadTy wrote:Is it just me (or Chrome), or do the pop-ups for users tend to scroll up again, which is really annoying because I like to hover over my friends and see what HAs they have...? Grr.
That's sort of my fault -- yesterday I updated our tooltip and javascript libraries (while in the process of fixing the dragging things like treasure chests) and it could have changed how HAs display now.