RL Achievements and ToW

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

soooo much moving to do @__@! Lutie bear loves the new place though, he's had a lot of fun sniffing around when we have taken him over. I hope to move all the bookcases over today with the help of my dad, and mom is coming over to do some cleaning :P 5(?) to move! There's a lot more space at the new place, so hopefully I can take the rest of my books out of storage at my parent's place.

Woe: My heritage tomatoes have been pretty crappy, but my patio and plum tomatoes are doing well. Not able to save any to make chili sauce though, they keep getting eaten by the family LOL!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by bonecrivain »

Kali_Lupine wrote:hopefully I can take the rest of my books out of storage at my parent's place.

Glad to hear the move's going well! I find it a kind of overwhelming, but very exciting process. Remember: pictures once you're all moved in!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

hahaha, bon, I have been taking pictures the whole time so I'll have lots to post! Today's the official move day, hopefully I can survive it lol!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Tom »

woe: Boooo, I still don't have the internet at home. :c I moved into my new flat (which is rather lovely) back around the 16th July and we were supposed to get the internet, finally, on the 31st September. Except things haven't really happened as hoped. They activated the downstairs flat instead of ours on the top floor despite my flatmate phoning, after it didn't recognise our address, and asking if the address he submitted was okay - he was told it was fine. So yeah. The downstairs flat managed to incur a two hundred pound phone bill from international calls to Poland and have since been disconnected, and the internet order cancelled. Now there's an investigation being made as to whether or not we made these calls and they were supposed to have got back to me yesterday - they haven't. And supposedly it might take three more weeks to connect us - if they say that it's going to take this long, we're going to threaten to cancel, because it's all rather frustrating. And my boyfriend moved into his house on the 15th and already has internet. So I'm generally just suffering.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jamie »

woe; At a party last night in an apartment building for Riverfire (an annual fireworks display here in Brisbane). The host of the party fell from the balcony and didn't make it. We were held for a few hours while the paramedics worked on him, and then interviewed by the police, and then detectives. Wednesday (7th) is the one year anniversary of my friend Emma's passing as well. I don't think September is ever going to be a good time of the year for me.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

Jamie, I'm so sorry for your loss. How terrible.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

so Ali and I are officially moved into our new place. I shall be uploading and sharing pictures soon! It was more stressful than I realized it would be...so I am now aware that in the "city" you are supposed to vacate your old apartment by the last day of the month, but here in the country things work different, things move slower. My dad calls it being on Haliburton time (after the name of the village) sooooo anyway, our landlord told us "take your time, you don't need to be out by the last of the month" so we were officially moved out the 1st. Trouble is, the guy who was moving into our old place had a hissy fit and wanted to get in right away. Understandable right? What pissed me off was that he works with Ali, she had told him what our landlord said and he was fine with it, he also knew what days she had booked off to do the moving, so he knew when we were getting most of it done. He was rude to Ali about the whole thing, which was annoying considering how we left him stuff that we didn't need and that we knew he needed. Eh, but either way it's all done now!

And of course Bell Canada sucks...when our internet didn't get connected on time (but our phone line did) Ali called to see what's up. They told her that they had a record of us requesting our phone line moved but not our internet service. I was with my dad when he requested the move, and I know he requested both. It's a trend here that Bell can't seem to get anything right. I am not sure why they thought if we were moving to a new apartment we didn't want our internet service moved...sort of defy s logic to me. So in the end they told us it would be connected within 48 hours. They went 48 business hours, but of course we were expected to read their minds. *sigh* Anyway we were told it would be up by midnight on Tues, but I was pleasantly surprised to wake up from my nap and see it was working.

We didn't think we'd get our box spring up our narrow and steep stairs but our awesome next door neighbor got it up for us with a little help! Other than that it's just been frustrating with Ali and I getting into little arguments left right and center about furniture placement and etc. :P That and she doesn't want to throw anything away...she's a wee bit of a hoarder.

But all in all, things are great now that most of the trouble is out of the way! I'll let Ali brag about the swag she had a friend pick up for her at an anime expo :D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kantark »

Jamie, what an awful thing to happen, I'm really sorry to hear that :-(
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Lindsey discovered blood in Alys's urine, so we took her to our new vet today as they have Sunday hours. Now, it is our EX-new vet.

The vet we saw was so unbelievably rude, I'm not even sure where to start. He did not ask us any questions about if Alys was straining, in pain, if she drank enough water, not even about her DIET. He mocked Wyn for being a scaredy-cat (Wyn came with for a free exam) and basically snapped in my face that everything I'd ever been told my by old (and wonderful) vet was a lie. He gave Alys a $65 antibiotic shot WITHOUT TELLING US THE PRICE FIRST and tried to convince us that she needed a $180 urine culture. For a tiny little bladder infection. Even when I tried to tell him that I've been dealing with cat UTIs for YEARS thanks to Wyn, he completely dismissed me and was just so RUDE. His bedside manner, so to speak, was horrible and then he acted like it was the end of the world when I told him no, I'm not paying $180 for a stupid urine culture when you're already making me pay for a $65 antibiotic shot. Fffff.

Worst vet experience ever. I actually started crying in the office because I miss my old vet so much and he made me feel so small, like I'm the worst pet owner EVER and I KNOW I'm a great cat-owner. Sigh. Time to find a new vet.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

@Jamie I am so terribly sorry for your loss, and for what seems to me to have been a very traumatizing experience. I will be thinking of you.

@Tom good luck babes! Spend more time at your boyfriend's flat maybe? *wink wink*

@Jessi I'm so sorry hun :c I've never had a bad experience with a vet. My old one was amazing, I did volunteer work with him for a long time so I got to know him very well. Our new one here in the village is a family friend.

Woe/Achieve(?): So yesterday after noticing a friend of a friend on facebook had submitted his writing to an independent publisher who specializes in horror and dark fiction I actually got the nerve up to send in a computation of short story's ...i know this sounds horrid but I SO regret it now. I am horrid at rejection and I am afraid that this will be another excuses for me to avoid writing. I even had a rather upsetting dream about it last night. I was so stressed last night I didn`t make dinner until almost 11pm. So just kinda been randomly crying and worry...*sighs* I wish I didn`t want to be an author lol.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jamie »

Woe: In what continues to be an amazing start to the month, my cousin died last night. I'm not exactly sure how, from what mum said on the phone he was rushed to ED and died shortly after. It was some underlying medical condition though. I was closer to his wife and daughter than to him himself, but it's a major kick in the guts at a time like this. I just want to go home and be with my mum and family, but I have so much university on at the moment that I can't justify getting away. Only thing I have to look forward to is that a small group of my friends that knew Emma are coming over tomorrow afternoon to distract each other for the night. It all seems like a cruel joke really, I've had enough of this sort of stuff for now.

and thank you for the kind words guys. I'll try not to clog up the Woe aspect of this thread again for a while.

[editing to post something nice in this thread] The boy that I've been 'involved with' for the past 7months is flying up to visit me for 10 days on Saturday. I say 'involved with', because he lives pretty far away and we only see each other every 4-6weeks. We're not dating or anything... we just... both wish we lived a lot closer and are keeping in touch in case our circumstances change down the track.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

oh Jamie...my heart goes out to you. Not much I can say in that regard, it's always hard to know what to say in some situations...I shall be thinking of you. Long distance relationships can be hard, when Ali lived in the USA and I was here in Canada it was hard on both of us...people usually gave me a look when I mentioned my fiance lived in another country. It all worked out for us, I hope that things will move towards future happiness in any/all regards for you.

Woe: Found out yesterday my mother-in-law's guinea piggy died, Kisa aka Baby Kis to me. Maybe I am crazy but I tend to get more emotionally attached to animals than people. When Ali told me the news I just started crying, which is the reason she won't allow me to have a guinea pig of my own, they don't live long enough and I'm a wreck when they die. *sighs* Don't mind me...just very emotional today :P
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

It sounds like everybody is having a craptastic time so I'll add mine to the pile. We had to put our cat down last night. It was the right thing to do and all but... she was only 9 and a half and we only had her for 6 of those years :(
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

sorry to hear that Madge...losing a pet is incredibly hard :c I hope that things brighten up in the future.

woe/achieve (?) : ha, I was moving stuff upstairs (to the master bedroom) and I fell (go up the stairs of course) and broke my finger, my pinky. A woe because I have tons of things to move/shift in our new place...also a achieve for the same reason LOL No cooking dinner for me tonight! Ali will have to have left overs :P
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jazzy »

I am so sorry, Jamie :( I hope things get better for you soon.

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