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Revamped Darkmatter Charlie + Ghostly

Posted: 04 Oct 2009 10:53 pm
by Pyrostatic
Image Image

Image Image

Old ----> New
First, I must say, what the f*** is up with this Charlie? The position really messes with my eyes. The head looks too big for it's body. It's right wing looks like it's coming out from the butt (do Charlies even have tails to begin with?!). It's right back leg looks too small to the point where it can't hold itself up. And back to the head, it looks very bald. I can barely even see that tuft of hair in the left corner. And the Dark Matter orb underneath it's paw doesn't even look properly shaded. Wow...Just wow. And not in a good way.

The Ghostly artist continues to do a good job with the species. It looks so much better than the old. Oh and I just noticed the DM orb marking on it's head. Very clever. =D

Edit: Thank you Seerow for providing the old images. ^.^

Re: Revamped Darkmatter Charlie + Ghostly

Posted: 04 Oct 2009 11:02 pm
by TCStarwind
All charlies have huge heads, which is why the perspective of this one makes it look worse. It's wings are odd, and the more I look at it the most I start disliking it. It's okay, considering the original was in the basic colorfill pose (I think anyway), but it's not something I'd ever get.

The ghostly is quite wonderful, though. The shading is amazing, and the pose is cute. I'd want to get one, but I know I'd never be able to do anything with it, so I'll admire from afar.

Re: Revamped Darkmatter Charlie + Ghostly

Posted: 04 Oct 2009 11:48 pm
by Mistress Morbid
The Charlie does have some anatomical issues, however I still find myself liking it a lot. I just love the mischievous personality it exudes. ^ ^

Ghostly is nice, but I can't say much else since I don't care for the species.

Re: Revamped Darkmatter Charlie + Ghostly

Posted: 04 Oct 2009 11:52 pm
by Enriana
The Ghostly is a Ghostly. End of story.

As a Charlie fan (I own one, and had one for my first pet), I'm not entirely thrilled by this. The perspective does make the head look overly big, but what really bugs me is that it's kind of.. bland. Like, the head, ears (excluding the tips), front paws, back, wings, and haunches are all the same solid black.

Some purple or grey accented areas, or a design on the wings would have been excellent - something to spruce up the pet. However, that is something that can be solved with a decent overlay.

I'm kind of done with the DM pets - I think they've nearly all been excellent additions, but I'm more interested in seeing new or revamped bloodred & graveyard pets.

Re: Revamped Darkmatter Charlie + Ghostly

Posted: 05 Oct 2009 12:00 am
by Pyrostatic
Enriana wrote: I'm kind of done with the DM pets - I think they've nearly all been excellent additions, but I'm more interested in seeing new or revamped bloodred & graveyard pets.
That, I don't want the Telly or Montre redone. T-T

Re: Revamped Darkmatter Charlie + Ghostly

Posted: 05 Oct 2009 12:06 am
by Foghawk
I think I might have been able to forgive the anatomical weirdness on the Charlie if it didn't have those ridiculously heavy hooded lids. When I put my finger over its left eyelid, it actually looks kinda cool - but without it I can't decide whether it's on drugs or trying to seduce me or both. (The Graveyard has the same problem.) It's distressing, as I'm rather fond of Charlies (I have a Galactic).

The Ghostly's all right, though I haven't liked them quite as much since the revamp. Does anyone have the old one?

I agree with Enri - I'm pretty much burned out on the DM pets. -crosses fingers for bloodred cadogre-

Re: Revamped Darkmatter Charlie + Ghostly

Posted: 05 Oct 2009 12:18 am
by Goldenchaos
The Charlie looks like really old art..the Ghostly is nice, though the dark matter on its head makes it look like a sticker

Re: Revamped Darkmatter Charlie + Ghostly

Posted: 05 Oct 2009 12:27 am
by Seerow
That Charlie is one of the scariest things I've seen on the site as of late. And I don't mean the good kind of scary. It's just so very wrong.

The Ghostly however is fantastic. I love the dark matter replacement on the head and his little hoard of them. great job :D

Here's the old:

Re: Revamped Darkmatter Charlie + Ghostly

Posted: 05 Oct 2009 01:29 am
by Sunwolf
The Charlie looks Chibi. And the smooth butt is strange - it does look like its wing is attached there. Lack of shading, bah.

Ghostly is good - not anything I'd own, but a nice solid Ghostly addition.

Re: Revamped Darkmatter Charlie + Ghostly

Posted: 05 Oct 2009 02:55 am
by Chandi
I'm gonna agree with Goldenchaos and say that this Charlie looks like old art. Compare the aura and the darkmatters between the Charlie and Ghostly... poor shading on the blobs, the eyes are different, the aura has no (feathering? it just looks too solid). There has been consistency on the blobs and the aura with the latest batches of pets, and this one just falls off the charts. The shading on the pet itself is just eh. I am completely not a fan at all.

The Ghostly - I've been liking them since the revamp, but not enough to get one. A solid edition to the revamps right now.

Re: Revamped Darkmatter Charlie + Ghostly

Posted: 05 Oct 2009 03:22 am
by Huggles
Honestly, I thought the new image was the old charlie. I don't much care for the species, but it looks like a downgrade to me too. I'm not to jazzed about the ghostly either, but it's consistent with the revamp.

Re: Revamped Darkmatter Charlie + Ghostly

Posted: 05 Oct 2009 08:23 am
by Heilos
I'm all for the Charlie getting more colors and all since it's a very neglected pet but my god, this is incredibly LAZY.
There's no variation in the aura, the darkmatter looks extremely flat and off, the shading on the body is also flat and I don't usually agree when people have said that about a few other DM revamps. Not impressed at all, who exactly did the revamp art for this? I can't recognize the style very well.

I've been so very impressed with the ghostly's colors ever since the revamp and the artist has been keeping the poses interesting and the species consistant, MUCH LOVE. If I had an idea for another pet that fit this color, i'd get it in a heartbeat <333
Makes me excited for the graveyard ghostly whenever it gets revamp, hoping this month X3

Re: Revamped Darkmatter Charlie + Ghostly

Posted: 06 Oct 2009 01:33 am
by Aisu
I agree with everything Pyrostatic said about the Charlie. xD; It just looks... odd. But the Ghostly is lovely~

Re: Revamped Darkmatter Charlie + Ghostly

Posted: 06 Oct 2009 03:07 am
by AngharadTy
I'm another who absolutely loves charlies (I had an arid one for a while and I miss it, actually), but new charlies are disappointing to me. I was really looking forward to GY, and it did not "live" up to my expectations. This is just as sad for me. The pose could be interesting, but it just comes across as awkward and weird. The wings are overly simplistic when I think they should be elegantly simple. And I'm really not liking the expression, maybe because of the perspective. I do like the whiskers a lot! And the biggest matter has good eyes. But overall, I just don't like the pet. Sad.

The ghostly is a fantastic ghostly, even if I don't care for the species. It makes good use of the space and the spread of matters is very attractive.

Re: Revamped Darkmatter Charlie + Ghostly

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 12:00 pm
by ZomgethMew
Seerow wrote:That Charlie is one of the scariest things I've seen on the site as of late. And I don't mean the good kind of scary.
This. I thought it was the old one when I saw it (and I thought the right wing was a tail x.o).

Ghostly is.. well, a Ghostly. It's neat, though =3.