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Atlas of the ancients

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 11:23 pm
by Noble fauf

Well the first day of the plot is up...
Spoiler: open/close
You just click on the map on the third page of the comic and you get an "ancient map of neopia" a gift with no other current purpose.

at least it looks cool...

Re: Atlas of the ancients

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 11:44 pm
by Rainbow Daydreamer
♥ "Danger, excitement and the chance to save the world? Sounds like my kind of adventure."
(Roxton Colchester)

Well, this looks like it's off to an intriguing start. I'm a little surprised at the... well... user-friendliness of the event so far. I mean, it has little pop-up boxes when you get an item, and if I'm not mistaken, they're actually giving us clues now for later steps (the map of potential destinations). Maybe they're trying to make up for the inaccessibility many people complained about with the Sloth plot, but it'll be a shame if we aren't given the traditional puzzle plot frustration headache.

Pretty little Shenkuuvian Kacheek, by the way. Shame she doesn't have a name. And Roxy seems to have gone up in the world-- luxury hotel?

It's still not clear what kind of event this is going to be. I've got Lila armed with her Scarab Rings just in case they're needed, but I suspect we're set for more of a puzzle plot this time around. I wonder what Roxy and crew are actually supposed to be looking for...

Re: Atlas of the ancients

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 11:47 pm
by EofS
It looks like an owl...

I love love love the artwork in the first page of the comic. Gorgeous. And the little animated butterflies. Even though I don't entirely understand what the first page was about...

And FINALLY they're doing landscape comics, which more-or-less fit on one screen. No more irritating scrolling up and down because the text you activate by mousing over the top, is displaying at the bottom!

Re: Atlas of the ancients

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 11:55 pm
by Kantark
E, the way the dialogue was going I expected that Yurble on the first page to meet a grisly death. Was a little disappointed!

Well, it seems that they've exhausted the possibilities of the county of Essex when it comes to character names, and have now moved on to Kent. Yay, Sussex next! oh... we've had Mr Krawley already, haven't we?

Re: Atlas of the ancients

Posted: 16 Oct 2009 12:00 am
by EofS
Kantark wrote:Well, it seems that they've exhausted the possibilities of the county of Essex when it comes to character names, and have now moved on to Kent. Yay, Sussex next! oh... we've had Mr Krawley already, haven't we?
Honestly, such typical south-east centric behaviour. You know the country doesn't stop an hour outside London!

Re: Atlas of the ancients

Posted: 16 Oct 2009 12:02 am
by Jazzy
I've stickied this thread, so this'll be the official plot thread :)

The art is very pretty, but I'm really not keen on the landscape comics - they don't fit well in my browser menu and I have to scroll both across and down to read the pages.
Well, it seems that they've exhausted the possibilities of the county of Essex when it comes to character names, and have now moved on to Kent. Yay, Sussex next! oh... we've had Mr Krawley already, haven't we?
You mean they don't intend to call one of the characters Shellow Bowels?

Re: Atlas of the ancients

Posted: 16 Oct 2009 12:03 am
by Iggy
I bought a double of the map to put in my gallery, it's gorgeous.

There is a NC challenge part for this plot, which I'm disapointed in. Not EVERYTHING needs a NC challenge!

Re: Atlas of the ancients

Posted: 16 Oct 2009 12:18 am
by Captain_Awesome
Iggy wrote:I bought a double of the map to put in my gallery, it's gorgeous.

There is a NC challenge part for this plot, which I'm disapointed in. Not EVERYTHING needs a NC challenge!
That right there is a filthy lie and you know it.

They gave the lady Xwee a name, Clara Chatham.

Re: Atlas of the ancients

Posted: 16 Oct 2009 12:21 am
by Rainbow Daydreamer
Captain_Awesome wrote:They gave the lady Xwee a name, Clara Chatham.
Xweetok? I thought that was a Shenkuuvian Wocky (for some reason, Shenkuu seems to give birth to skinny Neopets. Must be all the mountain-climbing.)

Re: Atlas of the ancients

Posted: 16 Oct 2009 12:26 am
by Captain_Awesome
I guess it is a wocky, I didn't really notice the ears.

Maybe they're saying something about the typical Asian diet? :/

Re: Atlas of the ancients

Posted: 16 Oct 2009 12:31 am
by Kantark
EofS wrote:
Kantark wrote:Well, it seems that they've exhausted the possibilities of the county of Essex when it comes to character names, and have now moved on to Kent. Yay, Sussex next! oh... we've had Mr Krawley already, haven't we?
Honestly, such typical south-east centric behaviour. You know the country doesn't stop an hour outside London!
Hmm, maybe they get all their UK info from the Times. In their defence there is a Geordie in the comic too (well, ok, not quite - but it's close enough :P). And maybe the Yurble is called Greater Manchester?

Edit: I've just noticed, on the second page, just to the left of the butler holding the message for Roxton (let's call him Shellow Bowels) is the bottom right corner of the panel at the end of the page (showing Jordie holding the Buzzer). Also there's some odd colouring going on in that area. Bit of Friday afternoon editing?!

Re: Atlas of the ancients

Posted: 16 Oct 2009 12:32 am
by Rainbow Daydreamer
Kantark wrote: And maybe the Yurble is called Greater Manchester?
If he doesn't get a name, I am definitely on board with calling him that. :mrgreen:

Re: Atlas of the ancients

Posted: 16 Oct 2009 12:36 am
by TCStarwind
Lookit the little kougra and his buzz! That last panel on the second page was too cute. And so was that kacheek girl. Absolutely adorable. The rest of it I don't particularly care about. No Rourke = not much interest from me.

Re: Atlas of the ancients

Posted: 16 Oct 2009 01:02 am
by Gumdrops
Iggy wrote: There is a NC challenge part for this plot, which I'm disapointed in. Not EVERYTHING needs a NC challenge!
I agree. That really annoyed me when I saw it. I don't mind NC challenges for the AAA stuff, but there's no reason for it to be included in plots. It better be just a side quest type thing. I'll be pissed if the NC buyers end up with some kind of advantage.

Re: Atlas of the ancients

Posted: 16 Oct 2009 05:03 am
by Seerow
Yay plot! And that was so really really pretty art, I was impressed. I hope there is fighting involved somewhere, mixed in with some puzzles too of course.
*Waits for more to happen*