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Win a nifty electronic device contest

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 03:48 pm
by Seerow

Subeta is holding another contest with real life prizes! Neat! Items up for grab are a PS3, PSP, Ipod Touch, DSi, and a ZuneHD which I have never heard of before.
Entering the contest is really easy and most of it was stuff I do everyday anyway which is nice. It asks you to feed and play with your pet, and even though your pets may be full/happy all the time just the act of trying will count so that's nice.

Be sure you visit the contest checklist everyday that you want to enter though! According to Keith, you must visit it for the activities to count, otherwise the site doesn't know you are working towards entering. I just set mine up as my homepage for the time being so I make sure I visit it before doing the once daily activities such as Safe Crack.

Good luck to anyone who enters :D

Re: Win a nifty electronic device contest

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 04:13 pm
by Keith
Yes! Make sure you go to the checklist page before you do anything else, because otherwise they won't count.

And the Zune is a MP3 Player with some other cool stuff, like being able to share music over wifi with other people who have a zune (especially cool if you live in a big city).

Re: Win a nifty electronic device contest

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 04:19 pm
by hebdenhippy
Wow the prizes are great! Good luck everyone! Does anyone know if people outside of the US can still enter this?

Re: Win a nifty electronic device contest

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 05:19 pm
by Amphigorey
hebdenhippy wrote:Wow the prizes are great! Good luck everyone! Does anyone know if people outside of the US can still enter this?
Yes, they can.

Re: Win a nifty electronic device contest

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 06:06 pm
by mellaka
It's very cool that they are doing this again. Like Seerow, I do most of the stuff every day anyway.

I was a finalist last time they had something similar but didn't win anything.

Re: Win a nifty electronic device contest

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 06:52 pm
by AngharadTy
I would love a Zune. I use the Zune software instead of Winamp; it's so sleek and actually really fun. I adore it.

Re: Win a nifty electronic device contest

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 08:00 pm
by TCStarwind
This is a nifty contest. :D I'll participate, because even if I don't win, I'm at least a bit more active on subeta. I think the hardest part for me will be the forum posting. I usually don't have anything to say.

Re: Win a nifty electronic device contest

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 09:29 pm
by klaatu99
TCStarwind wrote:This is a nifty contest. :D I'll participate, because even if I don't win, I'm at least a bit more active on subeta. I think the hardest part for me will be the forum posting. I usually don't have anything to say.
Then do what I'm gonna do. Pick a random thread and just be random.

Re: Win a nifty electronic device contest

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 10:13 pm
by Amphigorey
klaatu99 wrote:
TCStarwind wrote:This is a nifty contest. :D I'll participate, because even if I don't win, I'm at least a bit more active on subeta. I think the hardest part for me will be the forum posting. I usually don't have anything to say.
Then do what I'm gonna do. Pick a random thread and just be random.
There's lots of threads in the Games/HA Games subforum that are there just to up your post count.

Re: Win a nifty electronic device contest

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 10:26 pm
by Officer 1BDI
I saw the DSi + game and was instantly sold. :3

Re: Win a nifty electronic device contest

Posted: 11 Nov 2009 11:06 pm
by Joey
I'll enter as much as I can, because that ps3 has my eye :D

Re: Win a nifty electronic device contest

Posted: 12 Nov 2009 05:35 am
by Alicorn
This is so very cool. I wouldn't mind having any of these. I do a lot of the stuff on the checklist anyway so it won't be all that hard. Only part I never really did was post on the forums. So I have to get past my shyness for that. It's totally worth it.

Re: Win a nifty electronic device contest

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 03:58 pm
by Silverevilchao
Saw the PS3 + game (and the PSP - my mind instantly went to the Persona remake) and instantly went "WAAAANT."

So then I started doing everything. What a clever way to make people active. xD;;

Re: Win a nifty electronic device contest

Posted: 15 Nov 2009 03:34 am
by Mayhem
Ohshi, I wouldn't know what to pick. I want a DSi, but I already have a DS Lite. I think the only thing I don't have up there is the PSP, but having two of something is always nice...

Re: Win a nifty electronic device contest

Posted: 15 Nov 2009 04:45 am
by shaelyn76
I agree that this is a really cool way to encourage people to be more active. I never did Krypts and I admit I rarely played with or fed my pets as they stay in the resort almost all the time. I would love any of the prizes as I don't have a single one of them. The Zune caught my eye since my iPod shot craps a few months ago and I haven't been able to afford a new mp3 player. Good luck to everyone!!!