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Daily Dare

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 11:33 am
by daisybell
Time for another round of Daily Dare- it doesn't feel that long since the last event with AAA.

Today's game is Meerca Chase II, AAA's score is 650.

You can use the superextrahypergravitymode to get a difficult but high scoring secret version to play, and cross your fingers you get a fish negg.

Re: Daily Dare

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 01:38 pm
by Kari
Wow, forgot about this thing. And I'm totally not in a Neopets mood...I'll probably stick with the lower scores unless I know I can get AAAs easily. I've never gotten all AAA scores, so I don't really care.

Re: Daily Dare

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 08:29 pm
by MeZergy
MWAHAHAHAHAAAA. I beat AAA while playing on superextrahypergravitymode. I got a Super Negg and then got three more Happy Neggs and BAM. I beat the sucker with a score of 666. :mrgreen:

Re: Daily Dare

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 06:09 am
by Xelio
I don't want to say how long it took me to get stupid AAA's score beaten. In the end, I beat him with an 850 thanks to a power negg showing up. A few tries in I got a score of 648, so I wasn't about to let myself give up on him today.

For those interested in the AAA prize, see spoiler below.
Spoiler: open/close
The AAA item is a Pile of Plushie Neggs.



Re: Daily Dare

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 05:44 pm
by mellaka
Yesterday was so frustrating. I managed to get a fish negg but when I clicked the button to challenge AAA I didn't notice that it didn't register for some reason. So I sent my score but it didn't count. So then I spent a few hours on and off trying to beat his score again. I finally had a game with a power negg but only managed 648. Then, I finally got another fish negg, but it was in the corner and I hit the wall before I could get to it. After a few more hours of playing, I gave up and challenged Abi.

Later I decided to do the NC challenge, and got 720 on my first game against Lulu. Ugh.

So, I won't be trying too hard to beat AAA today in Extreme Herder 2.
Needed scores:
AAA 350
Abi 50
Lulu 75

Re: Daily Dare

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 06:02 pm
by Cranberry
I am completely burned out on Neopets game challenges. I played Meerca Chase a few times last night, didn't get any good neggs, and got bored and walked away. I suppose I should have challenged Abi so I'd be eligible for more of the trophy levels, but ugh. I'm just tired of it all. Are we ever going to get a battling event again!?

Re: Daily Dare

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 06:41 pm
by Xelio
Today isn't quite as bad with Extreme Herder 2. Terrible as I am with games, getting lucky with petpet placements made this one obtainable even for me.

For AAA's prize, see spoiler.
Spoiler: open/close
Today AAA gives us a vision of horror with the Scared Kacheek Mask. And by horror, I do mean it in every sense of the word. /shudders
Poor Rybalt, I felt bad putting that on him.

As for a battling event, wouldn't that be nice? Even if I'm not ready for one by a long shot, I'd like to see one sometime.

Re: Daily Dare

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 07:16 pm
by Seerow
Yeah, I'm sick and tired of all these gaming events. AAA and the Daily Dare and is there another one? They are all basically the exact same thing with the exact same games over and over that I fail miserably at.
Bring on the BD events again! Or hell, at least release a few more DoN challengers.

Re: Daily Dare

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 07:56 pm
by Jazzy
Ditto. More BD so we can have a real challenge; these are the same year-on-year, and all it proves is I still can't do well at Meerca Chase. woo. I worked that out in year 3.

Re: Daily Dare

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 08:45 pm
by daisybell
I too am feeling rather fed up with all the flash game things. I know that if I had enough time I could have beaten AAA's score for Meerca Chase because I've done it before, but for the minimal gain compared to the time it would take me to do it, it just wasn't worth it. I shall probably try to do the challenges on the day that they come out, and hopefully one of the Double Dares will have an AAA score I can beat. But I shan't be trying too hard to beat AAA every day.

Re: Daily Dare

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 08:54 pm
by Kari
Exactly, if I felt like spending the time to do so, I would try for the higher score. But why bother when you get a blah item that tons of other people are getting, so you can't even sell it for a good profit? Or something like's just not worth the effort to me anymore.

Re: Daily Dare

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 08:54 pm
by Jax
Ugh, the one game I can beat AAA with and the lag gets so bad on this game (might be the game or my failing computer) I got to 340 TWICE and lost because it kept lagging too bad

I'll try again later but I'm by no means a gamer and am growing reallyreally tired of these events. It's like they completely forgot about the battledome 8| Did a lot of people complain to them about "OH NO MY POOR PET ISN'T STRONG ENOUGH IT'S NOT FAAAAAAIR"

Of course, if we got a battledome event I'd be both interested and annoyed to see how they'd introduce NC challenges, heh

Re: Daily Dare

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 09:27 pm
by Laniv
Phew, finally beat AAA at something. It looks hideous on my Kacheek...and redundant.

Re: Daily Dare

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 09:32 pm
by Wingsrising
Ditto here. Didn't we just DO this? And then there was the last "plot" which was practically all Flash games, too.

Re: Daily Dare

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 10:07 pm
by DamionDarkheart
Does anyone else's Daily Dare page a jumbled mess of code that won't let you collect your prize? I had thought it was just TNT not making sure everything works before going live, but I'm starting to think it's something to do with Chrome :?