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Earning Access to the Magma Pool?

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 12:46 am
by Bacon
In the newest editorial, this question and answer pair was found:
Hey, TNT! I have a question I've been wanting to ask: are we allowed to go to the Magma Pool and get a magma Neopet on our side account? I know it's random at the Lab Ray, but what about going to the pool? Thanks, and here are some cookies! (please leave out my username) ~ username removed
You may not earn the right to visit the Magma Pool on your side accounts, as this would also earn you Neopoints, but you are welcome to visit in hopes of sneaking past the sleeping guard, as there are no Neopoints rewarded for doing so.
So does anyone know how to gain access?

Re: Earning Access to the Magma Pool?

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 12:49 am
by Kantark
hmm, when I read this I just assumed it had been discovered how to get in and I made a mental note to do some research and find out how. But maybe it hasn't? I don't remember anyone shouting about it.

Re: Earning Access to the Magma Pool?

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 12:59 am
by Jazzy
Interesting - that makes it sound like it's still possible ("you may not earn", present tense) but as far as I remember, most of the theories had to do with things like level of completion of the Magma plot.

I wonder if it has something to do with the question-and-answer guy, because as far as I remember, he hasn't done anything yet.