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Gold and Snow Lupe

Posted: 01 May 2010 01:54 am
by Nogitsune

Re: Gold and Snow Lupe

Posted: 01 May 2010 01:58 am
by TCStarwind
Snow is decent. Gold looks like carved butter. Where are the shinies?

Re: Gold and Snow Lupe

Posted: 01 May 2010 02:13 am
by Purr
Snow would've done nice with atleast a few leafy decorations. Like the kougra tail decoration, or something of the sort. White and black aren't so exciting-

Gold is very yellow, yet there aren't any shiny spots. And no lowlights. Like carved butter, like TCStarwind said.

Re: Gold and Snow Lupe

Posted: 01 May 2010 02:23 am
by Noble fauf
I am a very big lupe fan, and I am a little disappointed.

The gold lupe is more goldenrod than actual shiney gold

Snow is ok, but coal pupils creep me out. I prefer the snow pets with cold blue eyes, like the eyrie.

Re: Gold and Snow Lupe

Posted: 01 May 2010 03:17 am
by Haken
I thought the snow was just a normal white colour. Then I realized it was snow. Does look rather plain. They could have been more creative with it. The gold also looks very plain. It could even pass for a normal yellow coloured lupe. I used to be a lupe fan, but np is obviously not putting much effort into them.

What I am wondering the most though is why np's style isn't consistent. On one side they have like all these amazing images (probably done by the same artist), then on the other are flat, not as good images... (I mean compared to how the Relic and Ice Cybunnies [and any other colour made in that nice colouring way] were made, this is a huge disappointment...)

Re: Gold and Snow Lupe

Posted: 01 May 2010 03:13 pm
by tagcat
These two are some of the laziest colours I have seen. Gold is not even shiny, its just yellow. Snow is very plain too. I think neopets needs some more creative pet designers.

Re: Gold and Snow Lupe

Posted: 01 May 2010 03:19 pm
by ZomgethMew
Gold looks more like yellow. Snow looks like white, but with blue outlines.

I miss creative neopets :/.

Re: Gold and Snow Lupe

Posted: 01 May 2010 10:27 pm
by Unari
Snow has lines that looked like the pet was originally going to be sketch. The lupe itself is very uncreative and uninspiring. If they had given the lupe a scarf or something, I would be more pleased.

Gold looks like the following conversation took place.

"Hey Mik."
"We need a second lupe color"
"Do I have to?"
"*sighs and makes the entire lupe yellow*"
"Good enough. We'll call it butter lupe."

Re: Gold and Snow Lupe

Posted: 02 May 2010 01:58 pm
by MeZergy


Re: Gold and Snow Lupe

Posted: 02 May 2010 07:06 pm
by Snowager
This freaking stinks. The colors are horrible. I was wishing for relic, and this is what we got in return!?!?! A sucky lupe day. The new neopoint clothes aren't even good either.

Re: Gold and Snow Lupe

Posted: 02 May 2010 07:26 pm
by Kantark
Snow would be fine if it came with more bits, it looks a bit simplistic otherwise with just the coal eyes to differentiate it from a basic colour.

Yellow Snow Gold, on the other hand... well...

Kantark's handy list of Things that are Gold:

Image Image Image Image Image

Kantark's handy list of Things that are Not Gold:


Re: Gold and Snow Lupe

Posted: 02 May 2010 09:11 pm
by EofS
Gold is very pretty. It's just not... gold. It doesn't look like it's made of shiny gold. But it is pretty, so if you're just interested in the colour for your pet then it's great. But if you conceptually wanted a shiny gold lupe statue, you're out of luck.

Snow is also pretty, and I like the little scruffy snow parts. But it's a shame there aren't any accessories. Admittedly, you could just stick a scarf on it. But it would be nice to get a unique one.

It's definitely not white though, but that could just be obvious to me because I have one ;0)


Re: Gold and Snow Lupe

Posted: 02 May 2010 09:52 pm
by daisybell
I actually really like the non-fussiness of these two colours. They don't follow the pattern of other pets in gold and snow, which will annoy some people (and often does annoy me) but I like the fact that gold is quite plain and not super-shiny and that snow doesn't have ugly and unnecessary bits of leaf and carrot. I can see why people think they're lazy, which is quite possibly true, but I think they're more attractive for it.

Re: Gold and Snow Lupe

Posted: 03 May 2010 11:32 am
by Faun
As lazy as these colours are, I still think that they are quite pretty. I agree that gold could be a bit more shiny, but I still like it. Snow would have been nice with a scarf though.