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Converting Pets now has a PIN

Posted: 21 Oct 2010 10:30 am
by Madge
Just so y'all know, you can put a PIN on converting your pets now!

To do it go to:

This will make a lot of people happy, though it sucks it took them so long to do - I remember someone here had their kid accidentally convert their krawk or something, which really sucks.

Also, it probably won't prompt before you use MPs, so a scammer could quite easily GUMP your UC Maraquan Krawk.

Re: Converting Pets now has a PIN

Posted: 21 Oct 2010 11:05 am
by Rainbow Daydreamer
Totally called it. :P I was bugging TNT about this a year ago and more. Still, good to see.

Now if they'd get around to labelling all morphing/transforming items unambiguously, that'd be another good move.