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Water and (yet another) Eventide Cybunny

Posted: 27 Apr 2012 12:55 am
by Kantark
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Water has nice swirly patterns on the arms/forelimbs. The tail and neck ruff are good.

Maractite - I think I've discovered where all the Little Fluffy Clouds that were missing off the last couple of Eventide pets have gone :-P Ears are nice, but elsewhere there's too much light blue and the bottom half suffers from being a bit indistinct with the outline being similarly coloured to the body in places. The orange uplighting effect on the underside of the chest area is nicely done.

Re: Water and (yet another) Eventide Cybunny

Posted: 27 Apr 2012 01:04 am
by Aard_Rinn
I like what I'm seeing here...

The Eventide's nice, I like the shading on the chin and the dark ears, but...





All of it is so beautifully organic. Even the pose looks new and refreshing, even though it's the normal pose, and for once in my life, I really like the fist-o-doom. The upraised paw has a rolling, organic feel to it, and the eyes- those eyes! The color choice is perfect. They even restrained themselves from adding the dot pattern to the neckruff, and the lighter blue they used there is perfect for a water pet.

I have never been disapointed by a water pet, and even though I don't like Cys, I would get one if I could make it water. Beautiful.

Water and Eventide Cybunny

Posted: 27 Apr 2012 01:12 am
by NeonDragonfly
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The Cybunny's ruff looks nice, as most of the ruffed pets does. The mini tail wave is also nice, and the ripples look nice.
Eventide looks nice, I quite like the red on its chin. And the starry ears look good.

Re: Water and (yet another) Eventide Cybunny

Posted: 27 Apr 2012 01:35 am
by Color Wheel
Water - Like most water pets, this looks lovely. The ruff has some great wave effects and so does the tail. The ripple lighting also looks nice. The only thing I don't like is that the head looks rather plain, but it's not too bad.

Eventide - This, like the Xweetok, has a diagonal gradient. The gradient's also really noticeable - the paw held up is red, when it should be yellow, and the back paw is yellow when it should be red. The way it's shaded makes it look almost plastic like, and the face having solid lines while the rest of the body doesn't makes the whole thing look like a vector or a cardboard cut-out. The head also doesn't seem to have any shading on it.

EDIT - Wait, what happened to their head fur tufts? Ice Cybunnies are the only ones who don't have them.
Also, why is Eventide suddenly broken? x_X

Re: Water and (yet another) Eventide Cybunny

Posted: 07 May 2012 08:59 pm
by _neo_kami_91
Water: Cybunnies are one of my favourite species, so of course I like it. I love the way the eye has an unusual second glint to it. The ripples in the ruff and tail make it look genuinely ocean-like, and I'm a big fan of the turquoise colour.

Eventide: Wow, TNT really went all-out on this, didn't they? Is this something like the sixth Eventide pet in two months? Quite frankly, I'm bored of it. Every pet looks pretty much the same (with the exception of the Little Fluffy Clouds, which aren't on every one). I like the clouds on the Cybunny and the starry ears, but other than that it's all just the same.