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Posted: 09 Apr 2006 06:53 am
by Nameless
So, yeah. I did requests once upon a time, and then life took over. But I want to start drawing more, so I'm going to force myself to do so by taking requests. :D I'll do Neopets art, sure, but I'm more interested in drawing human figures. I'll do any fandom's characters, and any original characters for you. Just give me detail, kay.

Example I
Example II (which required four references. Or so.)

This art is months outdated, but you get the idea.

So yeah. Request stuff.

(PS: I like sketching. I will grudgingly do colour, because I fail at colouring on the computer. D: )

Mistress M
The Cheshire Dragon

Posted: 09 Apr 2006 06:54 am
by Mistress Morbid
Ooh, I'm interested. ^^ I'd love to have my human persona drawn by you. :) Hang on a sec and I'll dig up some references for you.

EDIT: ... rbid/m.png ... asumm2.jpg ... tsmall.jpg ... morbid.gif ... artoon.gif ... ninja3.png

So, they should cover everything. Basically long black hair with bangs, white skin, red eyes. Dark makeup, black lipstick. Clothes are a black t-shirt with a skull, fishnet sleeves, black skirt, striped tights, black buckley boots. Spiked collar and bracelets, studded belt, striped top hat, silver lip ring...I think that covers the basics. ^^;;

Let me know if you need me to elaborate on anything. =3

Posted: 09 Apr 2006 07:28 am
by DamionDarkheart
I'd rather like it if you could draw a picture of my dearest Montague ... enguin.jpg

Sadly, that's the only picture I have of him. Hopefully it's enough.

Posted: 09 Apr 2006 07:55 am
by Nameless
DamionDarkheart wrote:I'd rather like it if you could draw a picture of my dearest Montague ... enguin.jpg

Sadly, that's the only picture I have of him. Hopefully it's enough.
... a penguin with a can of cat food on its head.

Shall I include the can for sheer comedic value? :o

Also, what breed is he, so I can look up references?

Posted: 09 Apr 2006 06:37 pm
by TCD
Oooh, oooh! Can I be an art whore, please?

Will you do my fursona? If you don't feel comfortable doing that, please feel free to bop me and give up my spot to someone else. *nods*

Pick your ref pic poison. There's somewhere around... 20 pictures there, it's my photobucket account.

Posted: 09 Apr 2006 07:14 pm
by DamionDarkheart
Dog food actually :P He wouldn't be the same without it. His favorite place to hide and such.

And I'm pretty sure he's a Fairy Penguin. I'm actually not sure why he's as dark as he is if he's one of those.

Posted: 09 Apr 2006 07:32 pm
by anzuronamin
I would be most happy if I could request my personna.
A reference can be found here.
Thank you!
And no, my shoes aren't pointed. I can't draw shoes.

Posted: 10 Apr 2006 01:33 am
by Nameless
Mistress M -- I'm all finished with yours. :D

Click here for art

Posted: 10 Apr 2006 01:42 am
by Mistress Morbid
Hee, its awesome. ^^ Thank you! I love how the hair ends in spirals. =D The face is really great too. *saves*

Posted: 12 Apr 2006 06:02 am
by Umbreonmog
Just wanted to say I really like your sketches. I haven't drawn for a while, but people gave me such a hard time. Takes lots of practice to get good at them, and you're already way ahead of where I was :)

I wanna request something, but I don't have any original characters or anything so... hrm.

Posted: 12 Apr 2006 09:03 pm
by Illuen
If I pmed you a picture of myself, could you draw me possibly?

Posted: 12 Apr 2006 10:59 pm
by Nameless
Illuen wrote:If I pmed you a picture of myself, could you draw me possibly?
But of course :D

Posted: 12 Apr 2006 11:00 pm
by Mac
I was wondering, would you try drawing birds if we gave you reference pics/many details? ^^;

Posted: 12 Apr 2006 11:23 pm
by Nameless
Mac wrote:I was wondering, would you try drawing birds if we gave you reference pics/many details? ^^;
Sure. What do you have in mind?

Posted: 12 Apr 2006 11:28 pm
by Mac
A tiel, to be exact. I'll post with some info in a few minutes, if that's ok. ^^

God, I'm so sorry this took so long. Last night I wasn't allowed to get online for the rest of the night, and this morning I wrote a post and thought I hit 'submit', but I didn't. :x ... y/ell2.jpg ... y/ell3.jpg ... y/ell1.jpg

Um... he's a pretty small bird, but his tailfeathers are pretty long. His crest feathers are also very long, and are -bright- yellow. His chinnish area (the front and bottom part of his head) are lightish yellow, then his neck and behind his cheekspots are cream colored. He has black eyes and the orangey-red cheekspots. His back fades from cream to white, and his wings are a dappled grey with some white at the bottom. His belly/chest are also light grey. The tailfeathers on top are creamy yellow, but the bottom ones are more grey. ( and I'm not expecting you to color this, I just thought with the shading and stuff... )

That's about it. ^^ Oh, and his name is Elliot. Thanks so much!