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AC entry? (Updated)

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 01:39 am
by Slugawoo
Image ... /Aisha.png

I was thinking of entering this into the Art Gallery. I know it doesn't have a background, and I don't plan on ading one(since I suck at backgrounds), though I may add a petpet to it. Any suggestions?

And yes, it needs shading. I'll get to it eventually. x3

Anyways, C+C appreciated. Also, if you think a different color would look better, let me know. I still have the sketch saved so I can recolor it anytime.

Also, I was thinking of making it smaller and adoptable-fying it. If I do, would anyone be interested? I don't want to waste my time if no one wants them. xD

Edit: Made it Camo and added a background.

Image ... haCamo.png

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 01:42 am
by chickvw
that's cute, I like it! other than the shading that you already plan to add, I don't see anything else to do to it... though a petpet could help balance the white bg.

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 01:43 am
by Huggles
I got no crits without seeing a finished version. The lineart is very good. I really like how it looks like an aisha. I'd suggest camoflauge instead, but only because I can. Perhaps a flying petpet in the corner? Maybe a flightning bug or blobagus for something simple.

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 01:49 am
by Slugawoo
Huggles wrote:I got no crits without seeing a finished version. The lineart is very good. I really like how it looks like an aisha. I'd suggest camoflauge instead, but only because I can. Perhaps a flying petpet in the corner? Maybe a flightning bug or blobagus for something simple.
Camo sounds interesting. xD I suppose I could give that a go, though the shading would probably kill me. x3 I'll see if I can draw those petpets, too. Thanks for the suggestion. ^^

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 04:31 am
by Huggles
Well, I think that camo shading wouldn't be too bad really since you've got the pattern as your main focus. You could probably get by with basic shading, like making the right front and hind legs darker than the left, etc.

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 08:18 pm
by Ziggy
You'd probably have to add a background. The art gallery likes backgrounds. I have submitted pics on white backgrounds which were rejected several times until I added a shitty quick background and they then got in. It definitely helps. I personally think its a crappy system because often a pic looks better on a simple white page, but meh, TNT.

Posted: 26 Jan 2006 09:17 pm
by EofS
I agree on the background thing. It doesn't need to be an actual setting type background, just a bit of colour/pattern.

That said, it's not impossible to get in without, I've done it. But it is much harder.

Posted: 27 Jan 2006 01:45 am
by Slugawoo
Well, I did Camo and added a background. I think the background is absolutely awful, but I've seen much much worse get into the AG, so I'm not too worried. xD I can't add in a petpet since my scanner's broken. D:

Posted: 27 Jan 2006 01:47 am
by AngharadTy
Aw, cute! I like the camo pattern.

Posted: 27 Jan 2006 01:55 am
by Float
Camo definitly looks great on it (and I love how smooth the art is). X] It pops a little on the background it?