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Faerie Tuskaninny

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 06:15 am
by Jesse882173
First Tuskaninny Day color is the Faerie Tuskaninny.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 06:20 am
by Fjorab_Teke
Nice find! It's not on the NC database yet, I don't see.


I actually LIKE this! Woohoo another color that makes Tuskaninnies look GOOD! :D The hair is slightly odd, but I still kind-of like it. The only other thing is that the flipper-tip in the background looks a little strange, but I'm glad it's shows they didn't forget appendages (like sometimes happens). The color application is really snappy, and I like the wings.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 06:22 am
by Monkeyguy
I love this! It's so outside the norm for Faerie that I can't help but pine for it. Also the wings are nice and aquatic and not butterflyish so bonus points.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 06:23 am
by Huggles
I'm going to try and update the front page so that it appears, but I make no promises.

I'll comment later.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 06:25 am
by Ailiel
The coloring on this is awesome, and I really adore the poses-- but the hair! Why? Well, luckily it isn't terribly noticable. I wouldn't own one, but I can definitely see why someone would-- the colors are gorgeous.

Yay new faerie pet! One of my favorite colors, it always gets me a little excited, never know what you're gonna get!

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 06:33 am
by Jamie
Wow, really unexpected but I really like it. Looks like it could fly and swim. The hair isn't that great, and the wings join at different places throughout the poses but I still really like it and the colours the artist chose.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 06:36 am
by Fjorab_Teke
Good deal, now WE have it showing! Thanks Huggles!

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 06:48 am
by immortal_janemba
For some reason it seemed like there already was a Faerie Tuskaninny lol. But anyway this is beautiful, completely original colours for faerie. I'm not a big tuskaninny fan, but I can see this looks very nice ^^

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 06:49 am
by Huggles
Success! I have mastered push buttonology.

All of the recent faerie pets have been very well done and this is no exception. The colors are surprising, although I'm sure someone will scold me for not recognizing them being borrowed from some tropical fish even though I live in the middle of nowhere Ohio. I don't see what's wrong with the hair. It just has more of it, which seems appropriate for a faerie. The angry pose is weird because the head looks disconnected, sad is very nice, and the rest are a bit awkward. It's really lovely overall though and I'd be tempted to put one on my aquatic account, if I could move my baby buzz and still have a spot for a Tyrannian buzz.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 06:54 am
by hauntedoll
Wow, the more I look at it the more I like it. The hair and wings look great, I love the expression in the happy pose and the other poses aren't bad either. The colour they chose is awesome though I must admit I didn't expect the Faerie Tuskaninny to be yellow.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 06:56 am
by PharaonicQuiche
I don't really like the colour, actually. It's very lovely and all but the base yellow looks a lot like a plain yellow tuskaninny... on my computer, anyway. Might just be my computer. Wouldn't surprise me. I think I'd appreciate it more if it were a significantly lighter or darker shade or... something. Annnd, on the other hand, the extra colour details are nice, the poses and shading are excellent. Just more of a fan for those faerie pets that have a completely unique colour set for their species rather than a basic coloured with applied uber pretties.
Just dandy, though, and a very nice Tuskaninny addition... in my opinion.
Oh, and the line-art! Niceline-art! Clean and crisp and sharp and other words that describe that sort of thing. I'd love to see a Darigan Tuskaninny with that sort of line-art and seal-ish feel.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 06:58 am
by Chandi
The poses don't excite me that much, but I absolutely love the coloring for it. It's very sunset-ish. Specifically, I like the red tipped tail and the purplish-pinkish eyes... very nice. :)

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 07:07 am
by Huggles
It's actually a brighter and more shade intense of a yellow, but I know what you mean. 4of11 been's a yellow tuska for a while now, and as much as I like them, yellow is one of my least favorite colors.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 07:07 am
by Nacho_Diablo
The colours were a very good choice. I like it.
Normally I am not a tuskaninny fan. But I could live with this.
Previously I have only liked the tyrannian Tuskaninny.
I'm definitely not going to rush out to get one though.
Also... I think the hair may have been a BIT too much

"What did you say about my hair!?"

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 07:09 am
by Gibblywibbly
Oh.. wow! I like it! Something about the colors.