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Grey Usul

Posted: 27 Nov 2006 11:44 pm
by Jessi
Whee, saw this on the news the second it came up. I'm giving all poses since the main page is down -

ImageImage Image

(sorry so image heavy x_x)

I love the ranged attack pose. (the um, 4th one up there). Other than that... it's not BAD as far as grey pets go, but it doesn't do much for me.

And its other battledome poses suck. The defended post has a dislocated shoulder, the hit one is really.. small, and the beaten one has a squashed head ._. Oh well. And I guess we're not getting an Usul revamp this year either. Sigh.

Posted: 27 Nov 2006 11:48 pm
by Fullmetal Dragon
I really like the colors they chose to use for this one. o_o I am glad that they did not decide to make it that pale red-pink ... thing... together with the grey. The blue-grey is pretty :D

That said, I like most of the poses pretty much. Even if it's not perfect, this is a welcome change in quality after the ... let's call it the Pteri Incident. It kind of looks like an oddly-stuffed toy in some of the poses though. o_O And I would have thought a depressed Usul would not have the energy to tie its bow. Ah well.

Posted: 27 Nov 2006 11:56 pm
by duenorth
It's actually sort of cute. I'm not a huge fan of the Grey pets, but this is one that I would definitely keep if I managed to get it.

And I really wish we could've had the Usul revamp this year too. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping like mad for an Aisha revamp on their day in January, but this doesn't give me much hope.

Posted: 27 Nov 2006 11:58 pm
by AngharadTy
Haha. I kinda like how it looks like a really old pillow with legs. Or maybe a sack of potatoes. For an Usul, it's great; for a grey pet, it's nice. I don't want one, but it amuses me.

Posted: 27 Nov 2006 11:58 pm
by Jessi
duenorth wrote:And I really wish we could've had the Usul revamp this year too. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping like mad for an Aisha revamp on their day in January, but this doesn't give me much hope.
Neopets hasn't done a lot of revamps this year, have they? The Jubjubs, obviously, but am I missing anything else? I just don't remember any happening =/ Which is a shame, a lot of pets need it. *cough* Korbat *cough*

I agree with FMD though, I do like the shades they use on this, and actually its one of the better grey pets we've had in a while. I just hate its dislocated shoulder >_>

Posted: 28 Nov 2006 12:01 am
by Saturn
As probably the only Usul lover here, I have to say... I'm actually quite pleased with this. :) And the Grey Usul is a pet I've been looking forward to for quite a long time now. Though I could just be relieved it didn't turn out like the Pteri... :P

But really, it's cute, and it's got that raggedy, uh, "flowy" look I like in Grey pets. I think the hit pose is adorable myself, even if it is inexplicably smaller than all the other poses. :P The only pose I don't really like is Beaten - it looks deflated X_x And I can't tell what's up with the arm in Defensive, though the rest of that pose is okay.

Would've liked it to have a tattered/untied bow though... ah well.

Posted: 28 Nov 2006 12:13 am
by Birdii
Haha, I posted my board meerly 4 minutes after yours. Oh well might as well just post here.

I luff the colors for once its the right shade for the right neopet and ontop of that it doesnt look drunk. Toobad all of the colors couldnt be this cute their bodys are like hotdogs with feet and such. I like this blobby form. Ha.

Posted: 28 Nov 2006 12:19 am
by zebru
*stares for a long time*

I've got mixed feelings about this one.
Emotion poses are pretty nice - I really like angry pose (the one with head down). What I don't like is the size of the pet - it's much bigger that regular usul. Plushie usul has a sack of potatoes look as well and it's still normal usul size.

Battledome poses are strange to say the least - what's up with the huge forehead in those? And hit pose is just bizarre.

Still, lineart, shading and choice of colours are really good, and I love the flat bow on its tail :)

I don't want one, but compared to the grey skeith and pteri we had recently, this is a decent grey pet.

Posted: 28 Nov 2006 12:21 am
by Basketball
I like the colors and everything. Great pet but don't think I would ever get one.

Posted: 28 Nov 2006 12:30 am
by Rivka
"Why me?"

Lmao. I love it. <333 8/10

Posted: 28 Nov 2006 12:36 am
by Rainbow Daydreamer
There's something about this that freaks me out... its head looks sort of not properly attached to its body. Like a doll.

I like the Sad pose best-- there's something beautiful about its eyes, but Grey pets have never really appealed to me. On a Usul, Grey just seems perverse and wrong. Usuls are supposed to be bright, happy little creatures who love friendship and Usuki dolls. Not... depressed plushies.

Also, to me this pet looks very female. Shouldn't a non-Royalgirl pet be genderless?

Posted: 28 Nov 2006 12:41 am
by Kantark
Hee! Trés cute, very much looking like a depressed stuffed toy probably because of the simple arms/legs. And it's a Usul.

I like circle and sad muchly, defended looks like it's fallen asleep standing up and is now slumped against a convenient wall. Hit pose looks like it is trying to emulate the Maraquan Tuskaninny in shape at least. I quite like it - wouldn't be my first choice for a Grey pet, but would be near/at the top of the list as a colour for an Usul.

Posted: 28 Nov 2006 12:59 am
by rebelheart
What Ty said, great for a Usul, nice for a grey pet. They can still do nice grey pets! Not all hope is lost.

Posted: 28 Nov 2006 01:08 am
by zebru
Rainbow Daydreamer wrote:There's something about this that freaks me out... its head looks sort of not properly attached to its body. Like a doll.
Thank you for this post. It clered up thing for me :) The above bothered me all along but I just couldn't point my finger on what was wrong with its head (besides huge forehead in BD poses).
On a Usul, Grey just seems perverse and wrong. Usuls are supposed to be bright, happy little creatures who love friendship and Usuki dolls. Not... depressed plushies.
Just the reason why I don't want this pet. There's no trace of their silly, happy, giddy personality (I realize there can be none on a grey pet, but this kills what I love about usuls in the first place).

Posted: 28 Nov 2006 01:11 am
by AngharadTy
Rainbow Daydreamer wrote:Also, to me this pet looks very female. Shouldn't a non-Royalgirl pet be genderless?
All usuls look fairly female to me. It's the bow.
zebru wrote:There's no trace of their silly, happy, giddy personality.
Well, I rather hope not, on a grey pet. ^_~