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Aluqard for Huggles

Posted: 21 Jan 2007 01:56 am
by PharaonicQuiche

I'm not sure I really like the background. Sort of a lack of detail balance and uhm... tried out a few texture-type things that didn't click as well as I'd hoped, but it was fun a request to do. <3 Aluqard and his awesome lil petpet, Zabimaru.

Posted: 21 Jan 2007 03:16 am
by AngharadTy
That's so cool! What a lovely coat. And his petpet, awww... I love snake-y critters. Very nice work! The shading is very nice, shiny or smooth where appropriate.

Posted: 21 Jan 2007 03:21 am
by Huggles
I showed this to some of my pals who don't play Neopets. As expected, I got nothing but dirty, dirty jokes. You rocketh hard. *huggles*

Posted: 21 Jan 2007 03:26 am
by zebru
Beautiful artwork. Face is my favorite feature :D And coat and petpet are gorgeous.

The only piece of background that feels off is the the thing to the right - it's shaded wonderfully but the proportions are a bit wonky. And I'm not sure you can wear your axe like that - you'd cut yourself. But I'm sure he just tucked it in there while posing for the pic so that's all right ;)

Posted: 21 Jan 2007 04:18 am
by Usul_Princess
I'm so jealous right now that I can't stand you PQ!~
We all worship you and your artwork that graces the boards.

Posted: 21 Jan 2007 08:24 am
by Ierosbats
...that is all kinds of stunning.

Really, really gorgeous work. I love his shinyshiny hair.

Posted: 21 Jan 2007 05:26 pm
by Jessi
Oh my god, that's GORGEOUS! o__o Seriously, just beautiful. I LOVE the background, I think it came out fine, and the hair is just.. guh... *stares for a bit*

Posted: 21 Jan 2007 06:56 pm
by ICKessler
Wow, that's really good!

In the spirit of Who's Lineis it Anyway? I award you five million points for having an awesome background and great textures! Did you use filters on the background textures or hand render the stone work?

'tis lovely!

Posted: 21 Jan 2007 08:52 pm
by Lou 500
*is jealous of your talent*

Posted: 23 Jan 2007 07:41 pm
by PharaonicQuiche
AngharadTy - Thank you! I wouldn't mind having his coat. Big fan of all things shiny.

Huggles - Dare I ask what the dirty jokes involved? ;D Glad you liked the picture, though!

zebru - Thanks and... yeah, so very true. I couldn't get the perspective on the background structure things right at all and eventually gave up on them. I need a lot of practice in basic proportions and perspectives of building stuff. And the axe? Well, let's call it a MAGICAL axe. X3 Oblivious about weapons? Me? Noooo, yestotally. I'm sure Aluqard posed it just like that for the picture, though, yes. Sure. Works for me.

Usul_Princess - <3 Oh pffle. Me and my inactiveness.

Shmoe - Hair lovings. I suspect I could have added more highlights, but thank you kindly.

jessibean - Hee, thank you very much.

ICKessler - In the spirit of the cursed Mickey Mouse song, my reply would be F-I-L T-E-R... C-H-E-A-T. Most of the texture work was originally filter based. The floor especially. I loathe filters and tried to tone the effects, kinda repaint where necessary, but there's only so far my mind can go with requests before turning into a jelly-like substance. Need to find some good tile and concrete references, la paint-o practice. Thank you very much, though!

Lou 500 - Noooes. *nibbles*

Posted: 23 Jan 2007 11:20 pm
by Huggles
This is basically the conversation I had. You must remember, that these are twenty-something guys who I met playing first person shooters. They have negative interest in Neopets, but I don't care and force them to listen to me.

Me: Oh, neat! The picture of my Neopet is done. *link*

Them: ...

Wtf? Is that a vampire squirrel?!

Oh em gee! Huggles is furry!

Is that your bishie, Huggles?

Why is he made of sex and leather?

How come he only has three fingers?
I bet that's all he needs. Ladies, amIrite?

I bet that's a trouser snake he's got wrapped around his leg.

Posted: 24 Jan 2007 12:57 am
by PharaonicQuiche
... Okay, yeah, I totally need more twenty-something guy friends now.

Posted: 24 Jan 2007 01:24 am
by Huggles
They mean in the most mocking and derisive ways possible, I'm sure. It just so happens I find it hilarious.

Posted: 19 Mar 2007 04:03 pm
by checkers

Posted: 19 Mar 2007 05:50 pm
by Seerow
Whee, one of my all time favorite artists. *Glances at her pic in frame by comp*

I gotta say though...I don't really see the resemblance.