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Subeta: Galactic Pets?

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 01:14 pm
by Fever
Looks like the speculation about this colour being released was right. But its hasnt been announced on the news yet. Someone on the forums pet got zapped into a galactic illumis. Check it out

I think it looks amazing!

Edit: Theres also a telenine: <img src="">
Chai: <img src="">
Cybill: <img src="">
and Mortiking: <img src="">

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 01:32 pm
by Chandi
Good god... they're absolutely gorgeous. For some reason, I really, really like the Cybill - I think it's the light blue with the darker blue and gold that makes it really stand out. Man. I can absolutely not wait for more of these to come out - it fits one of my pets perfectly (a Torrent). Major kudos to the artists.

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 01:37 pm
by Strawberry Limeade
These are absolutely stunning. VanGogh may get an update. If not, I'm already saving for a Mystical Donadak Plushie.

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 01:50 pm
by covet

PLEASE let me be around for the potion release. NEED. NEEEEED.

I'm dying to see what galactic koras and kumoses look like. Gyahh, now I'm regretting making Starlit angelic.

Oh noes, I bet you need a full set of gems to get a glactic pet, or something. *kicks SAI, kicks it HARD*

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 01:56 pm
by Slugawoo
Don't forget the illumis' image.

I want. D:

Edit: The forum post on these got deleted and the galactic pet got turned scribble. o:

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 02:00 pm
by Keith




Posted: 05 Apr 2007 02:00 pm
by Fever
Im really hoping this isnt some gypsies only thing like was being speculated on the forums. Hardly seems fair, I don't think theyd do that to all us SAI people out there :(

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 02:04 pm
by Slugawoo
Fever wrote:Im really hoping this isnt some gypsies only thing like was being speculated on the forums. Hardly seems fair, I don't think theyd do that to all us SAI people out there :(
I thought Keith said eventually everyone would be able to dig? x3

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 02:05 pm
by Keith
Everyone will be able to dig.

I am so upset at this.

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 02:06 pm
by Fever
Well, thats reassuring anyway.

And sorry ._. Eep. I figured it just hadnt been posted up in the news yet. Since someone got one from the zapper I figured they were supposed to be released :(

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 02:34 pm
by Jessi
Keith, I understand you're upset but I don't think you need to be throwing a fit about it >_>; After all, its someone on YOUR side of the game that screwed up :P

I love the telenine and the illumis (wonderful job on that, Aqua!) but the other three do nothing for me, probably because I don't like those pets in the first place :P Other than that, though, I DO think they are all done just beautifully. It's just the whole hate-these-pets thing getting in the way.

And.. I REALLY hope that girl turned her Illumis scribble on her OWN. If a Subeta staffer did it - that is INCREDIBLY low and shitty.

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 02:39 pm
by covet
I don't think he's pissed with us, just upset in general that the colour got out before it should. Or thats the impression I got? Fever just copied it from a Subeta forum post, there's nothing wrong in that.

Maybe the news announcement just needs to be moved up, with other pet colours being released later?

As for the girl whose pet was turned scribble - it would be nice if they turned it back into a galactic pet once the option is there. I remember when a lab pet turned into a lutari before they were released, that pet got changed too. Neo has also had it's fair share of inadvertanly revealing lab glitches.

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 02:43 pm
by Jessi
I'm not, um, yelling at Keith. I'm just telling him that whining about it here is a little immature :P I would be telling that to anyone.

I still think it's shitty - delete the post and the pet and pretend it never happened. I know if that happened to ME, on Subeta OR Neopets, I would be pissed. No matter what site you're playing on, that's bad business.

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 02:44 pm
by Keith
No, it's staying scribble. We changed all pets that got turned Galactic scribble.

The galactic color won't be avaible from the Pet Zapper, so she wouldn't have been able to get it that way even when it is released. So it would have been changed anyway.

And I'm throwing a fit because we spent tons of time working on this, for it to get out like this. And no one on the site 'messed' it up, it's just that when colors get put out, they get thrown into the pet zapper automatically.


So, IRL.

You find a million dollars on the ground. Clearly, it was someone's fault that they left it there.

Is it yours to take, and when the police come and make sure that you give it back, it's bad business?

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 02:58 pm
by Sparrow
Keith wrote:And no one on the site 'messed' it up, it's just that when colors get put out, they get thrown into the pet zapper automatically.
But if you knew that already, why didn't somone remove Galactic from the list of zapper colors from the very beginning? I'm just saying... I don't know anything about the site's coding, and I understand where you're coming from on this, but I think Jessibean was right--no sense in throwing a fit about it.

Um, all that aside... the Galactic color is absolutely stunning and I must have that Illumis as soon as it is properly released. *stares in awe* Gorgeous artwork for all those pets.