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Subeta: Feli Revamp

Posted: 22 Apr 2007 03:02 am
by Kidnemo
There's a new poll up,
I like it, I'm not a Feli fan but the art is much crisper and the paws are really cute.

Posted: 22 Apr 2007 03:06 am
by AngharadTy
Well, as covet said in another thread, it does have a distinct "draggin' my ass on the carpet, yo" look to it. However, it's massively better than the one we have now--I loathe how its hind legs are; the top one... well, you could sit like that for a moment, but you'd cramp up pretty damn quickly. Ugh. Illogical.

I like the head on this one a lot. It's cute.

Posted: 22 Apr 2007 03:13 am
by Aqua
Jag did an excellent job, I think.. the current feli looks really uncomfortable. I think there's still plenty of people against it though.

Posted: 22 Apr 2007 03:16 am
by Silverevilchao
I love the new Feli. It has better shading, better posing, better anatomy, and it still looks pretty damn cute!

Posted: 22 Apr 2007 03:26 am
by Griffin
I love the lineart and colouring, but there's just something missing in the personality that I can't quite put my finger on... I guess that always happens when you're used to seeing a pet one way and then it changes. Or perhaps I always saw Felis as more mischievous-looking in my mind's eye, and expected a revamp to bring that out a little more.

Oh well, I'll still never own a non-redraw Feli- this just makes them a little less cringeworthy to pass by. That poor old thing looked like it needed a chiropractor.

Posted: 22 Apr 2007 03:28 am
by zebru
I'm very fond of this update. I was never a fan of the old one but this is drawn and shaded so well that I'd be quite tempted to get one if this revamp came through.

Posted: 22 Apr 2007 03:47 am
by Twofold Black
This doesn't make me want to own a Feli -- no power on this Earth could make me want to own a Feli -- but it offends me much less than the old art does. Good show.

Posted: 22 Apr 2007 04:06 am
by Strawberry Limeade
As long as they don't change Spectrum, all will be well. I vastly prefer this to the current one for plain colors though.

Posted: 22 Apr 2007 04:28 am
by Cranberry
Why can't they all just sit like this one?


Or even lie down, with their tail curled around them like a real cat... they'd be cute in a real cat-like position of some sort.

That said, the revamp is much better than the old version. I like the line color/thickness and the expression on its face.

Posted: 22 Apr 2007 04:46 am
by Slugawoo
I think the tail's too skinny. Other than that, I really don't care. It looks so much better than the current one, I'd accept just about anything.

The way it's sitting reminds me of the one I drew. xD Just a billion times better. I don't care if real cats don't sit like that. It looks really good and that's all that matters.

Posted: 22 Apr 2007 05:15 am
by Kamil
Like I said in the comments thread - its back is no longer broken so I no longer have to wince over its painful similarity to road kill every single time I see one.

Thank God.

That said, gratefully said - I wish its tail were thicker and I wish its ickle useless bat wings were gone completely. I know no power on this earth can rip those tiny things off of its back - but I can still wish. =D

(and it's probably just as well. If the wings weren't there I'd need to own about a zillion Felis =)

I love the thick looking back feet - they remind me of my cats' chubby little paws. <3 The ruff is nice and fluffy looking and I like the more muted color palette.


Posted: 22 Apr 2007 05:38 am
by Skitty
I really like this new one, and fully support it going through. Like many other people I too have noticed the old Feli's severe anatomical problems, only I thought of it more like one of those really sad cases where a dog or cat loses control and feeling their entire back half and is pitifully dragging their useless body around.

The new one is really cute, though I'm going to agree with the majority of critiques saying that it's tail is a bit too thin and that the wings are too small. If they were bigger or like Kamil said gone completely they'd look better.

Posted: 22 Apr 2007 09:25 am
by Circe
Aww its so cute :) But I agree the wings and tail are too small

Posted: 22 Apr 2007 10:05 am
by Trick

Awesome, totally awesome. Though as Kamil so rightly points out, take off the bat wings and it's a million kajillion times more awesome.

Posted: 22 Apr 2007 10:18 am
by daisybell
I never understood how the old feli could possibly walk around if it was able to sit in such a contorted pose. This is a lot better but I do think the tail needs to be thicker... and yes, I would like to see the bat wings go. Trouble is, having designed the pet with the wings, it's difficult for them to redesign it without.

Additional redundant wings is one of Subeta's trademark style thingies, though... for better or for worse they're sort of stuck with it. Personally I think it makes the site look stupid, but many people who play Subeta would probably complain very loudly if all the wings suddenly disappeared.