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Mutant Petpets - Delfin, Feepit, Vacana, Swabby

Posted: 13 Aug 2007 04:30 pm
by Goldenchaos
Courtesy of Neolodge...





:D Aww, so cute. The Feepit, especially, three eyed adorable grinning thing that it is. The Swabby, I can see where they had to work a bit on that, due to the Maraquan one being tentacle-y..Vacana looks like moss is growing out from it, with that eye. Delfin, cute too, perfect match with a Mutant Flotsam. Nice over all, I wonder what theyll do with the mutant pets, ..especially with the cookie cutter outline they have to work with. Yay Mutant day!

I wonder if theyd still be able to do do the joke with all pets turning mutant.

Posted: 13 Aug 2007 06:29 pm
by Cranberry
Oh wow, they're actually good! (Lately I haven't been expecting much when I click on these threads, heh.) The Feepit is my favorite, too -- I love the grin -- but that Delfin is pretty ugly/cute as well. They actually all look mutated.

Posted: 13 Aug 2007 07:12 pm
by hebdenhippy
Wow, these are great! I love them all, especially the Delfin, as you said, it's made to go with a mutant Flotsam, the little smile on the Feepit is cute, and i like how the vacana has 6 legs!

Re: Mutant Petpets - Delfin, Feepit, Vacana, Swabby

Posted: 13 Aug 2007 07:58 pm
by Illuen
Goldenchaos wrote: I wonder if theyd still be able to do do the joke with all pets turning mutant.
Funnily enough, Mutant pets are one of the very few redraws that aren't restricted to the template at the moment, in that clothing can't be put on any of them, so while the artists need to keep the general pose, they can go out of the box with it.

I must say, I'm loving all of these but the Vacana, which looks like it has a old rug thrown over its back. The Feepit is fantastic, and the colors are nice, which suprised me as I don't like that jaundicey yellow. The Delfin is adorable, and the Swabby is ok, although I'm wishing they would've picked a less bright green for the eyes and slimey puckery things.

Posted: 13 Aug 2007 09:17 pm
by Saturn
The Swabby should've been a grungy, moldy, disheveled looking old mop. :P Okay, so maybe that'd be more suited to Grey than Mutant, but hey, I think it'd be clever. This isn't bad, but it's a bit too similar to Maraquan, just more garishly colored.

LOVE the Delphin.

Posted: 14 Aug 2007 03:17 am
by Huggles
I love the delfin and feepit. I was completely unable to tell what species they were at first glance. The swabby isn't doing much for me, and the vacana is lame.

Posted: 14 Aug 2007 03:38 am
by Jessi
That feepit is perhaps the cutest thing I've ever seen! Look at its huge stupid grin xDD I just want to poke it. The delfin is also awesome and made of win.

Posted: 14 Aug 2007 10:52 am
by gomababe
The delfin and the feepit are adorable. They're both so mutant-y ^_^. The vacana is alright, I guess, nice colour. The swabby could've been better though, it does look too much like the maraquan one and the colours are too birght for my liking. Overall, though, it's a good batch.

Posted: 14 Aug 2007 12:38 pm
by nanabobo567
All but the Vacana are awesome, and considering what we've gotten recently, it's still good. I'm assuming it has six legs? I can't tell...
Swabby is squee. I was reminded of a little Cthulhu.
Feepit is adorable. It reminds me of one of Stitch's cousins. I imagine it to be bigger than a Gelert.
Finally, the Delfin! It's palatable to the eyes. It's great. Not much to say about it.

Posted: 27 Aug 2007 09:29 pm
by Loveyaw
I don't like the delfin personally, to me it just looks too much mutated..:shock:
I truly love the feepit, it's cute but still mutant..aww:D
The swabby and Vacana don't look very mutated to me:O

Posted: 28 Aug 2007 11:29 pm
by koops
out of all of them the vacana looks the best to me