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NC Card Exchange

Posted: 03 Dec 2007 07:08 am
by Enriana
Hey, I hope it's okay to make this thread.

I've just started mine - they'll take a bit to finish, a day or two, possibly more. My cards are a surprise, so I won't reveal why they'll take so long! ;)

I'm also sending out a few things to other NCers, so including them it's 20 total.

How's everyone else doing?

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 03 Dec 2007 01:30 pm
by FaerieInGrey
I've finished three. Heh. Mine are taking awhile, too, but not too long. I'm trying to finish the international ones up first, and figure out when Jay can visit my college to add his part to the cards.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 03 Dec 2007 02:05 pm
by Jessi
I wasn't going to make a thread for a few more days, when people might start receiving cards. I guess because I don't really need to talk about making mine :P Some people have already seen one thing that'll be a part of it (in fact, I plan on posting that here anyway...) and the rest is all fun stuff. ...Yeah.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 04 Dec 2007 02:11 am
by Iggy
As planned, I have french cards, but I will write my personnal wishes in English, unless, like FaerieInGrey, you really want me to use French/both. =D

I'm really excited! =D I know some Neoboards friends sent me cards as well =D I love getting mail, so, people who got my adress, if you feel like...sending me some stuff that isn't anthrax outside of the holiday season, do it.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 04 Dec 2007 03:41 am
by FaerieInGrey
I would love to get a card in French. I am the biggest language geek that you will probably ever meet.

I like mail, too. I wish I could have gotten the cards at my school address, actually, because there is literally nothing better than getting mail at school.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 04 Dec 2007 03:57 am
by EofS
I'd love to get a card in French, but it's a little rusty (German pushes it out of my head, wah) so bilingual might suit me better.

This seemed like a good time to get organised and catalogue the cards I've made thus far, make proper lists for Christmas etc Behold BigSpreadsheetofMassiveOrganisationnessNoPeeking.xls You'll have to imagine it though, obviously you're not seeing it ;0)

And I have come to the conclusion that I have about a dozen cards done (excluding ones earmarked for family/non-NC friends) so I might just be more able to do this than I feared. Yay! (I handmake all of my cards to different designs and only started a week ago, so believe me this is an achievement.)

6 days until last posting date to get stuff to the US and I might actually achieve that ;0)

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 04 Dec 2007 06:24 pm
by Jazzy
six days? bloody hell. Well, I apologise in advance if mine don't quite get there in time; uni's a little crazy at the moment, so tomorrow is the first opportunity I have to buy my cards, let alone write them...

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 04 Dec 2007 06:40 pm
by EofS
Yeah, they're insanely early this year - 13th is the last posting date for Western Europe! I presume it's because of the bad timing with the weekend. Last delivery will be the 22nd presumably, unless there's a Christmas Eve delivery even in countries who have their main celebration then.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 04 Dec 2007 09:04 pm
by Teragram
FaerieInGrey wrote:I like mail, too. I wish I could have gotten the cards at my school address, actually, because there is literally nothing better than getting mail at school.
Totally agree! I didn't have the post count to sign up for this, but I was going to be so excited to actually GET mail...the only good mail I get are the packages I buy for myself (not that those aren't pretty damn exciting) but it would have been sweet to get, like, actual mail from real people who aren't me. Assuming you guys are real-and I do.

But, yeah, so if we do do other sending of cards or whatever, I'd love to be in on it.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 04 Dec 2007 09:55 pm
by FaerieInGrey
PMed you on that :)

Another forum that I'm on, there are monthly card swaps. I'm not sure that we have enough people on this forum for that to really work, but it's so much fun.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 05 Dec 2007 12:15 am
by Jessi
Monthly card swaps might get a bit pricey for all the overseas sending, or a bit time consuming for people who make their own cards. I wouldn't mind doing a few more of these, though, for other holidays.

Well i say that now - let's see how this one goes xD

But I do volunteer myself to handle the mailing of addresses and what not. i like being in charge xD

eta: rofl so our cards feature our rats, which means each card is also signed by the rats. Except in some of them I put ALL the pet names. That got old really fast. so half of you have cards signed from Wyn, Alys, Mint, Reese and Hal too xP Special.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 05 Dec 2007 12:23 am
by Monkeyguy
So, I'm not as creative as all of you and my cards will be store bought. I'm also not much of a card writer, but I will do my best on these because you guys are awesome. Hopefully they will be sent out by the end of the week.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 05 Dec 2007 12:40 am
by Joey
Halloween cards anyone? :DDD

Yeah I'm going with store bought too, but I plan to add something special for everyone ^-^

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 05 Dec 2007 12:45 am
by EofS
Jessibean wrote:eta: rofl so our cards feature our rats, which means each card is also signed by the rats. Except in some of them I put ALL the pet names. That got old really fast. so half of you have cards signed from Wyn, Alys, Mint, Reese and Hal too xP Special.
*Innocently spills ink over your desk near the cards then releases rats to have a good run around*

Tum-ti-tum, nothing to see here, move along...

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 05 Dec 2007 01:12 am
by Kari
Since the stores around here didn't have any real good store bought cards (oh how I wish I was back home with my mom's massive collection of assorted cards), I'm printing all mine out from my computer. So they'll be a bit odd shaped in order to fit into the normal letter sized envelopes. I'll get them sent out at the end of the week since I have Friday off :D