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Possible New Aerie

Posted: 26 Jul 2008 04:49 pm
by Aisu
Image to Image

I kinda like it, and the feathers are a nice touch. (:

Re: Possible New Aerie

Posted: 26 Jul 2008 05:01 pm
by Monkeyguy
What the hell? I was already hyped for the previous revamp. I even bought elixirs... This is nice, but I liked the first proposed revamp....

Re: Possible New Aerie

Posted: 26 Jul 2008 05:08 pm
by Officer 1BDI
It's certainly different from the original. I don't even remember what the first revamp concept looked like; does someone happen to have a picture?

There are parts of this Aerie, like the wings and the face, that I really like. (ETA: Actually, now that I take a second look at them, the wings do seem a bit small to be carrying all that weight, but they're still beautiful.) The subtle markings along the back are a nice touch, and I'm a fan of the color scheme being used for Common.

But other parts are throwing me off. Both sets of legs looks odd to me, for different reasons. The "texture" on the front legs doesn't seem complete to me, like it's either missing "scales" on the sides and back of the legs or the details already on the legs aren't properly wrapping around the entire leg. The front legs also look unusually stiff to me, and I keep trying to figure out where knees are. The hind legs just seem too small to me in proportion to the rest of the creature, especially the feet. I'm also not a fan of the tail; it's beautifully colored, but the way it's crumpled behind the Aerie detracts from that and kind of takes the elegant edge off the creature.

Re: Possible New Aerie

Posted: 26 Jul 2008 05:12 pm
by Slugawoo
I liked the last one that was polled better.

Something's really bothering me about this one. I don't mind that they changed the front legs, but the back feet... Ick. They look so much like human feet. D: I personally find feet disturbing, so I'd rather they looked more like paws.

And I think those two little marks near the eye make it look feminine. It's no big deal, but I prefer it when pets don't look more like one gender than the other. (Which is a major qualm I have with the felis.)

Re: Possible New Aerie

Posted: 26 Jul 2008 05:14 pm
by witchtara
I like it RIGHT NOW. It looks childish, like it's playing.

If they revamp it to be adult-looking, The Gryphon Is Free is not going to be my pet anymore...

Re: Possible New Aerie

Posted: 26 Jul 2008 05:21 pm
by Kari
The back leg looks almost too short, and not paw-like. The head also seems a bit small
What are those green feather things by the ear, an earring? The brightness is rather jarring.
And those tail feathers...don't remind me of tail feathers from the way they're sitting. :shock:

Re: Possible New Aerie

Posted: 26 Jul 2008 05:24 pm
by Wingsrising
I love it! I hated the last proposed revamp, but this is beautiful!

I do agree that the legs need tweaking (especially the front ones, which can't seem to decide whether they want to be bird legs or paws). Also, I wonder if there's a way to pose the tail feathers so they're not behind the wings? Because they're the same color as the flight feathers I think you lose something there.

But overall I'm pleased as punch.

Re: Possible New Aerie

Posted: 26 Jul 2008 06:01 pm
by Sunwolf
Overall I love it - regal and such pretty wings! But the both sets of legs really need some work, and the "tails" would be better as a single lion tail, I think.

I didn't like the other proposed revamp - it looked like a parakeet.

Re: Possible New Aerie

Posted: 26 Jul 2008 06:37 pm
by Seerow
Gotta say I liked the original proposed revamp better. The feet/legs are just really strange, like others here have mentioned. I also dislike how the front ones are now bird legs as opposed to paws, since both the original and first revamp have paws. I think I liked the colors on the first one better as well.
I do really love this one's head though, and the little feathers are a wonderful touch :D

Old version for those who wanted it.

Re: Possible New Aerie

Posted: 26 Jul 2008 06:52 pm
by AngharadTy
I don't like it. Hmm.

The spots are still a nice touch, but they're too close to the body color to be distinguishable at a glance. Perhaps this is intentional, but I dislike it.

Its head seems too small. Maybe it's just because of the positioning, drawn back so tightly?

It has that stupid line in the middle of its chest fluff. I'm so tired of that pointless, squiggly line.

Its forelegs don't look like bird legs. Also, why are they suddenly bird legs? They've never been bird legs before. Ugh. I dunno, that's just what made them not-a-griffin before. May as well change the name to Griffin after the revamp. Or Gryphon if you wanna be faaaancy!

And I have other complaints, but they're already mentioned. Except one.

It's poo colored.

Re: Possible New Aerie

Posted: 26 Jul 2008 07:04 pm
by Griffin
I don't like it... it looks like some generic cartoon griffin. I don't like griffins at all to begin with (it just happens to be my ultra cool name), but the original proposed revamp really grew on me. I had a pet all planned and ready to go, and now I'm going to have to put it on the backburner again. :/

I hope before releasing this one they'll at least add the emerald feathers and tuft things in one of the colours.

Re: Possible New Aerie

Posted: 26 Jul 2008 07:10 pm
by Wingsrising
Nope, the original proposed revamp looks like a parakeet with little beady eyes and deformed shoulders to me. Plus, it has the same breast-fluff that the Feli has.

I love the new revamp, although adding some extra touches of green might look nice (and I would like to see them decide whether they're doing paws or bird legs for the forelegs.)

Re: Possible New Aerie

Posted: 26 Jul 2008 07:18 pm
by Heilos
I pretty said what I disliked on the subeta news post but there were a few other things I don't like,
I really wish they would have stuck to the emerald green color on the wings and tail feathers, it gave
the pet much more balance and at least varied up the colors a bit so it was more interesting. I do
like the spots on the back but like a few people said they seem to blend in too much to the
main brown color on the Aerie.

I tried to fix the things that were bothering me with a redline, th head was especially bothersome:


But some people seem to like the small beak so I dunno, better art quality but not a pet i'd want at the moment.

Re: Possible New Aerie

Posted: 26 Jul 2008 07:24 pm
by Sparrow
Ew, no. I don't like the new proposed revamp one bit. It looks so stiff and unnatural; the anatomy for the front legs is all wrong. It looks like it's wearing shinguards. The older proposed revamp was much more relaxed and had tons more personality, and a much cuter face. Neither one is perfect, but at least the older one was something I would have considered owning. The only nice thing about this newer revamp is the little feathers on the left ear. That's cute, but not enough to make me want to own this. Bleh.

Helios, your redline is pretty good! At least it fixes some of the stiffness problems, and looks much more natural. I'm not a good artist, so I can't critique these things well, but I like the changes you made.

Re: Possible New Aerie

Posted: 26 Jul 2008 07:39 pm
by Saturn
Awww, I liked the first revamp. It was so cute. :( I think the one thing that bothers me with the new one is the legs - the anatomy on the back legs/feet looks a little off (can't explain how, though :P) and the front legs just randomly turning into bird feet looks kinda awkward.

I liked the rich brown/green colors of the first revamp better, too :(

I do like it more than the current version, though, and the feathers and jaguar-esque spots are cute.