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Painted my first pet!

Posted: 20 Sep 2008 07:44 pm
by HotIceMelts

Thanks to a big win on Dice-A-Roo I was able to reach my goal in just over a month.
I'm broke again but boy is he cute :o

Re: Painted my first pet!

Posted: 20 Sep 2008 11:56 pm
by zebru
Congratulations!Painting your first pet is always exciting, and baby gelerts are among the best looking baby pets in my book.
My first paint job was a white poogle I believe.

Re: Painted my first pet!

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 01:59 am
by 23639377
Congratulations! I wish I were as lucky as you!
Well, my first painted pet is a Tyrannian Uni from the lab, after years and years of saving. :(

Re: Painted my first pet!

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 08:10 am
by Jamie
I remember my first paint job; a purple kau. It had taken for ages to save the 28k for the purple paint brush. Oh how times have changed.

Re: Painted my first pet!

Posted: 21 Sep 2008 08:33 am
by hebdenhippy
Congrats! The Baby Gelerts are lovely, nice choice! I remember painting my first pet, I painted my Shoyru Darigan, looking back it was a poor choice, there were far nicer Darigan Pets, but I loves him anyway :3

Re: Painted my first pet!

Posted: 23 Sep 2008 05:19 pm
by mellaka
Congrats. I think my first painted pet was a Shadow Shoyru, if you don't count mutant ones.

But I remember a Baby Aisha being my first pricey painted one, and buying the brush from the Hidden Tower. I still have the Aisha despite her unfortunate name (ela_aisha).

Re: Painted my first pet!

Posted: 23 Sep 2008 05:37 pm
by Officer 1BDI
Congratulations! :D

My first painted pet was a Christmas Bori. He had an absolutely atrocious name, so I eventually pounded him, but I remember being so proud when I got my hands on that paint brush....

Re: Painted my first pet!

Posted: 23 Sep 2008 07:03 pm
by Wingsrising

My first hand-painted pet was when I painted Autumn4Ears Cloud. I was very pleased with myself! She's been through 2 re-paintings since then.

Re: Painted my first pet!

Posted: 23 Sep 2008 07:56 pm
by Jessi
Congratulations :D It's always an exciting process!

My first painted pet was a rainbow eyrie... in fact, that was Inu, my now Faerie draik. I don't remember how much I paid for the brush... this was way back when though, so geez XD Inu's been obviously morphed since then, but he's gone through several paint jobs as a draik too, so he's used to the paintbrush treatment xD

Re: Painted my first pet!

Posted: 24 Sep 2008 03:53 pm
by Usul_Princess
Wow, I didn't know baby gelerts looked that good! Congratz!

I think my first painted pet was my Shoyru, Nike. I painted her starry with a paint brush I won for 14K in an auction. Even 7 years ago 14K was a pretty good deal.

Re: Painted my first pet!

Posted: 25 Sep 2008 05:48 am
by Gumdrops
I'm not sure the species of the first pet I painted, but I do know the color was White. That was a cheap paintbrush.

If only I (and I suppose everyone else, lol) had had the foresight to buy the cheap paintbrushes. I'd be friggen loaded with nps right now lol. I'm still kicking myself for getting rid of a couple of Hypno Helmets that I'd had.

Re: Painted my first pet!

Posted: 25 Sep 2008 07:25 pm
by Farseek
Congrats! I never realized baby gelerts had gotten so cute . First pet I painted by hand was my hissi, Aelusian. Shadow because it looks great on them. Paintbrush was 300K at the time.

Re: Painted my first pet!

Posted: 25 Sep 2008 10:34 pm
by TCStarwind
Ooh. The new baby gelerts are a lot better than the old ones, I think. Very nice. :D Congrats.

Geez. I remember painting my first pet. A christmas lupe. Spent a whole 10k, which was incredibly hard for me to earn back in the day. XD I've never really enjoyed playing internet games.

Re: Painted my first pet!

Posted: 26 Sep 2008 01:31 pm
by 23639377
Seems like you all like Baby Gelerts? Gnorbus are my favourite babies so far. ^^