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AG woe.

Posted: 03 Oct 2008 11:44 pm
by Larkspurlane

Didn't get in for Grarrl Day. Figures it's when I put in actual effort. 6 hrs! This really burns my biscuits.

So, um, if anyone ever wants to use a random pic of the Grarrl Gladiator for lookups or something, here's one that's free to use. I guess there are many flaws now that I'm seeing it with fresh eyes so I see why they wouldn't use it. Still sucks! :(

Re: AG woe.

Posted: 04 Oct 2008 01:31 am
by Bif

This is the most amazing picture that I have ever seen of a Neopet, except for the one you did of the Lenny. You have amazing skill and I can only think that the reason that they didn't pick it was because they didn't want people to complain that

'They are too young to do that sort of thing and my pictures which I work really hard on never get picked'

It is a site about money and whiney little kids after all.

But don't loose hope, this picture is to die for and I can't see any of these flaws that you are talking about.

Keep up the amazing work, I'd love to see more! :)

Re: AG woe.

Posted: 04 Oct 2008 01:34 am
by Anna the Red
This is amazing. I can't believe you didn't get in!

Re: AG woe.

Posted: 04 Oct 2008 05:50 am
by Usul_Princess
It makes me laugh that you're the fanartist, and the staff can't draw paperdoll grarrls to safe their life. XD
You will be a multichampion with that kind of Artwork. You may have just submitted it too late for Grarrl day. I guarentee you'll be chosen. I wasn't chosen for the pet spotlight until Scorchio day the following year. So they probably saw your work, and archived it for next week/month...hopefully not next year...but you know.

Re: AG woe.

Posted: 04 Oct 2008 01:15 pm
by Jessi
Just as a note, you have to remember they get hundreds of pictures in for these days, and they have to pick a combination of amazing art and not-so-amazing art to make it fair to everyone (which I completely understand). There's been plenty of times FMD hasn't been in the art gallery when her pieces were better than almost everyone in there. It's possible they may just have a random update to the art gallery soon and put it in there. Keep re-submitting it, and sooner or later it will get put in.

Re: AG woe.

Posted: 04 Oct 2008 01:48 pm
by Larkspurlane
Thanks guys. I think I was just pissed off last night because the effort I'd put into it was still fresh. So it rubbed me pretty raw. :@

Ty ty Bif! There are loads of problems: the hand's angle is off, tail is too wide, my shading on the straps disappeared, and you can't see the bend in the foot that makes it look like his leg has a joint. Also, the grass is halfass. Hahaha. OTOH, I'm glad I didn't bother to put a wealth of detail into it, because looking @ the other pics my 'problems' are mere quibbles & I don't think that would've made a difference.

I hope it's been saved somewhere, usul_p... your pet spotlight experience gives me hope. All is not lost. Lol.

Jessi, I don't know who FMD is, but I feeeel her paiiinnn. I will resubmit it periodically as you suggest.

*edited for grouchy remarks :mrgreen:*

Re: AG woe.

Posted: 04 Oct 2008 03:59 pm
by zebru
That's stunning! I'm sure once they browse through all the pictures they'll put it aside for the first theme or random art day.

Re: AG woe.

Posted: 05 Oct 2008 07:08 am
by 23639377
O.M.G. That's totally STUNNING. I love your technic, background, the pose, colours, etc. EVERYTHING. Stupid judges! *kicks*

Re: AG woe.

Posted: 05 Oct 2008 08:34 am
by covet
I'm SURE that will get in at some point. It's beautiful. I've managed to get in plenty of times with terrible art, I suspect that for the pet days they grab almost randomly, and then get selective in between.

Re: AG woe.

Posted: 06 Oct 2008 05:08 am
by Gumdrops
Absolutely gorgeous. You're an amazing artist. :)

Re: AG woe.

Posted: 07 Oct 2008 01:08 pm
by Larkspurlane
:mrgreen: thank you for the nice words. *fingers x'd it'll be used eventually!*