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Comments on some of my art? ^^

Posted: 30 Dec 2008 04:50 am
by Paint
Okay, so I mostly lurk around here... and I realise I am in dire need of a new signature/av set, haha. But I thought I'd post some of my recent art, as I've had a burst of neo-related muse ^^'


I know it's a little rough and cartoony, but that's my style at the moment xD
So comments would be lovely, keep criticism constructive please ^^'

Re: Comments on some of my art? ^^

Posted: 30 Dec 2008 06:19 am
by lavender
They're all lovely, but that Werelupe is fantastic!

Re: Comments on some of my art? ^^

Posted: 30 Dec 2008 01:57 pm
by Paint
Haha, thank you xD I wasn't quite sure about that one the entire way through, I've never been good at drawing any sort of werecreatures ><

Re: Comments on some of my art? ^^

Posted: 02 Jan 2009 03:06 am
by Huggles
I agree that your lupe is the best, followed by your ogrin. I think doing full body portaits would work best for you for now, since there are more parts and details to work with. I think the mutant bori shows this because it's mostly made up of big chunks of colored, but otherwise empty space. I know this because it's my problem too. My island kyrii pixel portrait looked pretty decent to me at the time, and then not so much some months later. I've secretly been fixing it up forever, but it's really really hard.

Re: Comments on some of my art? ^^

Posted: 02 Jan 2009 01:27 pm
by Webby
I personally love the Maraquan Draik - it's face is adorable and the stance and everything seems great, although there is a bit of a lack of shading.
And of course I love the krawk x)

Re: Comments on some of my art? ^^

Posted: 02 Jan 2009 02:33 pm
by Paint
I can see what you mean, Huggles. I tend to do a lot of empty coloured space and scribble some shading in xD I'm sure if/when I get more time, I'll be able to define the sections more, and like Webby pointed out add more shading to the Maraquan Draik. I just tend to make it sort of rough and messy as a general rule at the moment xD

Haha, well I'm glad you like the krawk, Webby! 8D I'm working (sort of) on Mergillon at the moment, but jetsams are a little more difficult haha (: