Angelic Lasirus and Chelon

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Angelic Lasirus and Chelon

Post by Zekumi »

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I dunno about these guys. They both feel really ... simplistic? The Chelon is kind of cute, but the wings look totally out of place. Like a bird and a turtle had a love child.

I completely adored the recent Angelic Sheeta and Warador. These two not so much.
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Re: Angelic Lasirus and Chelon

Post by Iggy »

The wings are replacing the flippers on the Chelon. And, they look adorably fluffy and I want to bathe in its feathers!

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Re: Angelic Lasirus and Chelon

Post by Aisu »

I like the Chelon, but... The Lasirus looks strangely... flat. It's weird. Especially the face... It looks like it's missing a layer or two of shading. o_O
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Re: Angelic Lasirus and Chelon

Post by lemonade »

The Lasirus looks so unfinished. The Chelon has great shading and I love the details on the feathers, but the Lasirus not so much. Its purple tail and mane look so soft, but I feel kinda disappointed with the rest. It's definitely not as great as the Spectrum or Reborn Lasirus.
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Re: Angelic Lasirus and Chelon

Post by Seerow »

I hate to say this as I love Lasirus, but I'm not really fond of this. The wings are a great idea in concept, but in actuality not so much. Just seems odd to have transparent membranes turn into feathers at the end. The head seems off, I don't know if its the shading or what but it just doesn't look like it belongs on the pet.
I do however really love the pose and the tail.

Chelon is pretty nifty, and I really like how the flippers became the wings, and the little stray feathers. Not one I'd get, but a good solid Angelic pet in my opinion.
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Re: Angelic Lasirus and Chelon

Post by Goldenchaos »

The face on the Lasirus is really off, it doesnt look at all like a Lasirus. Could just be the angle of the head. ANd yea, the art does seem simplistic compared to the previous angelics.The Chelon looks odd with the hind legs as probably cant walk/swim anymore and has to settle for flying for its entire life.

The haloring tail on the Lasirus is a cute idea though.
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Re: Angelic Lasirus and Chelon

Post by TCStarwind »

They're ok for what they are. Neither of them scream OWN ME, so my bank account is happy with me. The chelon has a cute face. The wings make me go "Ehh?" I don't know a thing about birds, but I'm pretty sure full-grown flight feathers don't bend that way unless they're broken.

The lasirus is cute, but, yes, very simplistic. I like the little mini feathers on its wings, and it has an interesting pose, but that's about it. I love lasiruses (bats in general), and I was fully expecting to want every available color, but this one doesn't really do anything for me. Which again, is good for my SP balance. That and I was really hoping the next lasirus color to come out would be glacier. :<
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Re: Angelic Lasirus and Chelon

Post by AngharadTy »

The feathers on the lasirus... kind of creep me out. It seems to me like a disease or mold, not feathering. Mostly because feathers at the end of skin membrane make no sense at all... bwahhhh.... It's just too weird for me. Edge of insanity weird.
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Re: Angelic Lasirus and Chelon

Post by Jessi »


I totally agree about the lasirus looking really unfinished. It doesn't have very dynamic shading or anything like that, and it's hardly what I'd consider angelic looking. Okay, it has the colorscheme, and a halo, and I GUESS it has feathers, but... it's very meh. I'm concerned because i can only find one of its feet. I guess one is behind the tail? Eh. Don't like this either way.

Also, it's like... a mirrored image of the Angelic Popoko... only not nearly as cute.

The Chelon is... okay. I think the face looks odd. The feathers are pretty, but again, I'm sad it's not showing off its shell =/ I've had that disappointment with several chelons. They have those beautiful gems on their shell and they're hardly in any redraws, which is kind of sad.

I must say, however, I love the way Keshi did the feathers here. They're sooo soft and beautiful.
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Re: Angelic Lasirus and Chelon

Post by Huggles »

I hate the chelon. It's just so absolutely wrong. Yes, I know that that's where they should go, logistically speaking in a fantasy world, but it's doesn't work at all for me. I would have rather seen larger, wider flippers for gliding instead. The feathers on the lasirus also bother me, but to a lesser extent. Bleh.
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Re: Angelic Lasirus and Chelon

Post by Mort »

I don't really like either of them, to be honest. The lasirus is okay but seems flat, and I was never fond of the "bat-wings-turning-to-feather" look.

The chelon is just bizarre. Its flippers turn to wings? How? And Why? There's no way for the poor thing to land now, it just has to keep flapping its insanely short wings for all eternity. Art-wise I guess it's okay, but the concept of the creature is really leaving me puzzled.
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Re: Angelic Lasirus and Chelon

Post by Alicorn »

Neither of them do it for me. I think it doesn't help that both are pets I'm just not a fan of.
The larsirus has a nice pose and I like the colouring but that's about it. The feathers at the tip of the membrane is just out of place. I think they should of gone for something more like that prehistoric bird (the name escapes me). I think that would of been really cool.
I also like the colours of the chelon. I also must admit I like the idea of the flippers becoming wings, as odd as it looks. The wings are really nice looking. So soft and fluffy. But other then that it just meh to me. It's a bummer you can't see the gems. They would of been so pretty.
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Re: Angelic Lasirus and Chelon

Post by Jessi »

I think i figured out part of the thing bothering me about the lasirus (other than pretty much everything). Its face is very human-ish. Anime human-ish, I mean, but still. It has a very anime-profile-view feel about it - the position of the mouth, the nose, even the position and shape of the eye. It looks more like a fursona than a Subeta pet.
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Re: Angelic Lasirus and Chelon

Post by firost-the-dragon »

the chelon is soooo cute! i love how the flippers are replaced with wings! :D its all... fluffy looking!

but the lasirus could've been the littlest bit better. as others have said, the colours look flat, and the pose is a little funky. and i widh it had moar feathers! D:
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Re: Angelic Lasirus and Chelon

Post by Pillow »

The Lasirus... well, let's just say its not the best of the species. The feathers at the end of the wing membranes actually don't look so bad as I look at them now, but they don't quite work very well with the pet. I think I would have liked to have seen a Reborn Lasirus styled wings, with feathers in the place of flames, but that may be too much.

I can't help thinking that it's right wing looks a bit awkward though in relation to it's body position. It looks really stretched to me. And the head doesn't look much like a Lasirus head at all (though I think the ears are cute).

The tail and the chest fluff are probably he best bits of it for me.

Chelon has a nice concept and good execution. I like how the wings replace it's flippers instead of replacing some of the gems on it's back or something. I just don't think that the hind flippers should have been changed. The front ones look fine anatomically speaking, but the hind ones kind of spoil the uniqueness of the front. Not to mention make me question how it's going to land properly without getting a face full of ground.

The expression is suitable though, but the longer I stare at the eye, the more it creeps me out. He's watching me. I know it <.< >.>
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