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Two day site rollback

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 08:08 pm
by FreddyPrime
Over the past couple days I spent most of my sp, I was down to 4 or 5 mill.

Icome on this morning and I'm back up to 17mill AND ALL THE ITEMS I bought are freaken gone.

and before I can find out why, the idiotic site goes down

just what the heck is going on?

Re: What is going on with Subeta???

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 08:28 pm
by Susan
I think they said that they're having rollback issues on twitter. o.o I can't even get on the site right now. Dx

Re: What is going on with Subeta???

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 08:31 pm
by FreddyPrime
-_- I saw. but they are not even bothering to give us more info. They are not really treating us right.. Just giving us one line of info and thats it :(

Re: What is going on with Subeta?

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 09:45 pm
by Sunwolf
Yeah, I finally got 100 candy hearts yesterday, and I logged on to find that I was back down to 71. Plus all the books I bought from Skitters were gone. Then the site went down and stayed down. *crosses fingers* Anything but a rollback, pleeassseeee.

Re: What is going on with Subeta?

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 10:13 pm
by Goldenchaos
Well this sucks. They rolled it WAY the hell utterly annoying. Now I have to rebuy everything I bought ...and even then , I don't remember what all I had bought either. Most of it was just shop stuff, and I think a book from Skitters to get the 500k achivement, and I was just shy of , 9-10 hearts to get the 50 Candy Heart achievement..:|

I hope they keep this Vday crap till the end of the month..its annoying having wasted all those hours to let it come to this.

BTW, they posted on the News about it..
Hi everyone. As you're probably realizing, the site has had to be rolled back to our slave server's slightly old backup data. I feel we owe everyone an explanation: This morning, we suffered a couple of unrelated problems that occurred in a very unlucky order. Firstly, our database crashed with corruption at 11:30 am this morning ("with corruption" means that the data files were corrupted by the crash, and were likely unusable). Our procedure here is to recover the database from our slave server, which we did and brought the site back up. At this time, we realized that our slave server had fallen behind in processing updates, resulting in a "rollback." Since the rollback appeared to be more than a few minutes worth, we opted to take the site down and restore from our datacenter's backup system. At this point, our datacenter reported that unknown to them (and us) the backup system had not been backing up our primary database, and so they had nothing more recent than the slave server's data from sometime yesterday. I am very sorry that we've had to rollback *any* data on Subeta, and I promise you we will be taking steps to ensure that nothing like this happens again. If you've purchased cash shop credits and haven't gotten credit for them, please sMail Keith about it and he'll help you out. If anything major is missing from your account that actually is lost, please make a ticket and our UAs will try to assist you. Please note that we cannot recover items, shop purchases, etc. Either you have the sP or the item you bought with it... we can't help you unless you're missing both (and nobody should be). Also, people who applied for artist positions over the weekend should resubmit their applications, as those are stored in our database as well.

Okay, now this really sucks. They rolled it back to DAYS , probably, two or more, Im not sure. Im back down to 324,000/500,000 for the SP Skitter thing, and I no longer have the Lamourcillins I made..FFFFFFFF

Re: What is going on with Subeta?

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 10:34 pm
by Wingsrising
I bought cash shop credits over the weekend, didn't get the credits or items back, went to sMail Keith about it as it said to in the news, and then Subeta went down again before I could send the sMail.

Now I sort of would rather have my $10 back but I'm guessing that's not an option.

I'm still cured, though, so it seems to have rolled back to no earlier than sometime Saturday.

I'm glad I didn't spend too long on Subeta over the weekend! Sucks for those who did.

Re: What is going on with Subeta?

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 10:39 pm
by mellaka
I lost about 3 mil from making/selling lamouracillin, and also had gotten a "Super Rare" book from the wizard last night.

I had also spent some time yesterday restocking and working on my plushie and beanbag collections and had gotten one of the plushie collection achievements.

At least it wasn't longer, I guess.

Re: What is going on with Subeta?

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 10:50 pm
by Goldenchaos
o - o Well, Im staying off the site till everythings fixed.

Re: What is going on with Subeta?

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 10:50 pm
by lemonade
I lost about 40 candy hearts, my benefactor achievement, a ton of heart plushies I restocked yesterday, and a lot of tokens... This sucks. The only good thing is that I'm no longer sick -_-

Re: What is going on with Subeta?

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 10:54 pm
by Alicorn
Yup, it wasn't any longer then sometime Saturday morning. I have the gifts my wife gave me that morning sitting in my inventory, before I put them all away. So I just lost out on 2 days of wiz quests. I didn't get anything really good from him other then tokens so I can live with that. Then I was collecting things for one of my pets treasure chests. I also bought a keepsake box and used it on one of my pets so those spaces are gone. But I can live with all that. I hope those who might of lost big things can get them back. And I bet they will have the love epidemic going on for a bit longer cause of it.

Re: What is going on with Subeta?

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 11:03 pm
by Ierosbats
I don't know even know how to feel. I spent an unusually long time on Subeta this weekend and everything I did is just... gone.

-I literally stayed up ALL NIGHT two nights in a row creating a new profile from scratch with Bon and Ty. I know it's my fault for not having the code backed up but... honestly? I was just working on it a few hours ago. I thought I'd be able to leave it and take a nap for a couple hours and have it be safe when I got back. Too much to assume, I guess.
-Have to refeed about 200 minions to get back my most recent of those achievements. I also lost a 2 mil+ minion whose bubble I popped.
-I got to 100 candy hearts last night, now I'm back to 45
-I cured 10 shops, now I'm back to 2
-I vended about 600 tokens for the book drive, have to redo all of that
-I read all my doubles of those books to one of my pets to get those achievements, have to redo all of that
-I changed a few pet treasure chests around
-lost about 6 mil worth of things I sold in my shop, 15 mil if the reborn potion I sold is back to being unsold (the site went down before I could check)

Looking at that, it makes me not want to play anymore. Looking at the news post REALLY makes me not want to play. To me, it reads as though the rollback was minor. TWO ENTIRE FUCKING DAYS IS NOT A MINOR ROLLBACK.

I have no idea what they can do to make up for this. At bare minimum, the candy heart wait time should be dropped to like... a minute and the plot should be extended for another two days to give people time to make up for everything they lost. I understood the 30 minute wait times. It was a good ploy to get people to spend a lot of time on the site. But there's absolutely NO reason anyone should have to do it again.

Re: What is going on with Subeta?

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 11:10 pm
by Iggy
Whee, I came back from a weekend of flu (Which is why I've been idle from Subeta)

I was offline when it happened, so I'm afraid I'm not useful about when/why it happened.

Last rollback, I lost nearly ALL of my birthday gifts (As my birthday was in the rollback period), so nothing can be more frustrating than losing things you've saved for.

It's my first major rollback, as a staff member, so the Angelic Potion(s?) I've used are the last of my worries for me. Trust me, if alx/Keith could have avoided the rollback, they would have. Yes, it is disapointing, but we're going to try our best to accomodate you as much as we can.

We lost money as well (I think I might have lost 5m+ items I bought...) so, don't assume we're making a rollback for the lulz.

Be patient. This is all we're asking for.

Re: What is going on with Subeta?

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 11:23 pm
by Seerow
I'm gonna assume the forums were rolled back to right? In that case, I lost my new art commissions thread and everyone I was supposed to be receiving art from as I hadn't had time to make an excel file of it yet. And I'll have to retype it and that wasn't fun the first time as its rather long. And I redid a bunch of pets lookups to make it easier to figure out my pets designs.

I lost about 25mill in sales I had over the past two days which, if they don't resell quickly, puts a huge dent in my art spending money.

Shmoe, that sucks. That's a hell of a lot of tedious things to have to redo :( I love how each time there is a rollback we are reassured that measures are being taken to prevent it from ever happening again, but sure enough it does. I know things can just go wrong and it's no one's fault specifically, but it's still not very encouraging when the same thing keeps happening.

First Mistica lost my account (got it back at least), and now Subeta lost two days of data and is still down. Guess I'm off to play NQ.

Re: What is going on with Subeta?

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 11:27 pm
by lavender
Oh, blerg. I bit 100 people and managed to get 50 hearts... Damn. I won't know anything else until the site is back up. Damn. I do hope they plan on extending the epidemic a couple of days to make up for it :?

If I had known this was going to happen, I wouldn't have hogged the computer from my sister :P

ps: happy birthday, Iggy! ^_^

Re: Two day site rollback

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 11:32 pm
by Vertalus
at the moment foxfire can't even find the site. I hope it's not too bad a glitch