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Can't decide on a baby pet.

Posted: 07 Jul 2009 11:39 pm
by ashesii
I'm at an indecision as to what species I'd like to paint baby. I love the smallness, and the fact that their skins aren't the cookie-cutter poses that come with all the other colors. I'm mostly considering Aisha and Eyrie at the moment, but I don't really like their eyes very much. Flotsam is also a top candidate.

Opinions? :shock:

Re: Can't decide on a baby pet.

Posted: 07 Jul 2009 11:57 pm
by champagnesoup
Aisha! I love them, they're adorable. I also love baby Gnorbus and baby Cybunnies.

Re: Can't decide on a baby pet.

Posted: 08 Jul 2009 02:27 am
by TCStarwind
My favorite was always the baby jubjub. I almost got one once. I don't know what they look like now, though, so be wary of my memories. XD

Re: Can't decide on a baby pet.

Posted: 08 Jul 2009 02:48 am
by Katy... :)
My fave of the three you said is the Flotsam, the Aisha is a close second.

My fave Baby's are: Bruce, Kacheek, Korbat, and the Scorchio.

Good luck choosing!
I'd be so torn. :)

Re: Can't decide on a baby pet.

Posted: 09 Jul 2009 05:29 am
by stitchedreams
Baby Yurble, they are really sweet! ^^
But out of Aisha and Eyrie, I would choose Eyrie.
Gelert, Ogrin, Elephante are also cute!

Re: Can't decide on a baby pet.

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 05:44 pm
by Fury
There are so many cute ones! Aisha, Buzz, Chia, Eyrie, Flotsam, Kau, Moehog, Ogrin...

I think out of the three you mentioned, I'd go for the Aisha although the Flotsam is also adorable. Good luck choosing!

Re: Can't decide on a baby pet.

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 06:33 pm
by thelonetiel
If you don't like the eyes of a species, make sure you check both male and female images.

I have a female baby eyrie and the eyes are radically different than those on the male.

Image Image
Female Snowfancy vs Male image from Rainbow pool

Well, obviously because I have baby eyrie, I have a bias. I think they are adorable and tiny. Although I probably would want to have the male eyes on my female, as they would suit her personality better...

I like Unis too though. Actually, there are more cute baby pets than ugly ones these days (though I find it ironic that two of the old favorite babies, the lupe and kougra, were both revamped into something fairly hideous, in my opinion), so you have lots to choose from!

Re: Can't decide on a baby pet.

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 07:06 pm
by Rah
Oh wow, they are different eyes. The female one is adorable!

My favourite babies are the gnorbu and aisha, of which I have both! So I'd go with the aisha :3

Re: Can't decide on a baby pet.

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 07:53 pm
by mellaka
My favorite of the ones you listed is the aisha. A baby aisha was the first expensive pet I painted, and I still have her.

I also like baby gnorbus, kacheeks, boris and elephantes. And the baby scorchios used to be adorable but I hate them now.

Re: Can't decide on a baby pet.

Posted: 11 Jul 2009 02:28 am
by zebru
I'm not of much help as I'm very fond of all the ones you mentioned (I considered getting both flotsam and aisha at one point). If I were hard pressed to chose one of those three now, I'd go with flotsam. No, eyrie. Not sure :mrgreen:
The others I really like are wocky (I painted Cos into one recently), shoyru, quiggle and gelert.