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August 2009 Donation Presents

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 06:50 am
by Mayhem
Image Brave Leo Pendant
Spoiler: open/close
Image Luminous Peridot Scythe
Spoiler: open/close
Image Popi
Image Tropical Sand Dollar
Spoiler: open/close
Image Durable Camo Overalls
Spoiler: open/close
Image Peridot-Encrusted Swampie Plushie
Image Matlal Plushie
Image Sardonyx Beads
Spoiler: open/close
Image The Use of Poppies
Image Waeet-Watt

I NEED the Tropical Sand Dollar rightthissecond omg. I am completely addicted to backgrounds. The wig is really pretty, too. I may have to get both.

Re: August 2009 Donation Presents

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 07:01 am
by AngharadTy
I need the sand dollar too! My zombie needs a beach vacation!

Re: August 2009 Donation Presents

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 07:08 am
by Wingsrising
Shit. That means it's August already, doesn't it? Classes start again this month. What happened to all the 50 gazillion things I was going to get done over the summer!??!?!


I like the sand dollar as well. The lion is sort of pretty, but things that go between the HA's legs (mind out of the gutter, kthx) seem to be a pain to work with. The wig is beautiful but I don't think I'd use it.

Re: August 2009 Donation Presents

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 07:36 am
by bonecrivain
I think the Waeet-Watt is adorable, but I don't need anything else this month. That's excellent for my bank account.

Re: August 2009 Donation Presents

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 07:37 am
by TCStarwind
I actually rather like the swampie plushie. It's such pretty greens. I already got the sand dollar because it is fully awesome. And I'm contemplating getting the beads, overalls, scythe. I really want to like the lion, I do (I was born in August and it is thus my star animal), but I don't think I'd ever use it. And the matlal plushie is interesting. I'm not getting it, but I kinda hope this guy gets put into a plot or something. He seems to be an odd character.

And what is that green minion thing? It looks scared, and partially badger-ish...

Re: August 2009 Donation Presents

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 07:56 am
by lavender
I like the sand dollar and the Swampie plushie... but that's it. ::shrug::

Re: August 2009 Donation Presents

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 08:52 am
by hebdenhippy
I need the Popi for my cow gallery, but aside from that there's nothing I really need. I'll probably get the Peridot-Encrusted Swampie Plushie and the Waeet-Watt, though, just because they're pretty.

Re: August 2009 Donation Presents

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 01:06 pm
by Jessi
I love both the wig and the sanddollar and will want both, hah. Other than that, not much interests me. The lion, like Wings said, is pretty, but will be a pain to layer - and also, the way it's sitting makes it seem like if you put on any clothes at all it'll block a good chunk of it, heh. The weapon this month looks really.. lackluster? Not as in it couldn't stab someone to death, I'm sure it could :P But just that the art itself looks lackluster. Like it lacks shading, I dunno.

Re: August 2009 Donation Presents

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 01:32 pm
by Iggy
I'm getting the overall for sure (TOMBIE IS AMAZING. YES, AMAZING IN CAPS) and the Matlal plushie for a TC.

Re: August 2009 Donation Presents

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 01:38 pm
by Seerow
Yay, lots of birthday people this month :D Too bad there isn't that much I need this month either.
I am definitely getting the sand dollar though, it's just stunning. FMD did such an amazing job on it! I'll also be getting the wig as it's lovely too. I might pick up the lion later, not sure. It's pretty, but don't know if it's something I'll ever use.

Edit: I just realized that those overalls might work for a Kaylee from Firefly avatar. There isn't really any other kind that work, so I might have to pick those up later. Darn it though, I don't want to spend $2.50 on a pair of overalls lol.

Re: August 2009 Donation Presents

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 02:06 pm
by Rah
TCStarwind wrote:And the matlal plushie is interesting. I'm not getting it, but I kinda hope this guy gets put into a plot or something. He seems to be an odd character.
Who is this mysterious fellow?


Anyways, I got the sand dollar and the wig myself, because they're the most versatile and I LOVE THEM. Omg the background is so so pretty. I went to put it on my avatar immediately, and then realised that she's a dark sorceress witchdoctor type and it was a bit happy for her xD BUT THE NEXT ONE FOR SURE. And the wig is just gorgeous.

I have one more present to open, but I'm not sure if I want anything else. I might get the Matlal Plushie, because I drew it and I love the TEENY manchu on it, but I don't think it fits in any of my pets treasures. Hmm.

Re: August 2009 Donation Presents

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 03:58 pm
by TCStarwind
HOLY CRAP THERE'S A WHOLE BUNCH OF THEM! They look cooooool. :D It also seems that 4 of them have the reset hair issue.

Somebody remind me, what's TC stand for again? 8D' I'm not sure I've ever used this abbreviation...

Re: August 2009 Donation Presents

Posted: 01 Aug 2009 04:08 pm
by Seerow
TC stands for Treasure Chest :D

Re: August 2009 Donation Presents

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 09:08 pm
by Wingsrising
This is a random public service announcement, since I'd almost forgot myself...

...if there's anything you wanted this month that you haven't bought yet, now's the time. :-)