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Neofriend age shot in the dark

Posted: 15 Aug 2009 08:23 pm
by PharaonicQuiche
So I lost access to one of my accounts on Neopets thanks to the birthday requirement. I have no idea what birth date I made up for the account. I sent in a form through the lost password page and received a predictable "the account's been inactive for too long - shame on you - make a new account" reply. Which... sure sucks. Especially since the pets on that account are all UC and to replace them would mean having to suffer the fug that is their converted forms. That and prices on everything have shot up so high, I don't know if I'd ever be able to afford potioning and painting.

It's been a couple months and I've gotten nowhere guessing at possible birthdays. Neocolours is the only Neopets community I've ever paid much attention to and I know I use to post a bit way back when. Took a few art requests, messed around. I figure if anyone anywhere on Neopets has that account in their Neofriend list, gathering dust, it'd maybe possibly be someone here. Shot in the dark, but desperate times and all that. I'm just looking for the age on the account. Given the failed attempts at guessing dates on my real birth year, I'm beginning to think I used a different year, too. I'm going to keep guessing when I can remember to, but it'd be a huge help if I at least knew what year I put down. :(

The account is pharaonicquiche. I have checked my other accounts Neofriend lists for the age (they all had my actual birthday /whew/ and were recovered) but they don't have that account added.

Frustration frustration frustration.

Edit for forgetting bbcode =/= html.

Re: Neofriend age shot in the dark

Posted: 15 Aug 2009 08:41 pm
by Mistress Morbid
Agh, that sucks so much. I wish I could be off any help...I remember you, and a lot of your pets. Axehl especially would be sad to lose. :(

I can't believe there's no way to recover your birthday in cases like this. I hope someone has you on their friends list. *hugs*

Re: Neofriend age shot in the dark

Posted: 18 Aug 2009 08:25 pm
by PharaonicQuiche
Hey MM! *snug* No luck so far, but I'm going to keep at it. Thankfully the site changes have helped ease my Neo addiction. I won't be... as crushed as I would have been years ago if I can't get in, that's for sure. But Axehl is really tough to lose. The old Darigan Draik was perfect. The new one... not my cup of tea, to put it mildly.