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Subeta Forum makeover

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 05:33 am
by Seerow
Ohh dear lord I hope it goes. I really really do. I know saying that isn't constructive and I'm sure whichever staff worked on this did their best, but there isn't a single thing about the change that I like.

The main page looks horrible with the two different sides and I'm having a very hard time concentrating on it. It's just a confusing mess. At least it's not zigzagged anymore like it was a few minutes ago. I don't like how the post themselves are set up either. Again, I'm just finding it very hard to concentrate and actually read the posts, my mind just keeps wanting to wander. Can't say /why/ it is, but that's how it goes.

I really hope more tweaks are coming or it goes back to the old system. Not quite sure why it was changed anyway, as far as I know people seemed content with how they were.

Re: Subeta Forum makeover

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 05:51 am
by Huggles
I am confused by this change. There appears to be a whole lot of wasted space and the list of sub forums appears to be much longer and more intimidating than before. Meh. The only thing I care about is being able to use the back button on my mouse. That doesn't appear to have changed.

Re: Subeta Forum makeover

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 05:57 am
by TCStarwind
They redid it again? Didn't they just make this version not a few months ago? *goes to look*


WTF is this?

I don't like the way it's spaced out. I hate the little gray bars. Why aren't the individual posts boxed in anymore? I liked that.

AND HOLY HELL. SO MUCH TRAPPED WHITE SPACE. Go awayyyy. D'8 Everything was so nice and orderly before. And it was all the same size. And it wasn't horribly monochromatic. Why did they make it go away? :<

Re: Subeta Forum makeover

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 05:57 am
by AngharadTy
Is this at all related, somehow, to the About Subeta and T&C links and all at the bottom of every page being stuck to the left and very annoying?

About the layout of the main forum page, all I can say is "aiieeeeeeee." Well, I can say more. I agree that someone probably put a lot of effort into changing it up. But it is not working well at all. And I don't even go to the forums often, so it's really not a case of "change is bad!" It's just "this is bad!"

Re: Subeta Forum makeover

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 06:02 am
by bonecrivain
It looks terrible.

All I can think is that it's meant to be something transitional, because it boggles the mind that this would be considered an improvement.

Re: Subeta Forum makeover

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 02:00 pm
by Farseek
As others have said, I hate the way this is spaced out and the grey bars are just yuck.
Luckily, I only visit the Human Avatars forums when new items are out or this would be really bad :shock: