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Wishlists: Now With Categories!

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 02:31 am
by Enriana
It looks like you can now create categories for wishlist items, and then sort them, like you do with shops and galleries.

I think this is an awesome feature, and am planning to start sorting once I get a chance to go through my epic wishlist.

My hope is that soon we'll be able to view others' wishlists by price, like we can our own. For now, though, I think this is a cool idea - definitely useful in many different ways!

Re: Wishlists: Now With Categories!

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 04:33 am
by Alicorn
I also find this very cool. I shall be working hard on this later. **starts planning**

And now you can sort other peoples wishlist by user price. \o/ I'm a very happy girl now! XD

Re: Wishlists: Now With Categories!

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 04:35 am
by Seerow
I very nearly had a heart attack when I went to my Wishlist just now and it only came up with a Fire Wand (or whatever) and thought my entire WL had been deleted.
Wish there was a way to turn that off. I don't want to have to click through more pages just to get to my main wishlist. I doubt I'll use the feature very much, but it might be handy for Secret Santa in a few months.

Re: Wishlists: Now With Categories!

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 04:47 am
by Fullmetal Dragon
OMG Seerow, I had a similar moment of panic. I was like '...Why is the only thing in my wishlist the Death Book? If I have to refill this entire thing... *eyetwitch*'

But after I realized what was going on I calmed down XD

I do wish that part wasn't there, or it was combined with the part where you actually view your wishlist items. It's kind of a bothersome extra step.

Oh well, organization! Yaaay!

Re: Wishlists: Now With Categories!

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 04:57 am
by Silverevilchao
Yesssss! Exactly what I need!

An option to rename our categories would be nice, tho. :x

Re: Wishlists: Now With Categories!

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 05:44 am
by AngharadTy
A couple thoughts:

Definitely needs a "view all" option again.

When you add an item to your wishlist, it should stay in that section of the wishlist--not go back to the category page.

The link from friends' wishlists to add-this-item-to-your-wishlist is gone, apparently. I used that!

Do you guys think anyone will ever think to check the "No Category" items? I left some things uncategorized, like CSC cards, etc. But I'm also thinking, like, will I even remember to check my own No Category category? Hehe.

Overall, yayyyyyy categories! I've wanted this for so long!

Re: Wishlists: Now With Categories!

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 07:35 am
by Enriana
I'll be sure to look at "No Category" items, now that you mention it, Ty! Alternatively, you can make a "Misc" category, and pull all the "No Category" items there.

I also used the "add" function when browsing other wishlists - it's been especially helpful in terms of helping me see new shinies that I'd missed in my hiatus.

I'm having a ridiculous amount of fun sorting my stuff into categories. This is going to make buying stuff so much easier! :D

Re: Wishlists: Now With Categories!

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 08:19 am
by TCStarwind
I like this new categories thing. :D Most of it is going under miscellaneous, but that's okay. I'm only leaving the cash shop items in the uncategorized section.

Edit: Just remembered, it would be nice to have a category editor, like if you made a spelling mistake, and didn't notice until after you categorized everything. So that you don't have to go back, delete the category, make it again, and recategorize everything. :D

Re: Wishlists: Now With Categories!

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 09:31 pm
by AngharadTy
I found out that if you have the same item in two categories and delete one, it deletes them both. But then if you add it back to the one you really want it in, it adds it to both. I had to use the dropdown to move an item from one category to the other, and ended up with the item twice in the final category, but deleting one seems to have worked this time. Awkward. ;)

Re: Wishlists: Now With Categories!

Posted: 30 Aug 2009 11:12 pm
by Wingsrising
I found out that, in "user price" sort, it re-sets the category in the "drop down" to "no category." So, if you delete an item in "user price" sort -- which is how I usually use my WL -- it takes every item that has a user price and returns it to "no category."

Annoying, but hopefully an easy fix when/if someone notices it.