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Darkmatter Mallarchy

Posted: 28 Sep 2009 07:55 pm
by Pyrostatic

I've never been a Mallarchy fan, so this does nothing for me. The orange seems to clash with the basic DM palette, but I can understand why it had to be left that way. The expression just doesn't seem very typical for a DM, but after reading the news post, I suppose I see why with that too. I never thought of Mallrachies as the brightest light bulbs. I dunno. I just don't like the species. xD;

By the way, is this a revamp or a new one? I thought it already existed.

Re: Darkmatter Mallarchy

Posted: 28 Sep 2009 09:40 pm
by Sunwolf
The color of those wings are just lovely <3 Overall, I think it's very well done - it must be hard to make an evil duck! The dark stripe on the back looks a bit off, though, and something about the shading on the tail? Maybe it's the three different shades of black.

Re: Darkmatter Mallarchy

Posted: 29 Sep 2009 12:34 am
by AngharadTy
I love the beak and face! Even the orange, which is unusual and striking. I love ducks (have you seen that Dawn commercial with the penguin, otter, and duck? I squee every time, I can't help it).

Re: Darkmatter Mallarchy

Posted: 29 Sep 2009 02:18 am
by Enriana
Honestly, I don't like it at all.

I think the orange clashes and looks quite out of place, and instead of looking evil, it looks more like it's squinting and grinning. The pose is awkward - the way it's standing on one foot seems like it's going to topple over at any minute. The placement of the foot in the air makes it look like it's trying to scratch its ear.

It's not heinously bad or anything, but it's not as OMG AWESOME as a lot of the new DM pets have been (Escalade, Anyu, Manchu, etc).

Looking at it again, my main problem is the pose - nothing else seems to be wrong with it. If it'd been reposed in some other way, perhaps standing, facing us, it'd be much better.

So, yeah. Not really a fan!

Re: Darkmatter Mallarchy

Posted: 29 Sep 2009 05:12 am
by Seerow
I think he is supposed to be scratching his head, like "huh, what do I do now" kind of feel.
He's rather cute though nothing I'd ever really get. I actually think the orange and grays look quite nice together and don't find them clashy in the least.
I actually really like the hunched over position he's in, rather adorable.

Re: Darkmatter Mallarchy

Posted: 29 Sep 2009 07:32 am
by Enriana
I keep looking over at it, and I think it's starting to grow on me - stuff I found glaring (like the orange/grey) isn't much of an issue. I still think it looks a bit awkward, but I think that's mostly due to the fact that there's a limited amount of space to draw in.

What warms me to the pet is the wings - I didn't notice them at first, but now that I have, I really like them. I still won't be getting one, but it doesn't bug me much now.

Re: Darkmatter Mallarchy

Posted: 29 Sep 2009 03:31 pm
by TCStarwind
Why is it that one of the mallarchy's feet is almost always off the ground? It's like... permanently marching or something. XD Other than that, it's a nice revamp/new color/ whatever. It is very cute. The orange-pink is kinda odd, but it seems to be working. I really like the pose, and those wings are beautiful. So, no complaints here. :)