New: view all NC Styles pet poses! Select "Nostalgic" from the dropdown box to view all Nostalgic pets for a specific colour or species, or click through to an individual pet's page to see all available styles for that pet.
Premium species-changing perk
If you are a Neopets Premium member, once a year you can change one of your pets into a different species. If your pet starts out as (for example) a Faerie Aisha, and you change it into a Bruce, it will become a Faerie Bruce. However, if it starts out as a particular colour and the species you want to change it into does not have that colour available, you will be able to select a completely different colour instead. For example, if you have an Avocado Chia and turn it into a Bruce, there is no Avocado Bruce, so you can then select any Bruce colour you want.
This tool exists to show you which colour options are available to do this with.
View all paintbrushes.