New: view all NC Styles pet poses! Select "Nostalgic" from the dropdown box to view all Nostalgic pets for a specific colour or species, or click through to an individual pet's page to see all available styles for that pet. Now including variant styles such as Spooky Ghost and Prismatic Faerie.

Toy pets

Click on a pet to see its full poses, including pre-conversion poses where available. Names in bold have an NC Styling Studio version available - click on the pet to see any available versions.

If you are a Neopets Premium member and interested in changing one of your pets to a particular Toy pet using the species-changing perk, click here to use our helper tool to see which colour your pet would need to be painted.

toy acara
toy acara
toy aisha
toy aisha

toy blumaroo
toy blumaroo
toy bori
toy bori

toy bruce
toy bruce
toy chia
toy chia

toy chomby
toy chomby
toy cybunny
toy cybunny

toy draik
toy draik
toy elephante
toy elephante

toy flotsam
toy flotsam
toy gelert
toy gelert

toy gnorbu
toy gnorbu
toy grarrl
toy grarrl

toy grundo
toy grundo
toy hissi
toy hissi

toy jetsam
toy jetsam
toy jubjub
toy jubjub

toy kacheek
toy kacheek
toy kiko
toy kiko

toy koi
toy koi
toy korbat
toy korbat

toy kougra
toy kougra
toy krawk
toy krawk

toy kyrii
toy kyrii
toy lenny
toy lenny

toy lupe
toy lupe
toy meerca
toy meerca

toy moehog
toy moehog
toy mynci
toy mynci

toy nimmo
toy nimmo
toy peophin
toy peophin

toy poogle
toy poogle
toy pteri
toy pteri

toy shoyru
toy shoyru
toy techo
toy techo

toy uni
toy uni
toy usul
toy usul

toy vandagyre
toy vandagyre
toy wocky
toy wocky

toy yurble
toy yurble

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